Thankful and Poetic Thursday


YAY!   Thursday is here and so am I.   I’m going to share my thankfuls on Brian’s HOP then let Angel Sammy do his “poetic Thursday” thing.    I’m EVER SO THANKFUL that my Mom and Dad came home from being gone for four days last week – I wasn’t so sure after they dropped me off at the “spa” but they DID come back and they DID get me so I needn’t have worried.   I’m thankful that the Sisters at the spa love me.   At least I think they do – they visited me and petted me and fed me and stuff – that’s a good sign right?    I’m thankful my Mom and Dad had a good time in Maine too.   They deserve a little break.   If you’d like to tell the universe what you are thankful for on Brian’s Hop – just click the badge above, fill out the LINKY form and you’re IN !!

Now for the second part of my post – Angel Sammy’s poetry day.   You know by now he sends me an email from his cloud at the Rainbow Bridge that contains a little message from him and a poem based on the photo he gives everyone on Thursday every week to use as inspiration for the NEXT week’s poem.   Some of you are playing along with us on this and it justs makes HIM and ME so happy.   You’re all VERY good poets!   Give it a try.   Join in the fun.

Here’s Angel Sammy’s email:


Hello All!   Greetings from the Bridge!

It’s poetry day……………and I can’t wait to read your poem if you wrote one – make sure and tell us in comments that you wrote one and give us your link so we can check it out.   I love Thursdays so I can share my poem with all of you and just let you know that all of your Angels (including me) are always watching out for you even though we are no longer physically with you.   REMEMBER THAT!!

Here’s the photo I gave you last week – one that I hoped would spark your creativity and get you writing a poem for today!

My Mom loved this photo – she TOTALLY remembers these trucks and how exciting it was to see the guy ringing the bell and stopping at every block to let the kids gather round and get ice cream or sometimes just get to ring the bell or try on his hat!    Here’s my poem for this photo:

“The Magic Man”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell     October 24, 2018

The good old days were truly good

At least they were in some neighborhoods!

The Good Humor Guy came around all the time

Amazing how something so good could just cost a dime!

Kids would come running when they heard the bell

No matter what you got, it sure tasted swell!

He would time it just right so most dinners were done

It would be time for dessert with the setting of the sun.

Those days were so magic, and the drivers were magicians –

Ice cream was better “medicine” than what we got from pediatricians!!!


Alright – I have to admit, I invaded Mom’s dreams one night to get her feedback on the Good Humor guy she remembered – so this poem is almost more HERS than MINE this week!!

I guess it must have been a lot of fun back in those days.   Mom remembers all of this stuff from back in the 50s forward.    The last time she actually heard an ice cream truck it was an electronic song playing over and over and over and the truck was kind of speeding through the neighborhood like he was on fire or afraid to stop!    Well that kind of ruins the moment doesn’t it!

Here’s the photo that I found for you poets to use as your inspiration for NEXT Thursday when we meet again for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday……………hope you like it!

This ought to be an interesting one to put a poem to don’t you think?    Let’s see what you can do with it and I’ll meet you back here – same time, same place – next week.   Meanwhile, if you haven’t tried writing a poem – give it a whirl.   When you SEE something, things go through your head – feelings, thoughts, ideas – so just put them into WORDS – whether they rhyme or not is irrelevant – just say what you feel.

Right now I’m FEELING like I need to say goodbye.   You know we Angels here at the Bridge are incredibly busy – they keep us hopping here.   But we are never too busy to watch over all of you.  We’re here for you if you just want to talk to us before you go to sleep at night or if you feel lonely – you are never alone!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love to my little brother Teddy, Mom and Dad, and of course ALL OF YOU!   

Angel Sammy


Well that was a totally cool poem Angel Sammy and I’m always happy when Thursday comes around so you will be sharing your poetry with us.   I’ll talk to you in my prayers as always – thanks for being my special Guardian Angel.

