Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday everyone!    Time to get thankful “out loud” again with this Blog Hop hosted by our friend Brian’s – we join together to give thanks for our blessings and share and you can do the same if you just click his badge above and join us.

I am not just thankful but overjoyed that we FINALLY got some rain yesterday because we really, truly needed it badly.   The sad thing is we got three inches of it in about an hour which is a whole lot of rain much of which just ran down the yards in waterfalls instead of having a chance to soak in and do some good.  BUT we won’t complain really because it DID help our drought.   There was some serious flooding here and there but you almost can’t tell it happened today as everything is cleaned up and drying out.   I am thankful though – Mom has been having to water porch and deck and shrubs for WEEKS now but yesterday’s rain was most helpful.

Also I’m thankful that in spite of the violent thunderstorm with big lightning it did NOT interfere with Angel Sammy’s wifi connection he uses at the RAINBOW BRIDGE,  allowing him to transmit to ME, his poem for this week.   I look forward to hearing from him every week and I hope you do too.    You know he keeps hoping more of you will give writing a poem to share a try – maybe you will feel like taking a whack at it this next week?   We’ll see if the photo he gives us for inspiration is one you can feel comfy writing a poem about????

Here’s his email from overnight………………..



So glad the storm my little brother had around his house yesterday didn’t keep my email from arriving and grateful he didn’t lose power in his house.   It’s been so hot it would have been uncomfortable with all the heat and humidity if he hadn’t had his A/C.    I’m also grateful that up here at the Bridge we are comfortable ALL THE TIME!

Did you write a poem this week?   I try to find interesting photos for you to use as inspiration and I myself write one based on the photos I find.    It’s fun.   This is the photo I chose for all of us last week to use as inspiration for today.    How does the photo make you feel?  What do you SEE in the photo?   What can you write about that this photo inspires in you?  

Here’s my poem based on the above photo………….

“River Queen”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell       July 18, 2018

Riverboat gamblers in a smoky room

Upright piano player playing a tune

Cigar smoke in layers in a room full of noise

Bartender asking “what will it be for you boys?”

Chorus girls dancing up on the stage

Winners are happy – while losers rage

All of that action in the riverboat saloon

Miss Flossie sitting on a stool singing a tune

Head out on deck for air in the still of the night

Takes your breath away watching the stars – oh what a sight

All the action inside with the yells and the songs

While the River Queen riverboat quietly glides along…………

That was a fun one……….I hope you had fun writing your poem this week.    If you did write one – just make sure and tell us you did in comments here with your link so we can go read it!   You can also write your poem IN our comments to share it.   If you didn’t write one – take a gander at the photo I’ve got for you for NEXT Thursday and see if you might be inspired to write one for NEXT Thursday when we get together again:

Oh I already have an idea what my poem will be titled – it hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw this photo!!   Inspiration is like that sometimes – it’s RIGHT THERE and you don’t even have to think about it.   Not always but sometimes.   

I’ll look forward to seeing you all next week…….C’mon – join me in writing a poem.   You will enjoy it I promise!   Meanwhile, remember, all of us at the Rainbow Bridge whether we’ve been here an hour, a day or years love you and watch out for you 24/7.    We are always WITH YOU.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Teddy



Thanks Angel Sammy.     I loved this poem.    Of course I love all your poems but this one I think you might have had a bit of inspiration from Cat Scouts – am I right?   I know before I came along Cat Scouts took a trip to the Bayou in New Orleans and did a riverboat ride and stayed in a swamp one night where it was scary – mind if I show some of your old photos?   I still have your photo albums you know!    Everyone might enjoy seeing a couple.    Cat Scouts is TONS of fun and easy to join – if you’re a cat, you should visit and join up!

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WOW……………….anyway, I can see where you got the idea for your poem and your photo this week.     Well, I guess it’s time to put a PERIOD at the end of this post and say thanks to everyone who played along with us on our Thoroughly Poetic Thursday.    Hope to see you next week……………..

Hugs, Teddy

54 responses »

    • Yep – my parents hate big cruise boats – the river cruises are super though and I imagine a riverboat would be FUN!!!!! There are a lot of these – my Mom and Dad are looking at doing one from Tennessee down the river to New Orleans.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We were so happy to get rain but next couple of days will be dry – THEN more rain this weekend. Hopefully the coming rain won’t fall down in one HUGE batch instead of slowly over a day so it can soak in!

      Happy Thursday, Teddy


  1. Happy you and your pawrents had some rain, Teddy! That’s another great poem from Angel Sammy, and it was nice to see pics again from the Scouts trip.
    Love, Sundae


    • I wish I’d been on that trip but Angel Sammy did a good job when he ran the Scouts Travel Group – I’m now in charge! Wheeeee! Glad you liked his poem today – I liked it too.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. 💐💐💐👍🏻👍🏻well done A.S. A thank goodness for gooooood WiFi!
    We just loved your poem it gave us such great visual images…and the Cat scout photos were and excellent addition. Mom read it to us ate breakfast.
    .ohhhhh next weeK’s photo has given mom a brain worm
    As always you find the bestest photos
    Hugs Madi your bfffffff


  3. Angel Sammy never disappoints, that was excellent. I love the photos of your riverboat cruise. We had all that rain and thunderstorm on Tuesday. My hubby loves thunderstorms, he claims nitrogen sticks to the rain and helps the garden. XO


    • We actually love rain – rainy days are wonderful unless you HAVE to go somewhere then it’s a pain! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem today – we couldn’t resist tying it into that Cat Scouts trip!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  4. Beautiful boat and descriptive poem! I am so HAPPY you had rain! I wish I could send you all the afternoon thunder storms and rain that comes with them. Cool slideshow from the Cat Scouts’ Cruise! Olive and I are going to do some lamp shopping this afternoon if the weather cooperates!


