Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Thursday is here – are you?   Time for us to share our thankfuls with Brian.   You can too – just click the badge above and whammo – you just link up and you’re IN!     We’ll also be reading Angel Sammy’s poem for the week after we share our thankfuls so stay tuned.

I have a BIG thankful today – I’m thankful that my little buddy from Kitties Blue  – Sawyer – is OK after having had a really BAD seizure.    Most of Sawyer’s seizures stop on their own but this one wouldn’t stop so his Mom and Dad rushed him to the vet and they were able to stop it and Sawyer stayed overnight so they could keep a close eye on him.    He got to come home the next day and they might have to adjust his seizure meds, but THANKFULLY it seems he suffered no ill effects.   Sort of a miracle really……seizure disorders are frightening for sure.    Thanks to everyone who sent him POTP and kept him in your prayers.   I am SURE it helped!!!

Now for Angel Sammy’s email which I received overnight and will share with you.    Every week he writes a poem based on a photo he’s given us as inspiration and everyone who wants to write a poem as well, SHARES them.   We love reading your poems – let us know if you wrote one this week and if you didn’t – give it a try next week – Sammy has a NEW photo for us for poetry day next week.


Hello Poetry Buddies!   Let’s do this!

Time for us to share our poems based on last week’s photo inspiration………….did you write one?   Good – let us know you did and give us the link (or put your poem in our comments).    We love to read everyone else’s work.   It’s so much fun.    This is the photo I gave you last week:


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell     ©June 25, 2019

Check me out Mom I’m just like you

I can spread my wings and do what you do

One day I’ll be big and have my own family

I hope my son will want to be just like me

You’re teaching me all the things I need to survive

Thanks to you and Dad I will grow and thrive

I’m saving this photo to show to my son

Copycatting Moms can be so much fun!


Maybe not an actual copycat – but copypenguin just was too long a word.   HAHAHA     Someone said rightly so that this pose in the photo someone captured looks just like that scene from the movie Titanic at the bow of the ship.   It does……….and it has the same FEEL to it – freedom and the feeling of flight right here on the ground……………I realize this was a total coincidence when the photographer captured this particular photo but what a PRECIOUS scene this is.     Did you see something else?   Did it inspire you to write a poem?   GOOD!   Share it with us.   

Here’s something to inspire you for NEXT week………………………………give poetry a try!

What an interesting “mood” this photo brings……………and look way in the distance…………see the shape?     Cool huh?     Let’s see what you (and I) do with this one!   In the meantime, take care and make it your mission to make someone happy this week…………most of all be kind to one another.    OK?   OK! 

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Light and Laughter, Angel Sammy


Thank you Angel Sammy………………you remind us all that we should live our BEST life (even if we have nine lives!)……………because we know you sure did that when you were here!

Hugs, Teddy

41 responses »

    • Glad you liked the poem this week…..the Poetic Thursday thing gives those of us who like to write a little (and I mean little) poetry a chance to stretch our imaginations. The photos just provide a little inspiration.


  1. Angel Sammy you for sure selected a ‘copycat’ of you for your peeps when you sent then Teddy
    Precious poem. Next week is spookkkkkky
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Kind of amazing isn’t it? Thing is though we may look a lot alike but Teddy and I have a whole lot of differences except the important one: We both love our Mom and Dad forever!!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  2. We love your poem….we did a similar theme. That photo was soooo cute!!! Next week’s photo is……um…….interesting!!!

    We’re thankful that Sawyer is doing well and hope he never has a seizure as bad as that one.

    The Florida Furkids


    • I thought of my Mom too…..the photo just reminded me of that special “Mom thing” you and I understand but haven’t experienced personally. Sawyer is a SMALL force to be reckoned with obviously. A fighter – a survivor. Gotta love that !!


  3. Sawyer is in my daily prayers. Great poem from Angel Sammy. Thanks to your mom for finding the best photo prompts. XO


  4. That is such a cute photo of the penguins and the poem is perfect. We are happy that Sawyer has recovered and is okay, Sending you hugs and nose kisses


    • Oh Cupcake I’m sure your Mom doesn’t mind you following and staring. We want to be AVAILABLE at all times in case they need us (or drop some food accidentally….hahaha).

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Oh, MY! That is a sweet poem, and kids of all species do imitate their Moms, so us Moms have to remember that, MOL!
    Glad that Sawyer is fine after that harrowing scary seizure.

    That is one spooky kind of picture for next weeks’s poetry. If I was not so busy I might try my hand at it…um…that pic is for the 4th of July.OMC! Now that will spark some confusion as it does look like a good end of October image.


    • HAHA….the photo for next week’s poem might just cool things down a little – 4th of July is usually HOT HOT HOT but this photo looks a little snowy and cool…..we hope there will be some great poems – there always are! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem this week. It was an adorable photo we think!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We’re having a heat wave too – thankfully the woods are about 10 degrees cooler and we have a bench down there so that’s where we’re trying to “hang out” while it’s this hot!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Thanks Miss Jackie! Kinda freaky photo for next week isn’t it. Although it might be a quiet and magical snowy night on a quiet street…….but then there’s that figure in the background……hmm……will be interesting poetry next week!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Dear Pam, Teddy and Angel Sammy, you really touched my heart writing about Sawyer again. That you and so many others care so deeply for him is amazing. I pray everyday that we can break this cycle of seizures, and I know so many others are doing the same. I love you all. Thank you for your continued support and friendship. I absolutely love your poem, and it really does look like the Titanic scene. I only had an haiku this week, but I thought it as fun. Here’s the link:
    XO, Janet and Kitties Blue


    • Oh Miss Janet we totally loved your haiku – it was PERFECT. There are people EVERYWHERE who are pulling for Sawyer – if we could just make all that energy do the job of stopping the seizures, wouldn’t that be a wonderful miracle? Sawyer has so many people caring about him – that’s a lot of energy and we hope it keeps on coming….there’s no such thing as TOO MUCH caring.

      Love, Teddy and Mom Pam


    • Travis I just read your poem and it was totally fabulous. You’ve got your poetic mojo back……..and your little mini-me continues to learn from Mr. Mojo which is fun isn’t it. Bowie is already making sure you and Angelique are on your toes 24/7!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, we are also so very thankful that sweet Sawyer is okay. We keep sending him many, many purrs and prayers. Angel Sammy, your poem is just as sweet as this adorable image! This here human thinks penguins are almost as cute as kitties, and so this photo prompt made me so very happy. Purrs!


    • We love penguins…..I think I’d like to have a baby penguin as a pet – Mom says no – she says they need wide open spaces, cold, snow, and water to play in. I’ve decided a penguin wouldn’t make a nice pet. I think I’ll just keep my Mom and Dad as my pets!

      Hugs, Teddy


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