Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Hello everybody – time for me and Mom to do our bestest job filling in the blanks our co-hosts, 15andmeowing and Four-legged Furballs gave us to work on this week.    Every week they each supply two sentences for us to complete – it’s a cool way of getting to know more about each other isn’t it!    If you click the badge above, you will FLY over to 15andmeowing where you can join up with us using the LINKY form!

Guess who is the only filler-inner this week – ME ME ME ME!  I thought I’d go ahead and dive back in to full possession of fill-in-the-blanks at least for this week.   Maybe next week I’ll let Mom have a whack at it too.   Here’s this week’s sentences and I filled in the blanks with ORANGE!

  1.  I would like to improve my psychic skills.  (If I did, I could be in the right place at the right time for treats and knowing when Mom needs a special hug)
  2.  My favorite treat is Delectables Squeeze-ups!!.
  3.  My current to-do list includes continuing to behave when I’m allowed outside so that I won’t have to wear my harness and leash – so far so good – I stick close to Mom and Dad and I intend to KEEP it that way!
  4. I finally got my Dad to put a long stick under the couch and pull out all my springs, mice, and ping pong balls that I ACCIDENTALLY put there!

There – I did pretty good didn’t I?   Like I said, next week I’ll share with Mom or let her do the whole thing depending on the sentences…………….I mean it’s really NOT “all about me” around here – it’s about me and Mom sharing!

Speaking of sharing – I just have to brag a little bit about my Mom………………….she shared a very old poem she’d written with her friend Doctor Phoebe Chi (an amazing physician and poet as well as the lady who makes gorgeous sea glass jewelry)…………..and Miss Phoebe asked if she could publish it on her blog.   Mom said YES…………..and there’s a link below to the poem on her blog.   Mom is thrilled…..we admire Dr. Phoebe so much and to have her want to put Mom’s poem (which fits these times pretty well!) on her blog made us happy.

Keeping the Faith

Big Hugs to all of you AND to Dr. Phoebe!   

Love, Teddy


52 responses »

  1. It is a lovely poem, and Dr. Phoebe chose a beautiful picture to go with it.
    Teddy, I always used Ivor’s snooker cue for hooking toys from under the sofa. One day I didn’t pick it up right away when I finished and it must have got kicked or pushed under the sofa.
    A few days later Ivor was looking for it and I remembered where it must be so got it for him and he went off to his friend’s house to play snooker.
    When he came home he was not happy. The end was covered in little teeth marks!


    • OH NOOOOOO! Ooooops…..well, we do enjoy a good nosh on something HARD – a snooker cue would be perfect for that. Know what I like to steal and chew?? My Dad’s wooden back scratcher – same reason – small, hard, and good for a nice chew! HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the poem very much.

    My bipeds have a stick for poking under furniture to get cat toys, and other small items of disputed ownership, out. The bipeds say that just because an item is small enough for a cat to carry does not make it a cat toy. I’m trying to stay neutral on this but the items retrieved from under the furniture seem to favour the cats’ idea that all small items are their toys. 😀


    • Funny sometimes too what we consider a “toy”……Dad found a ballpoint pen and a small wad of notepaper under the sofa along with the usual stuff. You’re right though – little stuff isn’t NECESSARILY a cat toy unless you live in this house where it’s either a cat toy or a human toy and we know who wins THAT contest!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs and Happy Friday


  3. You did a great job on the fill-ins, Teddy! That poem your Mom wrote is amazing and so perfect for right now. That’s wonderful that Dr. Phoebe shared it! That’s very special.


    • Well in her defense she wrote that before there was even a Sammy in her life! It’s an oldie……but it seemed kind of like it applied to “these days” so she sent it to her friend Dr. Phoebe and she wanted to post it. Nice to have someone like something she wrote so long ago!!! As for things around here? Oh yeah – it truly IS all about me! Always…………

      Huggies, Teddy Boop the Bean


  4. I am loving the fill-ins Teddy, and looking at your opulent Teddyness! I shall go read your mom’s poem here immediately.


    • Thanks for taking time to read Mom’s very old poem on that site………her friend Doctor Phoebe is an amazing physician – a gifted poet – a kind lady who does so much for the world – AND also in her spare (!) time makes divine sea glass jewelry. Talent – totally.

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you are behaving when you go out without a harness- that deserves extra squeezies. Congrats to your mom, I will go check out her poem now. Have a nice day! XO


    • Once in a while I might see something that I feel needs my immediate (quick) attention and begin to run but Mom says “Sammy No” and I stop – I’ve got good brakes for a big boy! Thanks for checking out Mom’s old poem and we hope all of you have a HAPPY FRIDAY.

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Teddy, YAY for long sticks. Angel Madi used to do a really happy dance when I pulled out the yard stick.
    Happy Friday
    Hugs cecilia


  7. That is a wonderful poem by Mom Pam, and so nice of Dr. Phoebe to share it on her blog. Teddy, you did an awesome job filling in as well. We know how happy your folks are that you behave so well outside. We have a treasure trove of toys under the fridge that Mom needs to clear out for us. Have a spectacular day. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Glad you liked that old poem of Mom’s…..seemed “pertinent” to the things everyone is going through right now………..I will continue to be a good boy outside because I love being with Mom and Dad AND I love not having a harness on!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. You has pingpong ballss too Teddy?? Mee not sure how to play with them…LadyMew throwss them an mee chasess them butt then mee just sitss down!!! Mew mew mew mee likess chasin Lazer bettur…
    Yore artwerk iss furry kewl….just like you!!
    **purrss** BellaDharma


    • I love the laser too but I push ping pong balls all over the place… was my Dad’s idea to see if I was interested in them and boy oh boy I am (except I lose them!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Isn’t it exciting when the long stick (Mom uses a metal yardstick) comes out to explore under the couch and chair? I’m so happy you got all your buddies back out from under there, T! Good job filling in all on your own!

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake! Thanks – I try to do a good job filling in the blanks………AND it was really a lot like having a Christmas all over again when those long lost toys came out from under the couch (well – they’d only been under there a week but time isn’t the same for US as it is for humans right??)

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. I’m sure Dad understands that accidents happen. I should put you in touch with Floki who has finely tuned psychic abilities. He could be napping on the bed while Rose and I quietly plot to put him in the carrier to bring him for a nail trimming. We usually walk into the bedroom just in time to see him scurry under the bed.


  11. Teddy, you did absolutely fabulous with your sentences and I believe you have magical skills of knowing without talking were the treats are 😉 Here’s a distance squeeze especially for you 😸Pawkisses for a wonderful Caturday🐾😽💞


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