Teaser Tell All Class


Welcome Students!   It’s time for us to TELL ALL!

First of all we almost had a pile-up at the front door yesterday morning – Officer Kitty had to keep law and order (mostly order) until the doors opened and THEN – five of you rushed in during the first sixty seconds meaning we have FIVE FIRST COMMENTERS from yesterday!     WHO?




“WOW – I bet the Cheer Team was P.O.’d !! “

Not really – they are professionals (professional what we won’t say but still professionals) – so they took the news with grace (well maybe not grace) and a smile (well it was more of a grimace but who cares).

Here’s your badge – one for each of you!!

I was one of FIVE (yes FIVE) FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser of September 7, 2021!

“I protest!  I was in line and some mean lady shoved me out of the way and said she was late for work and Miss Dingleberry would be upset if she didn’t hurry – OTHERWISE I’d have been a FIRSTIE!”

We’re so sorry Roger – I’ll have a word with Miss Dingleberry about that!

Now let’s move on shall we?     Here’s yesterday’s TEASER photo for one last peek:

This is a photo of the beautiful Shell Island in Panama City, Florida


So who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER??? May we have another drumroll please?????


Woo Hoo Timmy!  Here’s your badge:

WOW…I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of September 7, 2021!!

 Did you also guess right?   If you did  you get one of these:

I guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of September 7, 2021 but I was NOT the FIRST RIGHT!

AND if you were WRONG you get one of these:

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of September 7, 2021.

“Depressed again………..phoooey!”

The Cheer Team will cheer you up – they’ll cheer ALL of us up!

Just to show you we’re all more than “just pretty”
We’re riding our Harleys down to Panama City!
You all have to stay and attend your class
While we’re on the beach sunning our…..bodies.
First Commenter we have FIVE to take to the bank….
Then we waited to see who would guess right first
We hoped someone would hurry before we died of thirst!
Finally someone got it and that was TIMMY
He is often a first and we say “Jumpin’ Jimminy!”
Now excuse us please while we catch our rides
We wanna be there before high tide!

OK ladies – don’t do anything WE wouldn’t do!     Speaking of doing something – what say we head to the cafeteria for something to eat?

Hello Students!   We’re ready for you to hop into the cafeteria line for your meals!   Professors – I’ve already had a little word with the pushy cafeteria worker who was RUDE in line this morning while waiting for the school door to open.   Trust me – it won’t happen again!





52 responses »

  1. Yoo-Hoo! I am first here??! LOL! At least I did get there and had the right answer…

    Love all those bacon offerings in the cafeteria…may I please have some of all of the bacon treats…with double plates and utensils for Mr Frank…and we’ll share the table too.

    Oh and of course some onion rings! Mmmm! maybe a pitcher of some of the fruit juices…

    Congrats to the firsties who had internet when i was deprived…and congrats the first right commenter too!!

    Lots to do today, gotta start getting ready for our trip, next week.
    I don’t think I will be present at all, at least not as a firstie, but we’ll see how it goes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats to the Super Speedy Ones and Congrats to Timmy! Panama City, Floridadeeeeeeeedoo!!! Shame on me for not realizing that. They have some kind of tropical action heading their way. Hopefully just fizzles out or just some wind and rain. Could I have some scrambled eggs, biscuits with gravy and bacon… and a bacon cheddar potato pancake??
    Good Morning!


  3. Wait a minute here. We thought Timmy was the first right guesser, but the cheer team said, Carol. Are they professional prevaricators! Try to say that three times fast! Since we are here at lunch time, we are having burgers, fries, onion rings and carrot cake. Thanks for the noms! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  4. Wow Wow Wow we have been trying to get the Teaser and this weeks Study Paid Off! Ok Toby you did know it and we give you props. To be a Firstie and Guesser Wow Wow Wow! Thanks for the great classes professors! Thanks Security and a Big Thanks to the Cheer Team! Woo Hoo.
    Now we are going to celebrate with Turkey and all the Trimmings! Wait till we tell Dad!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. HURRAH to all 5 firstiess an to ‘angel’ Timmy & Mistur Pete guessin rite!! At leest wee guessed rite Teddy?
    Missus Dee may wee have a plain hamburger an sum of those bacon cheezey potato pancakess?? An may wee have a peece of carrot cake an a wee bowl of milk pleese an many thanx!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ❤ BellaSita


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