Sunday Selfie Hop


Hey Hey!!  It’s Sunday and you all know what THAT means – SELFIES!    This Hop is hosted by our friends at The Cat On My Head and it’s a good chance for us to strut our stuff and show off just a bit.     If you click their badge above it will take you to their blog and if you’d like to strut your own stuff, you can use the LINKY TOOL and we’ll see you there!

I thought I’d dip back in my photo files for a FLASHBACK SELFIE this week…………………I always look for a photo of me taken on the same date or as close to it as I can get in another year.   Let’s see what I found for you THIS week shall we????

So this little gem was taken of me in Mom’s office on June 13, 2017.    So I was a year and 3 months old in this shot.   This is still one of my favorite spots to hang out – Mom spends a lot of time in her office where the computer is and where her art stuff is if she EVER decides to paint again.    I of course will “ARTIFY” this photo up a bit before I make a puzzle for you – it might be more of a challenge with some artistic touches added!

Hey – this one turned out pretty interesting.   This is Lunapic’s Art Effect called “CEREMONY”………who knows where they came up with that name but I like the way it highlights my stripes AND how colorful the top of that Kleenex box is that I’m reaching for.   HAHA     So we did a puzzle of this one:


Here’s the Mini-Me of the artwork and if you click it, it takes you to the puzzle!

I think this one might be an easy one?   Good luck!

Hugs, Teddy the Professional Model (haha)

43 responses »

  1. It looks like Mom caught you playing with the edge of the couch. When Chris was young he would lie on his side and pull himself around the perimeter of the couch or Rose’s chair.


  2. You are such a cutie. I love how the art accentuates your stripes. Have a great day! Thank you for the puzzle. XO


  3. Mee-yow WOW Teddy! Grate Selfie an furabuluss Lunypic foto!! Ceremony reelly DOES show yore stripess!
    LadyMew did a ‘Sketchy’ thing with Abacus June’ss foto fore Meowmorial blog an it iss grate. When shee triess to artyfy mee not so guud, mew mew mew….
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  4. Teddy, you were so cute in this photo, and you still are…a true gingery delight. Thanks for being such a dear friend and always popping over each Sunday. Hope you get lots of O-U-T-S today. Love and hugs, from all of us to all of you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I’ve had one OUT today so far but after I finish my nap I’m going to pester Mom to take me out for #2. She got a pass on that earlier because she mowed and was tired and needed to rest and in the interim I took a nap myself!

      Hugs to all of you,
      Love, Teddy


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