Tell All Time on St. Patrick’s Day


“Top-o-the-mornin’ to ye students!”

Everybody looks festive and ready to go so let’s go!

First of all we rang the school bell yesterday at 8AM and there was only ONE STUDENT waiting to come inside and take a seat at her desk and be our FIRST COMMENTER for the day………………….who??????????????



INGRID – that’s who

Woo Hoo Ingrid!

I was the one and only FIRST COMMENTER on the St. Patrick’s Day Teaser of March 17, 2021!

Here’s the Teaser photo everyone had to study and try and figure out WHERE it had been taken…………………………………..

This is St. John’s Castle in Carlingford, Lough, Ireland

Isn’t that a beauty?     Well it wasn’t too long yesterday before we had someone guess this one……………..wanna know who?

Yes!  Who?


I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser Post for St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2021 – YAY FOR US!

And quite a few of you actually sound up guessing this Castle and if you were RIGHT – you get one of these:

I guessed the St. Patrick’s Day Teaser on March 17, 2021 RIGHT but I wasn’t FIRST RIGHT! Maybe next year???

AND of course if you guessed WRONG – you get a GREENIE for the GREENEST of all holidays – St. Patrick’s Day!

I was WRONG with my guess on the St. Patrick’s Day Teaser on March 17, 2021 but I got a GREAT Greenie!!

Congrats winners and losers!

Cheer Team?   We need you – time to do your THING!

Here we are in our St. Pat’s best
To do a cheer with our usual zest
One First Commenter made us HAPPY
Miss Ingrid was the ONE and made our cheer quite quick and snappy!
Before you knew it we had a FIRST RIGHTIE
Miss Katty and the Weims wrapped that badge up nice and tidy!
Winners and Losers you’re a hungry looking bunch
So grab your shamrock and let’s go to lunch!

“Oh……pardon me…….I was just…..uh…..well…..doing some taste testing!!”

No pushing or shoving – we know you’re anxious to have your St. Pat’s Day lunch!


Hope you all had fun in class today!  Happy St. Patrick’s Day…..We Professors are heading here after we finish the bus route for a little celebration…..


Your Professors…….Sammy and Teddy O’Kimmell

57 responses »

  1. Congrats to the Weims and Ingrid. I really thought I had done it this week when I said it was St. John’s Castle Ireland, but those weims got there in the couple of minutes I was gone to check on the name of the town. I will keep trying.
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


  2. Congrats to all winners … even Ingrid (again). Oh … a green beer first while I think what to eat …. Irish Mint Cake for an appetizer, the fudge for my salad, Green Way Chili for my entree, layer cake for dessert, and Irish Mint Cake for the chaser … and probably another green beer later to wash it down. Thanks for the green spaghetti!


  3. Hooray for me!! I was early for sure for the Teaser, but today, I am in yawn mode and not at all early…and congrats to you Weimies and Da Mama for getting to the spot first!

    I have two meetings to go to today…please can you spare a couple platters lf the Leprechaun Fudge to take along to share?? Mmmm! Its suitable for our dietary needs, right??! Hmmm…

    Don’t topple those mugs, Miss D!! Green beer might be well, a green mess!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OMC what a St.Patrick’s Day bash!! Got here just in time!!!! Congratulations to Ingrid, Katty and the Weims!!!!!! Wooo hooo lucky day!!! Happy St.Patrick’s Day, sending lots of love!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Concatulations to the winners! They had it all guessed before we even woke up!
    The Cheerleaders look terrific in their Irish dancer outfits! And Corned Beef Hash! WOWZERS! Boy are we hungry!
    Thanks so much for visiting us and this st Patrick’s Day always remember to forget the things that made you sad. But never forget to remember the things that made you glad.We hope you all have a marvellously happy St Patrick’s Day!


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  7. Concats and/or condogs to Miss Ingrid and to the Weims! I was on the right track with my search words but I found the pic in vein because it was a collection of the most beautiful castles in Ireland with the teaser pic as a lead – but without any description of it!


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