Tuesday Teaser Class Is Now!


“No danger around – everything looks secure – let’s tell the Profs!”

“Is it TUESDAY already?  Yes it is and you’d better COMMENT before you have a seat!!”

Hope everyone is ready for another chance to figure out where a photo was taken.    A fun challenge – at least we hope you find it as fun as we do.

“FUN??? FUN??? You call getting a headache staring a photo to figure it out FUN???”

Oh now don’t be Mr. Grumpy AGAIN today………try to enjoy being in a room with so many other grumpy babies, tired cats and dogs, wayward birds, and of course crazy humans.   We’ve got it all – and now we’re going to get started by showing the RULES and the badges up for grabs today – if that’s OK with you Mr. Grumpy?????

Our lovely Graphics Department Personnel (well……one person isn’t a “personnel”, she’s a PERSON) picked today’s fabulous photo – shall we take a peek??


Reporting for duty Professors…..Here’s the photo!

Where Was This Photo Taken????

Might be a little tough so take your time and figure it out – then GUESS – tomorrow we’ll hand out badges………………………….and the Cheer Team will give you a shout out in their Tell All Cheer!   Girls?  How about some encouragement for the class TODAY?

This photo is rather cool
Professors is this our brand new school?
No? Heck we think it’s time to move
The Sheep School isn’t in the groove!
Oh – sorry we wandered off course a bit
Now students it’s time to show some GRIT!
Study the photo and make a guess
Prove to everyone that you’re the best
Tomorrow we’ll be back with another cheer
Who knows – we might see YOUR NAME HERE!!!!!

That’s right – who knows – it could any one of you students………..we’ll find out tomorrow………………..good luck…………meanwhile who’s up for lunch????  Let’s do it!

Welcome to another delightful lunch in the cafeteria students – we hope you enjoy!!

The Yummy Menu Items:

If you don’t finish your lunch, our garbage disposal unit named Garfield will clean up your plate!

See you in class tomorrow Gang – remember – SURPRISE TIME!   

Your Professors

97 responses »

      • I blame it on the vaccination on last Tuesday AND defending my DSc thesis (DSc = Doctor of Sciences, this is a title given by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and used to be a prerequisite of professorship at Hungarian universities) on Wednesday! It lasted 4 hours!!!!


        • WOW! So how did you do?? I like the sound of Dr. Csilla……!! Congratulations either way – even just defending your thesis is a BIG DEAL……I also like the sound of Professor Csilla! LOL


          • I was too tired to be nervous, therefore, it went really well!!!! I had flu-like symptoms which were stronger on Wednesday but milder on Thursday – the defending was on Thursday (I still cannot remember the names of the days of the week…). I had to write a dissertation (practically, a book), and there were three opponents who wrote an opinion about it. I had to answer to all of them and answer the questions of the members of the evaluation committee, too. The whole process was online, we used the Zoom – thus, I sat at my desk in my room 🙂 I think I’m the world’s first and only Dr. Pupil DSc!


          • Well I’m glad you were able to get through the “defending” – I’m sure you did a wonderful job too. Thank heavens for Zoom – that’s how I was able to find out a lot about my hip replacement with hospital personnel before I had it. Everyone who was going to have the procedure and the people at the hospital who do physical therapy, were ZOOMing together! Do you know the decision of the evaluation committee yet? I’m sure your presentation was wonderful and I am so excited for you Professor! Sending hugs………….

            Pam and Ted too


          • Yes, the decision has been made immediately after my presentation and answering the questions! I got 95% which is a high number I think! 🙂 Viva ZOOM!!!


  1. That looks rather tropical…Hmmm….thinking cap is put on tightly to not let brain cells escape…maybe a banana peanut butter smoothie and some key lime pie might help to fire up the tired head…LOL!

    Please, can you serve it up pronto??! The thinker needs it asap…


  2. I am sure I have seen it, possibly on a cruise pre-boarding tour in the days they used to do that to pass the morning after leaving the hotel. That makes me think it could be Florida as that is where most of our cruises departed from back then. We are going out soon so I haven’t time to try and narrow it down, but I am sure someone will have worked it out by the time we get home again.


  3. Let’s see …. French Onion Soup, Frittata, Egg Roll, and I’ll be back to pick up my Maple Bacon Ice Cream. OK … Ingrid is first – again! I think she gets in line at 5 AM. …. but surprised that she hasn’t figured out the place yet. Here’s a hint Ingrid …. I haven’t been there!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t know where this cute building is but it is sooooo cute I want to pick it up and put it in my pocket! I do see PALMS! And I am a lover of Palm trees! I would like to have a piece of the Bacon Mushroom Spinach Frittata with Bacon Cheese Ranch Potatoes.


  4. Back in 1969, convicted pervert Freddy the Flasher was on the “good behavior” list, and was able to secure the job of painting the prison’s new dome they erected over the showers after telling the warden that he was a painter on “the outside” (That was a lie, he hung wallpaper. And hideous wallpaper at that). The guards in the observation tower behind the dome knew what Freddy was up to, but kept mum about things… even once the other prisoners found out and began offering the guards bribes to let them get a good look from the tower at Freddy’s work. No, the warden didn’t find out that Freddy painted the tower to look like a huge boob until several years later…. after Freddy’s next (and last) prison job was feeding the man-eating otters in the moat. Freddy the Flasher will always be remembered as the Boobman of Alcatraz…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I gave up too Early! There we were sleeping when Jo Jo whapped Mom and said “Tuesday is look at Teddy’s Blog”. So we pried open Mom’s eyelids and she looked at the blog and refreshed and refreshed and said, try again in 45 minutes and she went back to sleep!!! And when she woke up at 7 (our time), it was too late. IF I, Marv, had made her keep trying, we could have been firsties! Maybe next week!
    And we think Ms Ingrid is right, Opa-locka City Hall in Opa-locka, Fa, USA!


  6. Dad had his doc appointment today so we are waaaay late but lets have at those Spicy Sausage Rolls. Mmm Thanks. Now this is somewhere in… India, noooo, I bet it is in the US of A! Now where I don’t know but south of us here in Pa. Can’t wait to see who wins and where this is professors!


  7. Iss a Church in GREECE so sayss LadyMew!! 😉 Mee sayss inn Carribean Teddy! Wee probablee both WRONG, mew mew mew….
    Missus Dee may wee have 2 servinss of Salmon Cakess? Fore ‘ssert may wee have 2 peecess of Key Lime Pie pleese??? MMMMMMMM…..Thanx Missus Dee. Yore THE best!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma


  8. Fascinating photo and I suspect everyone who said it’s in Florida is right . . . Here’s the weird thing to me: What is that partially visible structure on the right hand edge of the photo!? It looks like there might be a bench around it and possible a hedge or a fence with vegetation. It looks like it might be the top of flying saucer or something . . .


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