Teaser Tell All Time


Good Morning Class!   We’re here to tell it all……..


Yes all.    Yesterday’s Teaser was interesting and we sure had some swell guesses…………………….but it was early on in the morning when we got the FIRST RIGHT GUESS.   We’ll tell you all about that in a bit.

FIRST OF ALL though we need to let you know who our FIRST COMMENTER was – ready?

OK OK OK – give us a second will ya?



I was the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of September 25, 2018! YAY FOR ME!


Here’s the photo from yesterday then we’ll tell you who our GUEST TEASER was and the details on the photo:

A rather unassuming photo right?  Could be almost anywhere right?   WRONG…………first of all this photo was from our good friend Miss Jackie of TWODEVONCATS !    She does a whole lot of traveling so goes to many very cool and interesting spots – and YAY FOR HER (and us too) she takes a lot of wonderful photographs everywhere she goes.   This is a photo of Mt. Teide, a volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain!   It is the highest point in Spain at 3,718 meters and also the highest point above sea level in all the islands in the Atlantic.     I know when we saw this photo we thought it was “just another mountain” but it’s a volcano!     THANK YOU MISS JACKIE!!

My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of September 25, 2018!


Now for WHO was our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER yesterday……………………………………


MISS CSILLA (yes – again!)


Yes she’s a double winner – here’s her “FIRST RIGHT GUESSER” badge then we have another SPECIAL badge for her!

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of September 25, 2018!! YAY FOR ME!

We have in the past rewarded “double” winners before with a special badge……and our Graphics Department (cough cough) has designed a NEW Badge for Double Winners from here on out and Miss Csilla gets the first of the new badges for being our FIRST COMMENTER and FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!!!!

I was FIRST COMMENTER and FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of September 25, 2018! A DOUBLE WHAMMY WINNER!!!

Congratulations Miss Csilla.

Any others who guessed this Teaser right (and there were some!!!), here’s a badge for YOU because you guessed it too!

I wasn’t FIRST RIGHT GUESSER but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of September 25, 2018!

And of course if you did guess but you weren’t right – you STILL get a badge!  After all, we reward our students who TRY to guess the Teaser too!!

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of September 25, 2018 but I still got a BADGE!

SO let’s give a big round of applause to all the winners and all those who TRIED!    Ding Dong School is proud of everyone!


How Much Longer to Lunch? I need an after-lunch nap!

Alright Class – I see a few of you drifting off – hang in there a bit so our Cheer Team can honor our winners today THEN we’ll excuse you to the cafeteria for lunch (and naps!).

Wow that Teaser was good!
Shook up the Sheep in this ‘hood!
Miss Csilla was a DOUBLE WINNER
An experienced sleuth – not beginner
She knows how to search for the spot
Her skill at that is really quite hot!
Some others in class ALSO were right
So you’re all flying high as a kite!
Thanks to all those who gave it a try
Ask Miss Dingleberry for an extra piece of pie!

Good job Cheer Team…………….you may now go off to refresh yourselves after the cheering in your magnificent hot tub room here at Ding Dong School………

As for all of you students – who’s UP for lunch????

SINGLE FILE SHEEP!   NO CROWDING, PUSHING, TRIPPING, SHOVING, SPITTING, SWEARING – just get your lunch, sit down and enjoy it!    Remember, all of you who bummed out and weren’t right with your guess today get extra pie!


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Students – we’ll see you NEXT week for more Teaser fun at DING DONG SHEEPSCHOOL !

Your Professors!

A reminder today is the day for Madi’s Blog Hop………..won’t you join in the fun with us?    We are honoring Madi as she settles in at the Rainbow Bridge…………the Hop is hosted by our friend Raz from Friends Forever and if you click the badge below you will go to the blog where you can sign up to join the FUN and see the other posts including ours!



34 responses »

  1. Double congrats to Miss Csilla! Miss Jackie does take great photos. I would never have guessed that to be a volcano. Great cheer ladies! XO


  2. Wow, it is so nice that Miss D provides us with these wonderful meals, even if we are “losers.” Concats to Miss Csilla for being a double winner. Cheer team…You Rock! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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