Teaser Tuesday and Celebration


Comment then sit!!!

Hello students of Ding Dong Academy for Gifted Students.    Yes I just made that up – thought it might get your attention.   We’re celebrating the Teaser AND Professor Teddy’s GOTCHA Day today.   Two years ago today he joined the staff of the school as a Junior Professor and now he’s all grown up and has Full Professorship!

The Little Prof wants to show you the cool Gotcha card he got from Pipo, Dalton and Benji, their Angels (and Miss Ingrid) who make such wonderful cards……..thank you all so much!! ♥

We also received a card (on Facebook) from my pals Phenny and Nelly!

Now let’s buckle down for the Teaser shall we?    Hopefully you commented before you sat down?

Yes Professors I did!

I did, I did, I did!

I did too!!

Great.   Let’s remind you then that you need to make a complete guess as to where the Teaser photo was taken.  Town, village, city and country or state depending if in USA or not.   No fair using some computer program to tell you where the photo is from but you can of course investigate features of the photo (high mountains, tall buildings, etc.) you see with google.    We have special badges for you too!   Tomorrow we’ll tell you who wins what.

Why don’t we just get to it now?   Bring on the Security Guard with today’s photo!!!

Happy Gotcha Day Professor Teddy…..here’s today’s Teaser photo!

A small hint:   Don’t let this photo fool you……………!    This is not a Guest Teaser by the way – our Graphics Department submitted it.    GOOD LUCK STUDENTS!!

Hmm…..a toughie!

Looks familiar but I’m not sure!

While you all are agonizing – let’s head to the cafeteria where Miss Dingleberry awaits with a delicious menu for today.   After you eat you can return to your desk and continue agonizing over the photo.    How’s that sound????

Happy Gotcha Day Professor Teddy – we in the cafeteria appreciate you.  Enjoy the cake!    Everyone else, enjoy your lunch, it’s our official Valentine’s Day Lunch!

(Gulp) – this is from all of us to you Miss Dingleberry!

Thank you students!

Valentine’s Menu:

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We’ll see you tomorrow for the Tell All – thanks to everyone for celebrating Professor Teddy’s GOTCHA Day with us!

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy


86 responses »

    • I am thinking it looks a lot like old Quebec. We stayed in the Chateau Frontenac for a few days. The Christmas decorations make it look different but I still think that’s where it is.


      • I have looked at my photos and it is annoying that I don’t have a photo of the part of the Old Town where I think it is. I didn’t realise, but is 10 years since we were there. Time flies! I am thinking of one of the little streets off the Square where they have murals painted on the walls. We used to walk down through there to a lovely Italian restaurant.
        I have to keep this as my guess but I am not confident because I don’t recognise the part of the new looking building to the left in the background. A lot can be built in 10 years though!


        • I’m sorry Teddy, I was so busy checking my photos for clues on the Teaser that I never wished you a happy Gotcha Day. You have had the best ever home for the last 2 years and I wish you many many more.


          • Thank you Miss Jackie! I could not be happier – and I feel the love from friends too every single day! I hope I’m here at least as long as Sammy was…..my Mom and Dad love me and I feel it in all 22 lbs. of my big self!

            Hugs, Teddy


  1. I’m not 100% certain on this one, but I think this might be Brussels in Belgium. It looks very similar to an area I have been in around there anyway. And I can imagine it looks a lot like that at Christmas.


  2. We’re starting the pawty early today! Happy Gotcha Day Teddy. So happy you found your furever family, you guys are an awesome family and aren’t we so lucky to call you and your mom our friends. We think think that picture might be from the Christmas market in Kohn, Germany. Have a wonderfur Gotcha Day Teddy


    • Hi friends! Thanks for the Gotcha wishes……know what? Mom and I were as surprised as everyone was when the Teaser popped in at 3AM – why? Because she forgot to change the “regular” posting time when she helped me finish the Teaser post yesterday……DUH………..oh well – she’s elderly remember (!!!). Anyway, that’s a good guess – – – but we won’t know how good or bad it is until TOMORROW so please pop by! Meanwhile, thank you for being such good friends and such loyal STUDENTS at Ding Dong!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We are super early today – big surprise for everyone!!! Thanks for the GOTCHA DAY wishes – I’m getting lots of extra hugs from Mom today. I really was lucky when Mom and Dad chose me at the shelter but Angel Sammy had whispered in my ear that morning that he had told my Mom in her dreams to visit the shelter that day for a SPECIAL boy (ME!). Dad and Mom both just KNEW I was their next baby the second they saw me. YAY! As for the Teaser, it might be Kohn, Germany so be sure and pop by in the AM to find out. Hope you and your Mom have a SUPER DUPER day!

      Love, Teddy ❤


    • HAHAHAHA……it was a complete ACCIDENT that we went live at 3AM – dummy me forgot to change the detault time – usually of course it’s a surprise time but there was no surprise today – AND Phenny, Nelly and their Mom were RIGHT THERE (and surprised) at 3AM our time! WHOOOPS! Thank you for the GOTCHA wishes….I’m one very lucky boy!

      Hugs, Teddy ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Brian for the GOTCHA wishes…….we love all of you too! I just left a note for Simon about romance – please tell him not to worry – we’re too young to worry about dating!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Were you so excited that you couldn’t sleep? 😀

    Happy Gotcha Day Teddy!

    It’s a Christmas market by the looks of things. I suppose you’ll want to know where? No clue – it looks a bit German though.


