Sunday Selfie Hop


Happy Sunday!    The countdown to Christmas continues…………….and I’m ready to strut my stuff for another Sunday Hop hosted by The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.    Want to hook up with us?   Please do!  Just click their badge and add yourself to the link.   Easy right?

I thought maybe I’d do a FLASHBACK SELFIE again today.    Mom took some photos of me this week but one is way too dark (even after editing) of me under the Christmas tree and the other is me belly-up in the guest room (been there/done that) so I’ll do a FLASHBACK instead.

I look back to this same period of time one or two years ago and see what I find…………………..ready?

This a selfie Mom did on December 9, 2018 so it’s only a year (almost exactly) old.   I can tell from the carpet that it was taken in Mom’s office and since I’m playing with tissue she was PROBABLY wrapping Christmas presents at the time.   I guess she added the Christmas border to jazz it up for December and I am recycling it because it’s HOLIDAY-ISH !!!

Mom had done a puzzle for this photo already last year so we just downsized the number of pieces from 130 to 99 and wish you luck with it!  Just CLICK the little photo!


Are you ready for the holidays?     We will be as soon as all the presents Mom and Dad ordered arrive and are wrapped.  In the meantime I have all the space UNDER our Christmas tree to myself – oh boy – now that’s what I call NICE NAPPING.   After the presents arrive I hope Mom remembers a certain CAT likes to sleep under there and leaves me some room!


Love, Teddy

46 responses »

  1. That is a lovely flashback selfie, Teddy.
    I did the puzzle in 11.05 but it doesn’t save the time because it has been resized. I looked at my time from last year for the 130 pieces and that took 18.14. I am sure I can do it faster so will try the 130 again tonight.


  2. You are so adorable. I love this festive photo of you Teddy. Thank your mom for the 99 piece puzzle- much easier on my eyes. Have a great day! XO


  3. Teddy, you are starting to confuse our mom. Everyday, you hav a different Christmas design. They are all nice, but we liked the one from yesterday with your photo at the top. This is a wonderful selfie. We adore your belly, but it is nice to see your precious face. Thanks for hopping over to see us every week. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mom is going nuts playing with the blog – problem is one of the ones she did wouldn’t allow comments – she’s gone back to one of them but maybe I can talk her into the blue one with me at the top??!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Teddy, thanks for sharing your FLASHBACK photo. I envy you that you get to hang out under the xmas tree. Mom isn’t putting up a tree this year, ’cause her and Dad are going to spend the holiday at Grandma and Grandpa’s in WYO Ming, and will be leaving in a week or so. Maybe I could come over to your house and sit with you under your tree? Purr purr purr.


  5. The picture could have been from yesterday, Teddy, you still look the same and very handsome😸We’re glad you reduced the puzzle, we can hardly overlook so many pieces…MOL…Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞


  6. What a great place to take a nap, Teddy. Sure hope your Mom leaves space after the presents are wrapped (I bet she will) so you can continue to nap there. Love last years Christmas picture, very cute. I bet your pawrents take one this year too.


    • Same here Cupcake………the best “not under foot” spot for me right now is in the guest room snoozing away – nobody finds me there and I won’t get accidentally stepped on!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh golly – thanks you all! Mom pulls out these oldies of me because she thinks everyone is tired of seeing me belly up (which is the only time she EVER takes current photos of me!).

      Hugs, Teddy


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