Thankful and Poetic Thursday


First up – thanks to Brian at BriansHomeBlog for hosting the Thankful Hop. If you’d like to join us click the badge above and link up with us…………it feels GOOD to “voice” the things you’re thankful for. Especially these days.

Yet again I will say how thankful I continue to be that we are healthy here in my house – at least we THINK we are.   We have no reason to believe we aren’t but nobody here has been tested – we just feel fine.    Mom will have a Covid test along with some other pre-op testing next week though – she’s having hip replacement surgery in January and I’m thankful it will be in our little small town hospital.    She has no choice either – her hip is essentially “gone” !!   Anyway, we’re healthy and happy and Mom is looking forward to walking again without pain.    

Also thankful that Angel Sammy’s poem and photo for next week’s poem came through the “atmosphere”…………here it is:


Greetings Poetry Lovers!    

Again we meet to share poetry and have some fun.    I give you a photo – and you use it to inspire a poem – then we share our poetry Thursdays.     Tons of fun.    I hope you will at least try to write a poem one of these weeks………..I think you’ll enjoy it if you give it a whirl!

Here is the photo I gave you last week followed by my poem.


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©December 16, 2020

The quiet calms me

My own thoughts rule the silence

The rest can just……………..wait


Yes I did a haiku.     This beautiful photo and the feeling I get from it just made me think the fewer words the better accompaniment for a photo like this.    Anyway, I think it’s the first haiku I’ve done here.    I used to write a lot of them……………….   If you wrote a poem for this photo let us know in COMMENTS!

Can’t wait to see the photo for next week?     I bet you can guess what the photo will be about…………………………..

Fun!    Perfect for Christmas Eve right?     Until next week – have fun in these final days of Christmas shopping……………………and preparing for THE BIG GUY in the RED SUIT.     I’ll see you next week and please stay happy and healthy OK?

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Hugs from the Bridge, Angel Sammy


Thank you as always Angel Sammy……………….I can’t wait to hear from you again next week………………I love you!

Hugs, Teddy

49 responses »

  1. The haiku is perfect for that poem.
    I hope the pre op ad covid tests all go well and of course the op. I have had two covid tests, one when I went to A&E with the gallstone attacks and one 3 days before the supposed op. Thankfully they were both negative.


  2. Yeah, that Santa isn’t the least bit creepy at all. Those poor kids grew up to be pagans and celebrate Festivus with their kids…

    BTW, Mr. Fox silently applauds your clever use of “…….” in your haiku. A critter of culture, he is…


  3. Great poem, Angel Sammy never disappoints. I didn’t do one this week, but I already have ideas for next week’s. I keep your folks in my prayers for continued good health. XO


  4. Good luck to your mom, T. If her hip replacement goes like my mom’s knee replacement, she will say, “I don’t know why I waited so long!” Paws crossed that it’s easier than she thinks. We expect her to be walking pain free real soon!

    Love and licks,


  5. Ohhhhhh Angel Sammy well done on the Haiku!!! That was short and sweet and to the point.
    Thank you and Mom for finding all the wonderful inspirations for us
    Hugs cecilia


  6. That was the purrfect poem! Tell your Mom we know here surgery will go well, a surgical suite is probably one of the cleanest places around these days. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  7. To make sure we don’t get sidetracked – we are sending purrayers and Power of the Paw to your Mom for her Covid test and hip surgery !


  8. We are purring that your mom’s surgery goes well. As you might remember, our mom had her hip replaced almost 5 years ago. The first couple of weeks were a little rough, but after that…not many problems.


    • Thank you!!! I expect there to be little problems but I’m determined to just do the best I can and try not to rush the healing – I just hope long term to get my life back and be able to enjoy walking again and traveling again and having a NEW start in 2021!

      Hugs, Pam


  9. Being healthy is a good thing. I’ll have my fingers and toes crossed that your surgery will be successful and your recovery quick.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥


  10. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

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