Tuesday Teaser Class Time!


It’s always SPRINGTIME at Ding Dong School isn’t it……………………Flowers, clear skies, and a big old sheep swallowing us as we enter the school (eeeeek!).  Class is about to start – HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET??????  You’d better!

Good Morning Class!    Everyone ready for a little photo sleuthing???    I hope so!

READY Professors!!!!!!

Today’s photo is NOT a Guest Teaser………………but we still think it’s a HUGE toughie.    Remember to follow the rules – no cheating with using programs to tell you – google searching is fine but not google image or any other program that you can load a photo in and WHAMMO it tells you where it is!    That’s no fun…………..Here are the TWO rules we have:

You all can handle this – this class is super duper smart so just study the photo and do your best……………….OK?   OK!    Tomorrow in TEASER TELL ALL class, we will give you details on today’s photo and where it is AND we’ll also be celebrating TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!   Arrrrrgh!


Don’t worry – nobody will have to walk the plank – trust me………………..

Shall we have our wonderful cheer team prepare you for today’s photo with a ROWSING Cheer?   Oh lets do it!

ATTENTIONCheer Team – please report to classroom!


Boy oh boy it’s time to guess
It’s a bit of a toughie we must confess
Study it hard and give it a try
Step right up – don’t be shy!
It’s an island for sure but what is its’ name?
If you don’t give it a try it would be such a shame.
Tomorrow we’ll cheer with your NAME if you are lucky
But if you aren’t you still get a Greenie, you lucky ducky!


Groovy…..lay it on me man….I’m ready…..

Let’s bring in our favorite Security Guard…………………………….time to get things GROOVING along with guessing………………….right???

Hello Professors and Class – here’s your challenge for today!

Beautiful but not many hints – give it your BEST SHOT!!!!   Obviously this is an island, but WHAT island and where??????


This place makes me wanna dance!   

Alright – let’s wait until tomorrow to find out who wins and who doesn’t when it comes to guessing where this photo was taken (no the hula photo is not a hint – it’s just CUTE! ).

Who’s Up For Lunch??????

Hello Students…….I hope you’re in the mood for some great food today!   Yessirrreeeee – my staff worked hard to make sure you all (even Kismet) get something to munch on today that you will like.    Remember to respect your neighbor in line – no tripping or shoving.


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Good Luck with the Teaser students – we will see you here tomorrow in class.

The Profs

78 responses »

  1. Most people think they’re looking at an island here…. and I guess to us, it is an island. But to the inhabitants of the Water World planet, that is actually a lake. You see, they live on the water and would sink like a stone if they dipped their toes on land. Everything is relative. And this post had nothing to do with prisons for a change. Nor will I insult Miss Dingleberry’s food or her mustache today. I’m looking to get put on the honor roll…

    Liked by 2 people

    • I kinda like the idea of a reverse atmosphere where water is solid and land is liquid……wait…..we do have quicksand which is kind of like that right? Nevermind….it makes my brain hurt just thinking about it. I think Miss Dingleberry will be thrilled that you won’t be insulting her food or her mustache today – she needs all the fans she can get!!


  2. Happy Tuesday morning to you. I know I am late but for mom here working for me this is early. I am taking a silly guess that it is Gilligan’s Island at Kauai located in the Hawaiin Islands. Please do not laugh at me. at least this time I had a thought.


    • YES you did have a thought and you did make a guess – maybe it is where Gilligan landed with the Captain and the crew………we’ll find out tomorrow when the Professors tell us where this is. Sure looks like a nice spot – My Mom says she’d like to be there NOW. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Doofus Mom forgot it was Tuesday. She hasn’t done that in a while. But Misty May kept her awake a good portion of the night. She says this could be a cay just about anywhere. For all she knows the one answer so far could be correct. We’re heading to lunch. The ribs and fried chickens are calling to us. Thanks Miss D. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  4. OMS….this island is smaller than Gilligan’s Island. You couldn’t live here! The water is shallow so maybe it’s a little island just off another island. This would be where the bad people are sent for a time out. No room for a building though. Day passes would be quite frequent as there’s no water there.



    • Well Spitty you are right in that we have no idea WHAT goes on at this particular island’s resort (which you can barely see) but we’re sure a lot of suntan lotion is consumed there! My Mom loved Miss Frances and Ding Dong School too – along with Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans. Maybe THEY retired to an island like this?????????????

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. This is tough. There are thousands of islands like this. Where I live on the west coast of Florida there are many, many islands like this but, unlike the one in this photo, our islands are overcrowded with boaters which makes think this is not in the United States. Let’s just say Fiji for shoots and giggles.


    • Good guess actually- much like many of the islands in that chain. We didn’t know much about the Seychelles until we posted this photo and in fact there is a resort on Bird Island – would be nice and quiet!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

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