Teaser Tuesday Class Time!


“Security Detail done – I imagine next week “THE FISH” will be decorated for Christmas – maybe we should be too?”

“It’s Tuesday AND time to COMMENT class!”

We will have our schoolroom decorated for the holidays by next week’s class I’m sure………………..we need to get festive as Christmas is almost here.    You all can wear special outfits if you wish – in good taste of course – and in the spirit of the holiday.

Time for our weekly test of your skills in figuring out WHERE a photo was taken.    Sometimes it’s tough and sometimes “not so much”…………we’ll see how you do today shall we?    First let’s share the RULES and the badges you could win!

“I’m gonna try really hard to get a badge this week – watch out world!!”

“Gosh it’s nice to be able to SEE from the back row with my new glasses – bring on the TEASER!”

OK, well we have a good one for you – and it’s been slightly edited by our Graphics Department – a couple of signs that would have been BIG CLUES were blurred out.    So here’s your Teaser everyone – GUARD please bring it on in!

“Today’s photo for you – good luck class!”

Where was this photo taken????????

Cheer Team?   Ready to do your thing?   I think this class needs a little cheering up and who better than YOU ladies?

OK students, this is it
Your big chance to be a hit
If you guess right then you’ll be a hero
If you guess wrong you go up in smoke like Nero!
Make your folks proud if you do pretty well
You’ll surprise them with a badge and give them a dizzy spell!

Thanks ladies………….nice TRY.    You should be KIND to our students here at Ding Dong Fish School – if not for them and the school you girls wouldn’t have a job as cheerleaders although I hear Professor Potter’s Man Eating Otter School needs a new cheer team…….the past several teams they had got a LITTLE too close to the students if you know what we mean!

Now who’s UP for lunch or breakfast?    I know we Professors need a little sustenance………let’s go!

“Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to the cafeteria we go!”

Hello Students!   Hope you enjoy your meals today…………

The Menu Of The Day:


Your Professors


103 responses »

  1. Mom was thinking this would be an easy one to figure out, but it is stumping her…must be the three hours of sleep. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  2. You all look so adorable in your winter gear. Nice cheer ladies and it looks like a beautiful place, but I have no clue as to where it is. XO


  3. I’m pretty sure I know the name of this prison, but the stupid guard in the tower must be daydreaming again and has the search lights shining on the signs so I can’t read them. Why would you even need the search light in the daytime anyway? That guard’s getting punished with otter feeding duty…

    Liked by 2 people

    • The Cheer Team is now having nightmares of being employed to cheer up prisoners – hope you didn’t mind us using those man-eating (or cheerleading-eating) otters to keep those chicks whipped into shape!!!


  4. I sneaked out to make a 7,5 km long Nordic Walking workout but the fresh air could not help – I still have no idea where the teaser pic was taken. And I’m hungry. VERY hungry. Could I have some Bacon Breakfast Casserole, Cherry pie, and Chocolate Banana Smoothie?


  5. Mee-yow wee think inn USA cause of THE treess. BellaSita sayss sumwhere inn Virginia state. Mee takess it!
    Now fore Brekkie! Missus Dee can wee 1 order of German Pancakess for BellaSita Mum an a small order of Lobster Ommylette fore mee? An fore ‘ssert can wee 2 peecess of Cherry Pie an a teeny saucer of milk pleese! Thanx Missus Dee; yore awesum! 😉
    ***nose bumpss*** BellaDharma an ❤ BellaSita Mum


  6. Nothing looks familiar…no guess. Could I please have the tuna cakes, sweet potatoes and a slice of pumpkin pie. I walked to the grocery store this morning, so I worked up an appetite.


    • Oh my! Now that’s what I call CHILLLLLY! I have a pretty good layer of insulation/fat under my gingerness so I’m sure I’ll be fine though. Enjoy that RAT-RAT-TOOEY gang…..Miss Dingleberry makes a good one!

      Hugs, Ted O Nator


  7. Tuesday Teaser?? Oh dear…I stayed up all night to tend to our broken furnace, had to reset it every hour or so…to keep it alive until the fixit dude could come…he came, at about 930pm…was messing with it for about an hour, but after he left, it failed again…we needed to get it a brain transplant…so I had to keep it going…of course this happens when the snow is flying, the winds are at 30mph, and the temp is 16F. Brrr. Didn’t want the pipes to freeze and hubby had an early am meeting…so it fell to me to be the furnace nursemaid. LOL! Yawn. When hubby got up, *I* got to go to bed…all thoughts of Tuesday Teaser out my head. Those fixit dudes came while I was sleeping, and I didn’t even hear them nor the phone ringing so hubby had to come home early to let him in. I never even heard the pups barking. So now the furnace had a bran transplant and all is well! Phew!

    Which of course is why I am late…hopefully that is a good excuse? Its still only 22F outside!

    All this talk of cold…May I please have some Hot Chocolate?
    I see Mr Frank saved me some onion rings, but may please have a new order, as the first ones must be all cold by now…or *he* ate them up while he waited for my non arrival!
    May I also have some of that Bacon Breakfast casserole, and for afters, some Apple Custard Pie?? Mmmm! A full belly is good for helping the thinking parts of me on a cold blustery day! At least the snow stopped.

    That Castle lookalike sure had me thinking for a long bit…ts a European lookalike, but it is quite new looking upon closer inspection…it isn’t even a castle! It is a gateway, look at the road going through it! I wonder what is in the tower with those long narrow windows?

    But I have to agree with so many others it is The Mount Hebron Cemetery Entrance, in Winchester, Virginia. I bet your peeps have been there, Professor Teddy!

    (Sheesh, what a long epistle I wrote here, LOL!)

    Liked by 1 person

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