Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Greetings!    Happy Thursday – time for the Thankful Hop with Brian.    If you’d like to tell us what you’re thankful for this week, just pop in and link up – click the badge above and you’ll be there!

I’ve got some thankfuls this week like the weather – it’s been incredible – we need rain desperately (so says Mom and Dad) but haven’t had a drop – just perfect days which I’m very happy about.   I suppose I should hope for rain since Mom and Dad got the yard aerated and re-seeded but I can’t help it – I LOVE THIS EARLY FALL STUFF!!    I’m also thankful that we got a wonderful surprise package from Dr. Basil and the B Team as part of his “Paw It Forward” initiative.   We were chosen to be one of the recipients of a lovely package.    Inside were a pretty blankie and a little fuzzy pink kitty toy for ME and a coloring book for Mom!    Such a SWEET thing to do – we know there were a number of lucky kitties who got packages from TEAM BASIL – we sure appreciate being one of the LUCKIES!

Now for the second part of my blog today and that’s the poetic part.   Angel Sammy sent me an email from the Bridge with his poem for this week based on the photo of last week – shall we see what he sent?   Lets!!


It’s That Time Again Friends!  Let’s get POETIC!

Thursday means poetry right?   Well, I hope you had fun coming up with a poem to go with last week’s photo I gave you.   There’s something about just LOOKING at a photo of a flower shop that activates your nose.   Mom can see a photo of a flower and smell it.   I can see a photo of cat food and smell it but somehow even though it’s the same thing – it’s different.    Anyway, the photo I gave you was a beautiful Parisian flower shop.    Here’s my poem written while I stared at the photo and I hope you will share YOUR poem that you wrote by letting us know in comments that you DID write one!    If you haven’t tried writing a poem from a photo – give it a try – I think you’ll have fun!

“Can A Nose Smile?”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell          ©September 25, 2019

Flowers have such happy faces

Reminding us of beautiful places

I often stop to smell them in their neat little rows

They make me smile BIG with my mouth and my nose!

Flowers make things better if you’re feeling a bit down

They make us happier than a silly old clown!

Their colors are amazing, their flowers are perfection

The bees that are attracted to them offer them protection!

They delight all our senses and brighten all our days

They do things for our moods in such incredible ways……

A bouquet of flowers is a gift from the heart

Whether condolence for a loss or a new love at the start

Want to see what joy you can bring with a beautiful flower?

I promise you this – they possess a magical power!


My Mom will often bring home a bouquet of flowers when she goes grocery shopping.   The bouquet generally lasts about a week and my favorite thing used to be when she puts the flowers in a vase on the low coffee table because I could get a sniff!   If it’s up on the table or kitchen counter I couldn’t enjoy them “up close and personal”………..Teddy always takes a sniff if he can.    Outside he visits everything in bloom.    Anyway, I thought it might be a fun photo for poetry.    I have another photo for you to be inspired with for NEXT Thursday.    Take a look at it, get a FEEL for it, then craft a poem to share with us next week!

Cute?   Yes we thought so………..gotta wonder what these two are up to!    We’ll see what YOU decide when we share our poems next week based on this photo OK?    Meanwhile, enjoy these first weeks of Fall…………………my Mom loves Fall………….do you?

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

See you next Thursday!   Remember, we Angels are with you every minute of the day!   

Love, Angel Sammy



Thank you Angel Sammy.   That was a nice poem – I really DO love to smell flowers.   Only once did I decide to smell a flower that was occupied by a bee and I realized DANGER DANGER before I got stung.   I bet that was YOU protecting me right?    See you next week.

Love, Teddy


38 responses »

  1. we can say so much with flowers… and they are the perfect gift for so many occasions… and even when we are sad, flowers can be like friends when they tell you that someone thinks about you and that you are not alone no matter what…


  2. Flowers are beautiful and always soothe and cheer me up. I feel lucky to live in a place where flowers bloom all year long. Very nice poem Angel Sammy. All your words are true! The picture for next week is very cute and I am sure there will be wonderful poems. I do love Fall even if it’s a little different in Floridadeedo!


    • When Mom lived in Floridadoooodeee she didn’t have a garden – she did have lemon trees in the back yard of the “duplex” house she lived in though. There was only shade from big trees all around so no sunny patch for a garden. When she moved back to Virginia she lived in an apartment and discovered “balcony” gardening – complete with vegetables and LOTS AND LOTS of houseplants. Plants make her happy! The photo for next week is adorable isn’t it? Even I think it’s cute – little people can be fun if they don’t pull my tail!

      Love, Teddy


    • Hi Sundae! You would be good at poetry I think – you’ve seen a lot out your windows at home and probably have some tales to tell about deer, ducks, snakes, swans, birds of all kinds and BOATS! Your Mom did a great job on her “memory poem” today. Please tell her thanks for joining in our fun!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Isn’t that a cute photo? Wonder what those two are up to – planning to elope (hahaha)?? I kind of miss gardening because it’s just too much work for my old back and bones but I DO love potted plants and my porch and deck “gardens”. Hope you have a super duper Thursday!! I loved your poem…….LOVED IT!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Years ago Dad bought flowers for Mom on Valentine’s day and they came in a vase with XOXO on it.
    When those flowers died, they always bought new ones to fill it and Mom still does. The flowers make her smile.

    Next week’s photo is a cutie!


    • Fresh flowers make you just plain FEEL GOOD don’t they! You have some pretty ones in your own yard – we really don’t do many flowers any more here other than lantana and begonias so Mom buys a bouquet at the grocery. I even enjoy sniffing!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. I always like to have a vase of flowers in the house and a few potted plants too. Those toddlers are cute. I wonder what mischief they are planning. Maybe they have already done it and are waiting to see the result.


    • They certainly are plotting SOMETHING aren’t the. We’ll find out next week when we read the poems what people think that might be! Plants just make me feel ALIVE – and I like that feeling! 😉

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Sounds like your prize package had plenty of fun and adorable bling. Congratulations. Mom is one of those people who has fresh flowers on the table every day of her life. I am not allowed near them because I am a clumsy ox and a nosey pest. That’s good,.. Right…?

    Love and licks,


    • Night rain is the best………makes for great sleeping. On my way to see your poem! Thanks for playing along with us on poetry day. Just got back from reading your poem and I love it!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy


  6. Sammy, that was a wonderfully happy poem, and it made our mom smile. Mom always loved going to San Francisco with its outdoor flower stands on just about every corner downtown. She used to get flowers from the grocery store just about every week, but Astrid and Lisbeth would always want to eat them, so she just gave up on that; though, she loved the bright spot and aroma. Sawyer wrote a poem, but it isn’t about the flowers. Next week’s photo will be fun. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We loved Sawyer’s poem – it’s now in the October TCC newsletter! Flowers make my Mom happy – since she doesn’t grow them outside any more she just gets them at the grocery. I have no interest in eating them but I always give them a good sniff when she puts the bouquet in a vase on the table.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, we hope the weather continues to be purrfect for you. Does it feel like autumn where you are? We’re still having 90°F days, and we’re ready for some autumn. Angel Sammy, what a beautiful poem for such a beautiful image! The way you put is so right – flowers have a magical power! Purrs!


    • We keep going from COLD/RAINY to HOT/STIFLING so no Fall hasn’t decided to permanently inhabit Northern Virginia just yet! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – flowers make all of us HAPPY!

      Hugs, Teddy


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