Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful Thursday on a Thanksgiving Day is the bestest combination there could be.   We’re THANKFUL just to be here and to be part of Brian’s Blog Hop every week and we intend to stay with the Hop until it stops Hopping!    If you’d like to join in – click Brian’s badge above and join.    Also we don’t want to forget to THANK Brian for hosting.

The other thankful I’ll mention is that I’ve always enjoyed having Angel Sammy’s Poetic Thursday on the same day we’re THANKFUL.    It’s great timing.   I love hearing from the big brother I never knew at least once a week.   He does whisper in my ear when I’m dreaming sometimes but mostly I only hear from him on Thursdays.

Let me share what I got from him today in the way of a POEM and a message!


Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it…….!

Here I am on this day of thanks back in my old home with my Mom, Dad and Teddy to share the poem with you that I wrote based on last week’s inspiration photo.    Every week I give you a photo and you have a whole week to figure out what that photo inspires in your creative mind!    Photos make us feel things, see things, and hopefully WRITE things like poetry.   If you wrote one, tell us you did and give us your link in our comments.   We want to read your poetry!     Here’s the photo I gave you last week, followed by MY poem to share with you:

“Garden Guardian”

The Green Man watches in quiet repose

While frogs, bugs and mice climb over his nose!

He sees all and feels all through every season

His visage changes at the whim of nature with no rhyme or reason.

A patch of moss dies on cheek or nose a weed sprouts behind his ear

But always vigilant his eyes keep watch so steady and so clear

At first glance it seems he’s slowly sinking in quicksand oh so cool

Or perhaps he’s just doing the breaststroke across the garden pool?

I have the feeling he’s been there forever keeping watch as best he can…….

Making sure the beauty of his garden is not ruined by the heavy hand of man.


In case you are wondering about this amazing garden feature, it is part of a rather spectacular place called “The Lost Gardens of Heligan” in Cornwall, UK.    There are a number of features similar to this one that you can see should you have the good fortune to visit this magical place.    You might enjoy taking a look at their website!    CLICK HERE

If you didn’t write a poem this week – never fear – you have another chance NEXT week!    I’m about to give you the photo inspiration for another poem that will “hatch” in your imagination (I hope) and you will share with us next Thursday.   Come on – join me won’t you?    It’s FUN to write a poem…………..Honest.     Here’s next week’s photo:

This is a doozy isn’t it?   Now this is a view of things that – as an Angel – I am familiar with……………but it might make you a little queasy.    I bet it does make you think of some interesting things and those interesting things CAN be a poem!!   

Now I must get back to my Rainbow Bridge duties…………………so I will leave for now and look forward to you joining me NEXT Thursday and hopefully you will have written a poem with me.    I hope those of you – especially my own family – who celebrate Thanksgiving have a really wonderful and special day.    We should all be thankful EVERY SINGLE DAY and not just one day a year but on Thanksgiving we truly concentrate on our thankfulness so make sure and do that today – even if you aren’t celebrating Thanksgiving!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Thankfully yours with Hugs, Angel Sammy


Thank you Angel Sammy.   You are my inspiration every single day and always will be until one day when I join you at the Bridge – then we’ll be the DYNAMIC GINGER DUO!

Can’t a guy get any privacy around here?  I’m cleaning up for Thanksgiving dinner!!

Love, Teddy

50 responses »

    • I imagine it’s tough for that garden guy to not sneeze when a bug goes up his nose or when a bird flies in his ear. I think he’s very cool though and I wish we could have such a garden feature but alas our dirt is like cement so no digging here!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • That Garden would be some fun place to explore wouldn’t it? The Garden Guy is just one of the unusual features there. Miss Jackie has seen the WHOLLLLLLLLE thing! Hope your Thanksgiving was fabulous Miss Pix!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Wonderful poem from Angel Sammy, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your pawrents, Teddy! My pawrents are SO very thankful for the friendship they share with your Mom and Dad!
    Love, Sundae


    • Doctor Phoebe, my Mom and I hope you and yours had a VERY wonderful Thanksgiving. My Mom and Dad were away but came home this morning so I have forgiven them for deserting me. We are so very thankful for so many super friends and for all the fun we have in the blogosphere. SO much to be thankful for………… ❤

      Love, Teddy


  2. We are always thankful to hear from you Angel Sammy and we enjoyed that poem. We are thankful for your friendship Teddy. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  3. oh I loved that poem from Angel Sammy, it made my eyes leak. I am sorry but I couldn’t look at the other photo, it made me dizzy! MOL!! Happy Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We love you always and forever!


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