Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


It’s Thursday again!   This is a great HOP hosted by Brian and you can join in by clicking his badge above and linking up with us to be thankful!    You all probably have noticed that a lot of my Thankfuls lately have been about (1) being able to go outside, and (2) that my little friend Sawyer keeps battling back from his seizures.    Well I have GOOD NEWS on one of those things and SCARY news on another.

The GOOD NEWS is that Sawyer – little miracle guy that he is – seems to be back to ambulating well and acting “himself” after his last seizure.    The past two kind of ganged up on his little body and he had a very tough time coming back after the heatstroke he experienced due to the last seizure.   Anyway, his Mom reports he’s running (so no ambulation problems) and playing and responding to his name.   We are SO happy about that.

The SCARY news is that we had a bear in our backyard on Tuesday!    Mom, Dad and a friend were chatting over coffee in the kitchen and our friend said she thought she saw a bear in the backyard – everyone looked out there and sure enough there he was – just about to head into the neighbors back yard.   We kept an eye on him – saw him come out on the far side of her yard and head across the street.   He looked to be pretty big………and he also looked like he might be limping a little.   Hard to tell with bears – they “lumber” along anyway.    There are a lot of bear sightings around this area – particularly black bears.    Some years ago Sammy saw one coming out of the woods in our backyard – Sammy was in the basement in his favorite chair watching out the window and all of a sudden he flew upstairs with BIG EYES and Mom and Dad knew something was up!  They looked out back and there was a large black bear coming around the side of our house into the front yard.    SO that’s why we worry about people letting their cats roam.    IT’s tough enough around here with all the foxes but add some hungry bears and it’s just not a good place to be – outside on your own!    You know I only go outside with harness/leash and Mom and Dad!

Now for our regular Thursday feature – the poem from Angel Sammy!    Every Thursday without fail we get his email with his poem in it based on the photo from the previous week he’s given all of us as inspiration.


Happy Thursday Poetry Fans!

Or even if you aren’t a fan but tune in to read my poem and see what next week’s inspirational photo is – welcome anyway………….one of these weeks you may decide to dive into the POETRY POOL and join us.

Here’s the photo I gave you last week to write about for this week…………………followed by my poem……………….followed by next week’s photo!!

“Go Fly A Kite!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    © July 10, 2019

Curiosity about flying starts quite early

No matter if you’re a little boy or a girlie

There’s something about a kite caught up in the breeze

We love those kites until they land in the trees.

If the wind catches the kite then up, up it goes…..

And it dances in the breeze until you fall or stub your toe!



YEP – that’s a short poem for me I know but it seemed like the RIGHT place to stop when I got to that last line.   That’s how it goes when you’re writing poetry.  Sometimes you want to go on and on and it’s RIGHT to do that; other times you know it’s best to stop.   Did you write a poem for the photo this week?   Oh I hope you did – and if you did, let us know in comments so we can come see your poem.   Poetry lifts your mood and your soul just like the wind lifts a kite so give it a try and see for yourself!

Meanwhile, be good to each other – make someone smile if you can – enjoy every minute you have………………….All the Angels say the same thing – make the most of the time you are there and be happy.

Here’s your photo for next week’s poetic inspiration – see what you can do with this one!


OOPS…………..well, accidents happen right?    My Mom says there were plenty of times when she was babysitting that things like this happened in the blink of an eye and getting the mess cleaned up before Mom and Dad got home was IMPERATIVE and messy!     Anyway, all of us should have fun with this one.

Until next Thursday when we get together again to share poems, I hope you have a super Summer week…………………..and remember – we Angels are here if you need us………………..

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love Forever And A Day, Angel Sammy


YAY – thanks Angel Sammy for visiting us and sharing your poem…………also giving us such a hilarious photo for next week.   I wonder what that kid’s thinking – “what have I done??” “where’s Mom with the washcloth?” or maybe “I’ll have a big surprise for Mom when she gets ready to change my diaper!!!”………..hahahaha

Happy Thursday – time for me to grab some Zzzzzzz’s !!

Hugs, Teddy




53 responses »

  1. You’ve answered all my questions from yesterday about the bear. 🙂

    My biped says her younger brother always used to put his food bowl upside down on his head if he got the chance – and he was quick! 😀


    • That’s so funny… week’s photo is hilarious isn’t it? I suppose if you had to clean him and his high chair (and the floor) it might not be so funny though! Tee Hee……….

