Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Time to be thankful and we truly ARE thankful that our family so far is healthy and we are doing everything in our power to stay that way.    Mom and Dad are staying home (which I love because I get more ME time!!) and other than going outside for walks in the yard with me, they are just taking drives in the country when they get “cabin fever” then coming right home.   We hope and pray that ALL of you will stay healthy too!

We received our poetic email from Angel Sammy too – he says all the Angels are working overtime to help us down here to stay SAFE……..and Healthy.


Hello Poetry Fans!

I hope this post finds all of you happy and healthy and being patient as the world goes through a HUGE change with the virus going around.    Angels are at work to protect you.    Please follow guidelines and suggestions even if it’s “inconvenient” because it will keep you all SAFE!

Ready to be poetic?   That will lighten things a bit………………if you wrote a poem this week from last week’s photo let us know in comments – we want to read it!     Below is the photo I gave you to think about and write about AND my poem to go with that photo.


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©March 18, 2020

In these days of uncertainty and concern

Our minds go to places where the clock barely turns

Endless days full of relaxation and rest

Our imaginations sometimes know what’s best

Calm beaches, slow paces, and no big concerns

Healthy futures and happy lives are where our mind turns

Believe in the future and an end to this worry

Let your mind take you to places where life’s pace is NO hurry

Until the day when we learn that things are all clear

Do your best to stay healthy and hold those you love very near…………


It’s a worrisome time – we must believe in ourselves and our ability to overcome obstacles like we’ve had throughout history………….Do what is recommended and keep yourselves safe.    That’s the best way right now…………and stay HOPEFUL.    If you can lend a hand to someone you know might need it – please do.

Here’s your photo for NEXT week’s poetic Thursday:

Sweet…………………..the world needs a dose of SWEET!    Share your poem for this photo with us next week and I’ll do the same!    Meanwhile……………………..take care of yourselves please.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Angel Hugs…………..Angel Sammy


Thank you my wise Angel Brother……………..Love, Teddy

68 responses »

    • I loved that we both used ESCAPE in our titles and poems………….and loved your poem…………I knew you’d like the photo since it was of the beach (even though no horses in the photo!). Thanks for being one of our newest poets for Thursdays. So much fun!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. We are thankful that the bipeds can work from home now. They will still be walking with me, but at quiet times. The internet is a blessing at this time, enabling us to keep in touch with our friends around the world.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re right about the internet – people ARE staying more in touch thanks to the internet and it’s great to have a lot of positive reinforcement – this is not the time for negativity even if we have this huge challenge before us. Nice that you will have more walks Clowie – I’m getting extra trips outside and usually with both my Mom and Dad – family walks…..I love that!

      Hugs and stay safe………………Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well. I’m not sure it is the barometer of how things are. I’m sure there are more important things, I was kinda kidding. But(!) it’s sort of true, we will know the hoarders have stopped hoarding. We couldn’t find chicken for the Saucy Chicken, we will try again. Hugs to you!


        • Oh I’m sorry you are chicken-less. Like I’ve said chicken seems to be the only edible thing that lounges in the meat department without being grabbed up by the hoarders. Amazing. But then we were able to stock up on chicken and I DO make good old fried chicken AND that FAB chicken/mushroom crockpot dish FREQUENTLY. One weird thing was that last Sunday when I shopped the only ground beef they had was in FIVE POUND CHUNKS. Now that would make a heckofa meatloaf (or cheeseburger!!).

          Hugs, Pam


    • Thank you Brian for giving us a place to share our thankfuls – when things are like they are now, it’s more important than EVER to focus on the things we ARE thankful for when the’re so much difficulty in the world!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem this week……….nice to have a little “getaway” even if it’s in our imagination – this is when READING is more important than ever as a hobby and I hope you have a big stack of books at home!!

      Hugs, Pam


  2. I am glad you are doing well. We are well here, too. I can’t help thinking the cure is worse than the disease. Your poem makes me want to go away to a deserted Island until this is all over. Not to escape the virus but to escape the craziness.


  3. sam oh bacon yur poem total lee rox…

    pleez tell everee one up THER we said HI & thanx for watchin out for all oh uz down HEER

    ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

    bring yur own ham mick
    N de fishin iz on uz
    trout towne ? yea we wizh !!!! ☺☺☺

    stay happee N healthee ted o nator, mom & dad ♥♥3


    • Would love to visit you in Trout Towne and enjoy a hammick and a slosh of grog or whatever…..We love you! Angel Sammy said he will pass on your Howdy-Do’s to everyone up at the Happy Place.

      Stay happy and healthy………….
      Hugs, Ted O Nator!


  4. Angel Sammy, you have to make a book full of poetry. You’re good! Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday to all of you🐾😽💞
    Ps we can’t like you anymore, because WP also has made changes without letting us know, but we Liked this for sure👍 Oh, and here is my poem, it’s not so good as yours, but I did my best😸

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are upset that WordPress made some format changes without letting those of us who are WORDPRESS bloggers know about it first! Anyway, thanks for liking Angel Sammy’s poem – I know he’s always happy when people like his work. We are very proud of him too! We really truly loved your poem today. It was fun and gentle (just like you) and we think this photo really gave lots of poets some super inspiration this week.

      Happy Thursday Binky!
      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Really enjoyed your poem. I asked for vacation before this was bad and now I have to stay home. At least I have the internet and TV. Stay safe. I am still working. Either that or no pay. So glad you can be home.


    • Glad you have income – many don’t………and it’s a shame you couldn’t have your vacation but you probably will be able to in the Fall……maybe sooner……..this isn’t going to go away for a while but it will go away! STAY SAFE

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  6. It is nice to see such a hopeful-directed poem. Terrible times for all of the world now, so hard to understand. But let’s all cross our paws and reach out to others to see if in some small way we can make a difference.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber


    • Exactly! It’s a time to come together (keeping a safe distance!) and help others who need help and stay positive and certainly stay SAFE. We will get through this – we have in the past and we will again. FAITH!

      Hugs, Pam


  7. Angel Sammy, that is the perfect poem and the perfect place to be. We are doing the same as you, but so many of the younger generation are not taking it seriously and carrying on as normal. They say they are fit and healthy and it will just be a normal cold for them, but they don’t stop to think they can carry it home to their other family members, and so it spreads!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right – just because some people are fit and healthy doesn’t mean they should not keep their distance…..and they thought kids were almost immune but one little 5 year old girl died this week……nobody is immune!! We should all just keep doing what we’re doing….being careful.

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  8. We always enjoy your poems Angel Sammy. This one is exceptional. We’re staying home and happy. Thank goodness our family is also healthy. The little ones were sick a week ago but are ok now. We miss them like crazy. I might have to go gray, that’s a tragedy for me. 😂


    • So funny but there are a lot of comments about not being able to get hair colored…..LOL…….I quit coloring my hair years ago and was HOPING to get some gray but so far just a tiny bit around my temples. My Mom had gorgeous gray as did my Aunt but so far I’m disappointed! LOL Glad you all are OK health wise!

      Hugs, Pam


  9. We’re so happy you’re all staying healthy! The world seems so different these days. Your poem brought us so much joy, though, Angel Sammy! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be somewhere this peaceful right now? We’ll get back to some sort of normal soon, we hope. Purrs!


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