    • Thanks for the GOTCHA DAY wishes…..I sure was one lucky ginger boy two years ago. Mom made a bit of a WHOOPSIE on scheduling the Teaser today. Lucky for us SOMEONE was up to see us go live at that hour of the morning but Mom still felt a little silly that she’d not put a SURPRISE TIME up for the post. Oh well…………. It is a Christmas market alright but WHERE????? Tune in tomorrow and you can find out!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Happy Gotcha Day again, Teddy. And Miss D. you outdid yourself. Heart shaped potato and burgers. I cannot guess at all where that is. I know two places I want to say, but I know both have to be wrong. XXX I will tune in tomorrow!


    • IT’s rather a tough Teaser photo in a way – there are so many Christmas markets all over the world……….but if you visit us tomorrow you’ll find out where THIS one is! Enjoy your heartshaped potatoes and maybe a “heartburger” too – don’t forget dessert – SWEETS FOR THE SWEET!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Hi Speedy reporting for class,Mummy says its Quebec city christmas market in Germany.Sorry we haven’t been around much,mummy has had a lot going on….sigh….just can’t get the staff these days,xx Speedy


    • Speedy so nice to see you…………….we hope your Mummy had a great birthday celebration! Also thanks for guessing on the Teaser photo for today – if you stop by tomorrow you can see how you and your Mummy did!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I’m sure one lucky boy…………and I know I owe it all to Angel Sammy. Speedy’s Mum is right a lot of the time but not always – – – good luck – maybe you will ALL get a Valentine’s Badge!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Well, well…this was a surprise. Mom should have checked this when she was up around three chastising Cooper for pushing things around on the top of the dresser. Guess the ginger boys are so closely in tune, he was trying to give Mom a message, She’s a dummy and didn’t get it. We’ll do some sleuthing and see what we can figure out. XOCK, The KB Crew


    • HA! Yes if she had checked (which there would have been no reason for her to!!!) she would have possibly been our FIRST COMMENTER – as it was, Phenny was. Cooper was trying to get your attention though so I suspect he “knew” telepathically that we’d forgotten to change normal time to special time for Teaser today. DUH. My Mom gets a small demerit – I say small because it is my GOTCHA DAY and she’s given be a Squeezeable already for my special day so I can’t give her a BIG demerit!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We saw this on FB and thought it was one of the CUTEST videos EVER…….what a little character!!!! If I could do that I would but – well – at 22 lbs. it would be a miracle if I could!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. I am too sick to guess. First there was a picture of Miss D in a hairnet with hearts. I blew lunch. Then it was Gotcha Day and I turned green at the thought of Miss D getting anyone, especially Teddy. Then I had some of the food and gotcha’ed something and blew lunch again. It’s your weight reduction program.


  8. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Teddy! I don’t know where this photo was taken, but I would like to go there. Very nice menu Miss Dingleberry. It is so good to have you back. XO


    • My parents HAVE been here – is that a hint?? Not really because they’ve been to a whole lot of places!!! Thanks for the GOTCHA DAY wishes……I know how lucky I’ve been these past two years – I owe it all to Sammy.

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Who says you can’t decorate The Big House for Christmas? It doesn’t matter if everyone is already on the naughty list and the only thing Santa will be leaving in the prisoners’ striped stockings is a bunch of soap shaped lumps of coal. Everyone can get into the spirit. Unfortunately, that one guy in the prison who ticks off the number of days on the wall must have messed up his counting since it’s almost Valentines Day…


    • Thank you Mr. Pit! I’m a happy boy here in my home with Mom and Dad these past two years. They’ve flown by……I was such a lucky boy that they found me at the shelter two years ago today! I’m sending you a big GINGER BOY hug!

      Love, Teddy


  10. You know what?? I was still up when this posted today, so..if I had been paying attention I could have been a firstie along with The Overlooktwins..sheesh, missed my chance, MOL!

    That is a lovely pretending to be German Christmas Market. Wow, what a pretty scene. I don’t think that is Germany, though. I think its in France.
    Colmar in Alsace, France. I would enjoy going to something like that, but oh my the cold would make things unpleasant for me, MOL!

    Happy Gotcha Day to YOU, Teddy! I know you are loved to the moon and back…and then some!!


    • Thank you again for the beautiful GOTCHA card…….it was very sweet of you to send. I had a great day with Mom and Dad. As for the Teaser – we really did TEASE everyone with that photo which COULD have easily been one from “across the pond” BUTTTT wasn’t! It’s Quebec City!!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


    • Ladymew had good guesses because it certainly does look like that’s where the photo was taken – this was a genuine TEASE of a Teaser though because it’s Quebec City in CANADA!!!! Thanks for the GOTCHA DAY wishes – I’m where I was meant to be and so happy….I know you are too!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy Gotcha Day sweet friend. So very happy you and your folks found each other. You have such loving and wonderful folks. I am so glad to know you and call you my friend. I know I am wrong on my guess but thinking this reminds mom here of Frakenmuth, MI.


    • That is a very German-ish town and it could definitely be there BUTTTTTTTT it’s actually a little NORTH of Frankenmuth – in Canada! Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes – I am one very lucky guy indeed!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. Happy Gotcha Teddy! Two whole years ago you met your mom and dad. Wow!!

    Now, down to business. This picture was taken in Germany…..note the cobblestones. I will say The Christmasy side of Dusseldorf.

    Tyebe and mom


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