Tuesday Teaser New Years Day!


Happy New Year Students!!   Time to COMMENT!!

Gosh Teddy, is it just me or do we have a lot of missing students this morning????

Yep – looks a little EMPTY out there………………where is everyone?     Oh wait – I hear some activity in the hallway……………..

Alright you students – get in that classroom! You’re LATE!




Professors I saw these three trying to sneak down the hallway – I think we have a lot of students who did TOO MUCH PARTYING last night and not enough studying!!

Thanks Marge…….we’ll take care of them now.

Students we are a bit disappointed in you BUT it was New Year’s Eve so we’ll give you a break and not give you any demerits to start off the new year.    Instead, we’ll give you your Teaser photograph and you can hope for the best!    Here’s your rules refresher and the badges you MIGHT win if you stay awake long enough to guess today!

Professors, SOME of us studied last night and did NOT party!

I studied ALLLLL night!

I only stopped studying at midnight so I could watch the ball fall in Times Square!

We’re very proud of those of you who studied………..now let’s see how well you do because you studied shall we?      Cheer team is here (barely) to cheer you on:

Well we might be a little bit tardy
We just got home from a New Years party
We’ll do our best to give you a cheer
But if we’re lousy, you can blame the beer
Good luck to you we hope your brains are working
I think your Cheer Team just did too much twerking!

Alright girls – go get some sleep so you can give a proper cheer to the winners tomorrow instead of looking like you’re fresh out of the Twilight Zone.

Now let’s bring our Security Guard in with today’s photo……………………………..

Hello Professors and Class – here’s your challenge for today!

Students I must say that while you may look at this photo and think “this will be an easy one to do a search on” you may find it tougher than you think!!!!    So it still boils down to whoever figures the Teaser photo out CORRECTLY first………………..on your mark, get set, GO!

Tomorrow we’ll find out who the smarty was today…………………….


Let’s head to the cafeteria now for a break – unless of course you want to stay in the classroom and forego lunch for a chance to (a) SLEEP at your desk or (b) work on the TEASER!

Decisions – decisions……

Welcome to the Cafeteria students!   So whaddaya think of my new look???   Enjoy it while you can before my mustache grows back!   Just kidding……I have a nice lunch for you today to celebrate the NEW YEAR and my NEW LOOK!


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Class, while you’re eating lunch, have a peek at what Professor Teddy did to celebrate the New Year with a few of his friends…….he got very HAPPY!!!   CLICK HERE  

A big thank you to Sharon of Friends Furever for the video with The Professor with some of his friends!!

We’ll see you in class tomorrow for badges, winners and losers!!

Start off 2019 by winning the Teaser competition tomorrow!   Good luck!   

Your Professors – oh yes – by the way – the poll indicated you WANT Pre-Teaser Monday to continue so it will.   Thanks for voting in the poll…………..!

76 responses »

  1. Nice cheer ladies, glad you were able to make it. That is a nice photo, but I have no idea where it was taken. Bring back the old Ms DIngleberry!I don’t like change. I think this one may be too distracting for the boy kitties 🙂 Wishing Teddy and his wonderful folks a happy and healthy New Year! XO


    • Hi Miss Ellen! My Mom and Dad had a great dinner at their Chinese Restaurant last night – thanks to you they have a new tradition now for NYEve! So you think Miss D shouldn’t have had plastic surgery? Well, maybe she’ll start sagging about half way through the school year and turn into the original again. HAHAHAHAHA

      Love and Happy New Year!


    • Hi Kosmo! Glad you like my dancing – that video always makes me HAPPPPPYYYY to see (with the real singer singing it!). So you know the Teaser today? If you guess right you get a badge tomorrow!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great video! Made me happy! Once again,
    I don’t have a clue…but it is a great looking swimming hole!
    The end of every year marks a new year. We wish your next year to be filled with wonderful promises. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming year!
    Marv & Mom


    • Marv and Miss Barb we are hoping for a really great year ahead – we ALWAYS have big hope in our heart for that at the start of a new year. We hope it’s a banner year for all of us and all of our friends too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      Love, Teddy and Mom Pam


  3. We are total failures when it comes to Tuesday Teasers, but we wanted to stop by to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!

    We wish you a wonderful year in 2019. Lots of joy, fun, good health, and happiness with family and friends.

    ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, Timber, and Mom


  4. Good morning 🌞 Yes, it’s still morning here. We are very cold here, -11F was the low last night. We stayed home by the fire. 🔥We had snow first and hubby is out plowing the driveway. I’m jealous of Suzie and the cheerleaders 📣
    We think this unusual photo is Killarney Glen, Australia.
    HaPpY New Year 🥳☃️🎊


  5. We all know that our beloved convicts get the best of everything in their cushy supermax penitentiaries at the expense of us honest, hard working taxpayers. But when the warden decided to add a heart shaped spa tot he communal shower room……. believe me, that was NOT a good idea. Or maybe it was…. the prisoners all seem to be getting along much much better than they used to. Plus, bars of soap are selling like hotcakes at the commissary…

    Meanwhile, I’m glad to see that Miss D’s granddaughter (Or is it great granddaughter?) didn’t inherit any of the family’s infamous ugly genes. Suzie Q’s gonna be awfully jealous if her crushes dump her for the new tart in the kitchen…


  6. Oh, this is easy. This must be Bridal Falls just beyond Hope. See the heart-shaped basin….well, I don’t know if it’s at the falls but I think the sentiments are lovely. Of course, I could be wrong but I like the idea of Bridal Falls.



  7. OMC! What happened to Miss Dingelberry? Did she go into a time machine??? Anyway…that’s a pretty cool picture…but we don’t know where it is. Happy New Year to you and your mom and dad, Teddy!


  8. Happy Happy New Year adorable Teddy and Mom Pam!!!!!!!!!! We love you soooooooooo much! We aren’t around on our blog or online as much as we used to be, but please know that our friendship is FUREVER!!!! May 2019 be extra kind and full of blessings! xoxo


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