Tell All Wednesday


Hi Everyone!   Clowie and Company say GO FOR IT so we’re GOING FOR IT!

Class is officially underway.    It’s the day we find out who gets what when it comes to yesterday’s Teaser Challenge.     While we didn’t fool everyone it was still a doozy of a photo wasn’t it.

IT was a little spooky – even spookier when we noticed there were PEOPLE in the photo!

Well let’s not prolong the agony.   I’m sure everyone wants to know WHERE the photo was taken but more importantly WHO GUESSED IT FIRST and WHO COMMENTED FIRST.



Yippeeeee!!!   Concatulations!!!  For you:

I was one of THREE FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of March 23, 2021!

Congratulations you three early birds………… caught the worm!

Next we waited to see who would be first to figure out the rather puzzling TEASER photo we had shown you.     Here it is again:

It was a puzzle alright and apparently when some of you noticed that there were PEOPLE in among these structures, you really had to figure this mystery out.     Where is this?   It is inside the Niaca Mines in Chihuahua, Mexico.   Those THINGS are selenite crystals – the largest in the world.    In fact this is known as the “Cave of Crystals”.    It’s a really interesting story how it was found and what the conditions were, etc.    You can CLICK HERE for some more information but there are a lot of links online to information from various sources.

Now – WHO figured this out first?     That’s a bit complicated to answer.    We had THREE people who guessed it first – however only one of them guessed the whole thing – city/country as required by the rules.    The first person to guess it was Timmy but he forgot to say the city/town………….then Katty and the Weims who guessed right but forgot to mention the country………then along came Ingrid who got the whole thing.    We’re awarding all three the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER.    Why?   Because we can.   HAHAHA


I was one of THREE RIGHT GUESSERS on the Teaser post of March 23, 2021!!!

Did you guess it right too????????????????????   The WHOLE answer?   Town/City and Country????????????   Then you get one of these:

I guessed the Teaser of March 23,2021 correctly but I wasn’t FIRST…….boo hoo

Did you guess but were WRONG?    We’ve got a badge for that!

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of March 23, 2021 but I still got a COOOOOOOL badge!

PHOOOEY and POOOOOEY – we’ll try again next week though!


Yes – always  keep trying gang…………sooner or later you’re bound to win a badge of some kind!    Let’s see if the CHEER TEAM, followed by LUNCH will cheer you up some.   You can always have a good lunch to calm you down.    Miss Dingleberry got her hair done this week so there’s always that to cheer you up.    Well – maybe it will cheer you up or maybe it won’t – but at least she’s making an effort to get out from under the hairnet once in a while!   Although even we Professors think it’s not her BEST look.

Bravo class you all did good
Smartest students in the neighborhood!
FIRSTIES to comment – we had three
Sharon, Ingrid and Timmy got badges for free!
Then we had a situation that caused confusion
But no fight insued -nobody got a contusion!
Two sort of right guessers and a third after them
So we gave them all badges – two HERS and a HIM
Ingrid, Katty and Timmy were the three winners this week
Make sure and give them hugs or perhaps a cheek tweak!!!

Thanks ladies!   Now let’s head to the cafeteria shall we?   

“Hello students.   Ready to eat lunch?   Good – we’ve got great choices today!”

Today’s Menu:

See you all next week!   Good job in class today students!

Your Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy

58 responses »

  1. Oh, wow!! What fun

    Two trios of winners!! And I am in both…badges and pats on the back to me and to all the others as well! Lets see…concats to the Weimies, Sharon and Timmy times two!!
    Maybe I need to make a cheer….but Yawn, I need to get to my nest! LOL!

    Maybe when I have lunch much later I shall have these please: Chicken Avocado Salad, for dessert: Peppermint Bark Cheesecake, and an Irish Mint Milkshake to wash it all down:) Mmmm, what a celebratory repast!


  2. Before I concatulate to Miss Sharon, Miss Ingrid (twice!!!) and Mr Timmy, I’d like to know who is that scary Tina Turner imitator in the cafeteria? BTW, I lost time when I searched first for “dripstone cave USA”. My second combination “salt stone cave usa” worked immediately, but I was already late!


    • Miss D definitely has an AWKWARD look going on doesn’t she. Electric lipstick is NOT good on her nor is that overly fussy hairdo. We’ve all seen her go through some weird changes in the past – I guess she’s just in the mood for a change. Scary isn’t it. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Nice cheer ladies. Congrats to all the speedy and right guessers. Ms Dingleberry- is that Irish stew leftover from last week? 🙂


  4. Goodness Catness we have a Teaser that Dad knows right off since we watch the science channel and We Furget the Country! Argh! Ah well we are firsites and got credit for our mostly right answer so we are happy and it was a great Teaser. Thanks Professors and staff. We have fun like always. Now lets get some lunch and, EEK! Ms D! You look, um, err, interesting today. Lets have whatever you want to serve no questions asked. See you next week friends

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We didn’t put the Chihuahua part in our answer, but we are taking a right guesser badge and one each of those yummy desserts. We cannot wait to get our paws on that cheesecake! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  6. Congrats to all the winners. I want to say wieners but that’s just my longing for Mrs. D’s hot dogs coming through! Timmy, Ingrid and Sharon…..great ability to get up and post in the morning…we were sleeping. The Wiem boys, Timmy and Ingrid congrats on knowing this was actually a place. We thought it was a close up of icicles with reflections of people on it.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations to the Winners! Ms Ingrid two weeks in a row! Wowzers! Thanks for all the FUN! Now I am going to pass the keyboard over to Cinnamon! – Marv
    I am so grateful and happy that you guys are part of my life! Thank you for being at my birthday party today. Celebrating with you and other friends was the best part of the day. – Slobbery Kisses Cinnamon

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Well dun Teezer guesserss!! LadyMew was off inn ‘left field’…even another planet…..
    So let’ss see if wee can due Lunch propurrley……
    Missus D may wee have 3 Corn Beefie sammichess an 1 Pepurrmint Bark CAke pleesee an a little saucer of milk pleese? Thanx Missus D.
    See you next week!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma


  9. Pingback: Sunday Selfies ~ A Look Back | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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