Love, Teddy



43 responses »

  1. I remember there was an ice cream truck that patrolled the streets each summer by my grandparents’ house when I was a kid. The ice cream always tasted better, though, when it wasn’t immediately followed up by that other iconic vehicle of summers past, the bug spray truck…


  2. Good job, Angel S. There can never be a bad story or poem about ice cream. My mom also remembers the flat-out excitement that truck brought to a neighborhood. It was magical! Plus delicious!

    Love and licks,


  3. I know you are happy that your folks are home Teddy. I am thankful I got to spend time with them. Great poem from Angel Sammy. I don’t remember The Good Humor truck, but there was an ice cream truck. I loved to get rocket pops from there. XO


  4. Oh I loved ALL of the things on the truck! And gosh, mom said she hasn’t seen one of those trucks in forever and her! But boy, when she did and begged for the money to get something…it was the best treat EVER! I usually went for whatever had chocolate no matter what it was. What fun to hear it coming and run out with the other kids to push and shove and try to be first. (I never was…funny).


    • YES! That’s the memory Angel Sammy and I were trying to capture with the poem this week. We had a feeling that many would identify with that old photo of the Good Humor guy……magic times indeed. I was never first – too shy to push to the head of the line – but I knew EVENTUALLY I’d get my treasure for dessert! 🙂

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Meow angel Sammy when you see angel Unnkell Siddhartha Henry wuud you give him mee BellaDharma an LadyMew’ss LOVE??? Wee DO meow to him efurry nite. Sumtimess LadyMew getss furry wet eyess an shee goes furry quiet. Thankss angel Sammy…..
    P Ess: That was a cute poe-em too!

    Meow Teddy mee likes yore art foe-toe! Yore handsum!
    **purrsss** BellaDharma ❤


    • Someone told me that the ice cream trucks are making a “comeback”……..I’ve heard ONE in the 21 years I’ve lived here and it sped through the neighborhood like it was on fire. HAHAHA It also had a recorded (and irritating) song. So much for the MAGIC!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mom remembers how excited she and her brother would get when they heard that magical sound of the truck arriving in the neighborhood – just enough time to run and beg for some change then down to the street to wait for that truck and the line of kids running after it!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Such a cute poem with an unexpected ending. Mom says her favorite was when they started putting soft serve machines in the ice cream trucks in the 60s. She loved the chocolate soft serve. Ice cream didn’t bother her in those days. She did write a poem as well. Here’s the link:
    Mau and Cooper are really looking forward to seeing Angel Sammy this evening. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • My Mom was no longer visiting the ice cream truck in the mid-60s I guess. While she loved soft serve ice cream, it was in the ice cream parlor vs. the trucks. We absolutely LOVED your poem for Sammy’s Poetry Challenge – it was perfectly perfect.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Mom told us all about The Good Humor Man too, Angel Sammy. She loved it when the truck came down her street, but sometimes it came too close to dinner. Mid-afternoon in the summer was the best time of all. Love the poem.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  8. Hi Guys! What a great poem!
    When Mom was growing up they did not have an ice cream truck it was a guy with a tricycle with a freezer on it (They lived in a suburb in Calgary and there was a fleet of these things that the high school kids rode around on). She never saw an ice cream truck until my human brother was a kid!
    And we LOVE that you were well taken care of! I don’t know what I’m going to do when my Mom goes away in 11 days!


    • Marv, my Mom has seen some of those tricycle freezer arrangements for ice cream before too – sometimes in downtown of big cities. Just more convenient I guess for them to sell it that way. Marv will you and Ninja get to stay in your house while your Mom is away with someone taking care of you or do you have to go to a spa like I did?

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaw Teddy, we’re glad your folks are back and came and got you too. We luv ice cream, but the only truck that brings it round doesn’t charge a dime. MOL We don’t think you can buy anythin’ fur that anymore. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  10. I thought I had commented on this post, but I haven’t, shame on me! Teddy, it sounds like your spa is the purrfect place to be when your parents are away. And Angel Sammy, your poem is of course purrfect, too. It suits this fun and nostalgic image so well. Now, we are already having lots of fun with this week’s photo prompt!


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