      Love, Teddy


  2. When I was small I loved to fly my kite on the beach, but it always seemed to dive bomb me!
    I am glad Sawyer is feeling better now after his last seizure.
    That was very scary to see a bear in the garden! Do they attack people? I know when we were in Alaska, when walking on trails there were signs reminding us we were in bear country and to make a noise as we were walking so as not to take them unawares. We did see a black bear fairly close to where we were walking and I was talking 19 to the dozen so he knew we were there. Thankfully he totally ignored us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I remember flying kites too and like you, somehow they would always “run out of air” and come flying back down to hit me…LOL. It’s only the second time in 23 years we’ve seen a bear in our yard but that’s twice too many although they really are beautiful creatures. Bears I believe are as afraid of US as we are of THEM – they prefer not to have human contact but it’s tough to say what could happen if they were hungry enough or if they felt threatened. Both times we’ve seen them, we’ve been INSIDE the house though. Seems we have a lot of them in our County – but other than pulling down a bird feeder or knocking over a birdbath they don’t do much harm! Good for you talking up a storm to keep bears at bay when you were in Alaska!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay for Sawyer!! Yikes on the bear, glad you all were INSIDE! Your mom told my mom that you hadn’t had any desire to go outside lately; it’s easy to understand why!! Great poem, Angel Sammy, and oopsie on next week’s photo!
    Love, Sundae


    • Yes isn’t that a cutie photo for next week? Ought to have some fun poems. Yes we THANKFULLY have not seen that bear again but if he’s living around here I’m sure we eventually will!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Angel Sammy and Teddy and Mom, we have a few bears in our neighborhood too. The closest was three doors down and he came up from the woods in back of all our homes. The poor guy was out grilling. The bear traipsed through the neighborhood. Glad I am an indoor girl.
    XX Katie Isabella


  5. Great poem and we love next week’s photo. We’re so happy Sawyer has done so well and we purr and pray every day for him.

    We are thankful that we don’t have bears. We do have coyotes and bobcats and they are scary enough. We hope your neighborhood outside kitties are safe.

    The Florida Furkids

    Liked by 1 person

    • We really do worry about the outside kitties. The foxes have no hesitation ganging up on a cat as we know from the experience with the kitty Mom and Dad moved out here with – Eddie. One night there was loud screeching on the deck and Mom and Dad ran downstairs to see Eddie on the deck railing with two foxes under him. A close call and Eddie became an indoor kitty.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Great news about Sawyer! The bear… interesting but, yeah a little scary. I think I’ll take our alligators over bears. You three be careful with bears coming that close! I like your kite poem Angel Sammy… kites always were chasing me and hitting me in the head… HAHAHA, I feel like Cupcake could have said this!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A bear!! That is scary. We had one in our yard back in 2011. David was walking the dog and I went to toss some trash and spotted it. He froze with the dog and the bear crossed into the neighbor’s yard. That was a fun poem. Next week’ s looks fun too. Your mom finds such fun prompts. Have a great day! XO


    • I guess they go where they need to in order to find food and shelter…..Only two sightings in all these years probably at least mean we’re not about to be overrun with them. Glad you liked the poem today – a little shorter than our usual but I think Angel Sammy is so busy at the Bridge he doesn’t always have time to do a longer poem.

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. That is a terrific thankful for dear Sawyer and such a great poem too. Yikes on the bear, we hope it lumbers far away. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  9. I like your poem, especially the ending. I am very happy about Sawyer and the bear sighting is amazing. We don’t see anything as interesting as a bear around here although we were in the water once with manatees swimming around us close enough to touch.


    • Love love love manatees. Many MANY years ago when I lived in Clearwater we would go “tubing” down the river and saw manatees occasionally. We really would prefer the bear to stay IN the woods instead of OUT. At least it’s only the second time we’ve seen one in all the years we’ve lived here.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • We went boating (not tubing because the water is freezing) a few times on the Weekie Watchie river. I think once we saw nine manatees. It was on the east coast, though, at Sebastian inlet where we were on my father-in-law’s boat and saw a crowd in the water. We got close and then got out of the boat where a good number of Manatees were swimming around. Some of them brushed past us and we touched them as they swam by. It was a great experience.


  10. Wow, a bear in your yard?! That really is scary! We don’t get those out here – they stay up in the forest, where they belong. Although neighborhoods that are closer to the forest than we are have occasional bear sightings.


    • There are a LOT of woods around here including a long stretch of woods with a stream in our back yard. I think they kind of prefer to be left alone and not around US as much as we don’t want to be around THEM. Second time in 23 years we’ve seen a bear. This guy was pretty good sized and limped a little. They are sighted around our County fairly frequently – we are about 40-45 minutes away from the mountains here and when Mom and Dad go up to the mountains for a drive they occasionally see black bear up there too.

