Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Can it be?  Is it THURSDAY already?   Well, we all know the answer is YES so let’s start things off today with some THANKFULS shall we?    If you want to join Brians’ Hop, click his badge and link up with the rest of us.

First I have to say I’m thankful for some FALL weather….it’s been cozy and I have taken to digging in a pile of leaves for a “nest” so I can observe what’s going on while shielding my big body from the breeze!  Smart huh?    Looks like a head propped up on a pile of leaves though.   Oh well.   Maybe Mom can capture it on film.   She’s not good at that though.  ANYWAY, Fall is falling and we love it.    I’m also thankful that so far we have remained healthy in my house……waiting for boosters to be available around here so Mom and Dad can get a bit more protection.

I’m thankful too that Angel Sammy’s poetry blog came in time for me to include it in this post – and it’s down below the HEARTS!


Its Poetry Day!  

Hello poetic friends.   Time for us to share the poems we wrote during this past week to go with the photo I gave you last Thursday.   Did you write one?  GOOD – tell us you did in comments and give us your link so we can enjoy reading what you wrote.    OK?    OK!

Here’s the photo I gave you to work with – you’ve had a week to write something and I will add MY poem after the photo.

“Please Don’t Sneeze!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©September 29, 2021

I bet this guy has heard it all

Watch out buddy, please don’t fall…..

“Hey man have you got a match??”

If he sneezed how many hot dogs would he catch???

“Hey there do you have the correct time?”

If he dumped a plate on your head would it be a crime??

People like this guy who serve the masses

Better always wear their glasses!!!


The guy in this photo probably does this 30 times a day.   Coney Island hot dog places are used to serving up dogs with kraut and mustard and “the works” with fries all day long.   But it’s got to be tough if you trip or some idiot trips you for fun.    I think I’d be tempted to dump a few hot dogs on the “tripper” for revenge!!!   

Now here’s the gem I found for us to play with for NEXT Thursday’s poetic fun.



This ought to be something huh?   We’ll have some doozie poems I’m sure!   I know I will.    This is by the way FOR REAL – I read up about this lady and she was a champion wing walker (as well as wing hanger I guess!).

SO – have some fun writing a poem to share with us next Thursday………………and until then I hope you stay WELL, stay HAPPY and be SAFE.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Hugs from Angel Sammy


WOW Angel Sammy that’s some photo.   Gives me goosebumps (can cats have goosebumps?) just looking at it!     Hope you tell all our Rainbow Bridge friends hello for us and we’ll see you here next week!

Love, Teddy



47 responses »

  1. Two arms full of plates!
    So that hungry mouths
    don’t have to do the waits!

    My brains are a bit addled today…I got all dizzy when I was outside ….I picked up 5 bags of those horrid walnuts…yuck. And there are way more still hanging in that tree.

    I I got a flu shot on Tuesday after I was at the teaser, maybe that is why…hopefully not having to miss work…

    Here is a fun story about a lot of trays…thought it was NOT funny way back when it happened. Late seventiies or early eighties, I think.

    Eons ago, my sister and I worked in a deli…and she had made up over 20 party trays…a long tedious job…a customer came in and paid for his tray, and I had to fetch it. Of course it was second to the bottom of the tall stack of boxes filled with trays. I tried to work the box I needed out of there by balancing the rest on my arm and shoulder…but alas the whole thing came crashing own…Big bad oops. My sister was so livid she ripped off her uniform jacket and stomped out of the store to cool off, else she might have killed me…we laugh about it now…LOL, LOL!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Following on from the comment above, so often, when we try to take a short cut and save time, we end up spending more time sorting out our short cut when it goes wrong! 😀


  3. Can you even imagine doing that? WHY would you even want to TRY!? Referring to the wing walker. I know there were a few but good grief!


  4. Great poem Angel Sammy. Wow, hanging by one hand! Can’t imagine why anyone would risk their life that way. Looking forward to next weeks poem. Teddy, have fun outdoors in the leaves!


  5. Those leaves sound like fun. Love your poem. I don’t know how that guy can carry all that. Oh no the next one doesn’t look to safe. Have a great day. Nice today.


  6. We are all happy fall is here, especially Mom. It makes for some good catio sitting for us and porch sitting for our mom and dad. The poems we have read so far have all looked at this photo a bit differently. That makes it more fun to read them. Here’s the link to ours:
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • That’s one of our favorite things about the photos on Thursday – everybody “sees” something different and the poems have such a wide range of stories to be told. LOVE IT. I bet you are enjoying the catio AND the beautiful porch too!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Back when I was working, I took a part time job as a banquet server at a hotel to fund my international travel. We had to carry a tray with 10 stacked plates placed on our shoulder to be hired. I don’t think I could schlep 10 plates of ‘Chicken Chernobyl’ (the usual banquet dish) all at once anymore. At least not safely! 🤣


    • OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Scarecrows in the hallways? I know you don’t like pumpkins either….I hope the hallway doesn’t get TOOOOOOOOOOOO scary! You look adorable in your sweaters and coats so no worries – we’re looking forward to your fashion snow!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Great feat on that hot dog guy’s part. Mom can barely cross the room without spilling her tea from the cup:) Nicely done.

    Our leaves are almost 100% all green so it may be a while before we can hide in a pile of leaves.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • HAHAHA…my Mom is a little bit wiggly when she’s carrying something too. Our maples are JUST starting to turn and the dogwoods are more colorful every day. When there’s a breeze lots of leaves fall…..FALL IS FALLING.

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Grate poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy…you are so poe-etick an allwayss come thru with a grate poe-em. Wee sorry wee have not pawticipated of late. BellaSita has had more health issuess an wee not have THE futon….long story….
    One day wee will rite a mew poe-em fore you!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ❤ BellaSita


  10. MOL…you cracked me up, Angel Sammy, what a great poem…MOL…We’re so not ready for fall, it’s already cold in our Country and we so do love the heat of the Summer. Pawkisses for a wonderful Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞 Ps I like that picture of you, Teddy. You’re so cute😻

    YooHoo Apples Anyone?


    • Silly poem Angel Sammy wrote but he likes to write silly poems I think. It’s quite chilly here this morning – only 45 and Mom had to wear a coat just to go on the front porch! We already miss summer – but NOT the humidity….just the WARM. Sending you bunches of hugs!!!

      Love, Teddy


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