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. OMGoodness, T. Thank goodness for your harness and leash. In case a bear or a lion or a dragon come into your yard, your mom can scoop you up and make a run for it. I hope she runs faster than my mom. Otherwise, you’re both in for a tussle.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mom looks like a wounded bear (oops – did I say BEAR?!) when she runs but FORTUNATELY we’re never too far from a door. She’s only had to run while carrying 22 lb. me ONCE before and that was when she saw a snake. She HATES snakes and even though we were about 15 feet away she still freaked out, screamed and picked me up to run for the door (oops…I mean hobble for the door!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. We’re so happy and thankful Sawyer is back to playing.
    Oh my, we’re also thankful you were safe from that bear when he came by. Aren’t you glad you weren’t sunbathing just then? We’ve been to Yellowstone a couple times and never been that close to a bear. We’ve only had a bobcat in our yard and an owl.


    • We hear owls and once in a while see one swooping down into the front yard which is open and I think the chipmunks run around out there. No bobcats yet fortunately – we have foxes though and they DO capture kitties so I’m happy to be with my Mom and Dad when I’m out!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. sam o bacon…..dood…thiz weekz poemz awesum az alwayz, even if a toe waz stubbed….. 🙂 ♥♥ ore all most …wunder if a kitez ever made it ta heaven !! ♥♥♥

    ted o natorz….WHOA….for reel dood…ya noe bearz iz ROOD….they steel salmon de minit itz up outta de water…

    bear onze steeled 78,209 salmon frum uz in one seazon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaa 😉

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺

    thiz sure lookz like fun
    wunder if catz can fly em
    and a BURD FREE sky


    • I bet cats COULD fly kites – I mean we are pretty danged smart and clever so why not fly a kite? The problem would be as you said – those BURDS are up there too and knowing the kite is attached to a cat might be all they need to attack and murder our kites. Danged burds! Yeah that bear was pretty big too. Makes me glad that when I’m outside I’m on a leash and with Mom and Dad I can tell ya!

      Hugs, The Ted-o-Nator


  14. Mom says she can really relate to your poem, as she would be the girlie who fell or stubbed her toe. Did we know about that bear? Mom doesn’t remember Mom Pam mentioning it in any e-mails. Mom’s friend had a mommy black bear and two babies in her yard a couple weeks ago. She even got photos. Well, you know it is up and down with Sawyer, and we all really appreciate your support. We just wish he wouldn’t hurt himself during the seizures. Mom did write a poem today. Here’s the link:
    Next week’s photo is fabulous. Bet there will be lots of fun poems. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Mom did do an email about Mr. Bear – and truth be told I didn’t actually SEE it, she, her friend and my Dad saw it – lumbering through our backyard into their friend’s yard (next door neighbors!). Then they watched as it went around neighbors house and across the street. We think it’s entirely possible the bear lives somewhere in this area. Lots of woods around and it is the second sighting of a bear in our yard – Angel Sammy saw one some years ago and it scared the pants off of him even though he was inside (and doesn’t wear pants…haha). Sawyer is my little buddy and pal and an inspiration to ALL. Never give up – NEVER. Mom and I loved your poem!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  15. It’s great that Sawyer is feeling better, and i am very cautious about bears. Where does a bear sit? Anywhere he wants!

    Fun poem, and next week’s picture reminds me of a true thing that happened when Bigger Girl was still a very small girl, i will see if i can write it up into a poem.


  16. Teddy, we are glad you are a kitty on leash, no bear is going to get you. Stay safe. We have seen deer, coyotes, bunny rabbits, turtles, and snake, but no bears.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  17. Meow wow! A bear inn THE backyard iss purrty scarey Teddy! When mee lived upss inn Wireton mee saw a few bearss as they come rite inn to town….mee wuud hide under carss or truckss….mee not want to bee a ‘bear snack’!!! So far mee not seen any bearss here!
    An yore short an sweet poe-em was just purrfect! 😉
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiesss}} LadyMeowy


    • Mom says this bear last week was only the second on in all the 23 years she and Dad have been here so we aren’t being overrun with them (thankfully!)……we feel bad for them that they have to go so far to find food.

      Hugs, Teddy


  18. Teddy, we are so sorry we’re so behind on commenting! Blame this human and her time management, or lack there of. Shame on her! We have been sending many, many, many purrs and prayers to sweet Sawyer. We so badly want him to be well. As for that bear, that must have been such a mesmerizing yet also frightening sight. I’ll admit that I am a huge fan of bears, especially black bears. They’re almost as cute as kitties!

    Angel Sammy, this photo and your poem brought back so many childhood memories. My parents used to take my sister and myself out to fly kites quite often on our summer breaks as children. Such wonderful memories!


    • It’s funny – almost everyone has at least one memory of a kite….theirs or someone else’s – and all that running and hoping the kite would take off……getting them stuck in a tree…….the dreams of flying are ALWAYS there too! We have woods and a creek in our backyard so we see mostly a lot of deer………once in a while during the day a fox but mostly at night we hear them outside with that sharp scream of theirs. Fortunately only two bears in 23 years but while we think they are beautiful, we would prefer they stay away from homes and stick to the woods!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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