    • It’s a fine line we walk with weather and farming. Both extremes are awful to deal with – floods drown the crops and too much heat without water means burned up crops! Happy medium would be nice but it hardly EVER happens around here!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Grate poe-em angel Unccle Sammy!!!
    Mee not sure what to rite today…
    All mee can fink of iss “Rollin Down Thee River”…Tina Tuner style, mew mew mew…..

    Glad youss; got sum rain; same fing happened here. Iss icky walkin on crunchie grass isn’t it Teddy?
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


      • Mee agreess Teddy!! *hot* sidwalkss are not nice an crunchie grass iss icky! LadyMum an mee go out back bee-tween our buildin an thee Hi-Rise to thee ‘littul forest’ an it iss much nicer!!!!! 😉
        An iss supposed to bee *hot* this weekend…again….*sighsss*….


    • Maybe your Mom can write a little poem about ballerinas for next week??? I bet she can….she’s a writer and you could pose in your ballerina dress for her inspiration…… Mom thought Angel Sammy’s poem this week was maybe a reminder from him that she and my Dad have talked about a riverboat cruise for YEARS. Maybe it’s time to DO IT!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Teddy, rain in the heat of summer is a wonderful thing for which to be thankful. We had a bit of a dry spell a couple weeks ago. The creek near our house even dried up. But, then we got some rain, and now everything looks so much better.

    Angel Sammy, I just love the vibe of your poem! This made me think of some of my favorite Western movies. Now you have me craving a John Wayne marathon! I had a lot of fun with this one, and I know I’m going to have a lot of fun with next week’s, too! Purrs!


    • Thank you again for pawticipating in Sammy’s Poetic exercises every week – we love reading everyone’s poems but your “stories” are so epic and it’s a pleasure to see them every week. The photo for next week is so pretty……….it looks more like a poem! Reminded my Mom of being FORCED to take ballet and tap dancing at the same time when she was a kid. Thanks to her Mom she tried a whole lot of things she never would have otherwise.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. We need rain really bad, Teddy. We have had very little all month. It’s suppose to rain this weekend. That’s another great poem from Sammy. What a fun time on the riverboat.


    • Angel Sammy says the riverboat trip was a ton of fun…….maybe Scouts will do that again one day. I’m in charge of the Travel Group now – maybe I should do that????!!! Let’s hope ALL OF US get some rain this weekend……………..

      Love, Teddy


  8. We had a couple of rain opportunities too – the only problem is that it came down as torrents. We could use a good steady rain and not one that will just wash away. But we are grateful for even some.

    Superb poem. That riverboat sure is pretty. We think it would be fun to take a ride on one.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • We will have rain again this weekend and “off and on” all next week so MAYBE instead of the torrential stuff like you (and we) had, we can get some DECENT SOAKING IN kind of rain????!!!!!

      Mom and Dad would love to do a riverboat trip……….there’s a nice one from Tennessee to New Orleans… of these days!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. That is great that Sammy’s wifi connection wasn’t cut off. So happy you got rain. I imagine nature took a long deep breath and sighed!

    Sammy I was totally impressed with your poem. You painted such a wonderful picture we all were right on the paddlewheeler with you.

    Shoko, Tyebe and mom Jean


    • Those river boats look like they’d be a blast to take a trip on – Mom and Dad have talked about it over the years but haven’t DONE it. Maybe in the next year or two??

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Woo-eee! You got a lot of action going on in your neck of the woods. Happy that you got some rain and hope for more, maybe gentle stuff though. We just had a crazy storm on Friday, power out, tons of rain and broken tree’s. Luckily, no hail in my community but all around us, gardens got crunched. It seems like ol’ Mother Nature has a wicked temper this month.
    Angel Sammy’s poem was delightful. It’s so fun that he can be here with everyone. We have a riverboat in Edmonton but it’s just cruising in the city for dinners. No Gamblers, dancing girls or smoking 😀 We’re pretty tame or maybe lame river-boaters, LOL 😀 xo K


    • We’ve had some bad storms here too but not in a week or so. Rain coming all this week though but we NEED it. Lucky you to have a riverboat even if it’s just for dinners – you still can be on the river and enjoy the atmosphere!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Great poem this week Sammy! Mom really tried this week, but alas, she has a terrible time writing poetry…NOTHING came! Would you believe they have a paddle boat on the Glenmore Lake in Calgary? It is part of Heritage Park and Mom has wonderful memories of riding it around the lake in the summer.

    What great memories you broght back! AND I was glad to read and see Sammy’s with Cat Scouts!


    • Hi Marv!! That’s wonderful that there’s a paddle boat at the lake and your Mom has memories there…..they are very cool boats. My Mom and Dad probably will take a riverboat cruise down the Mississippi one day. As for Sammy and Scouts – we are both Scouts and in fact, Sammy started a troop there many years ago when he first joined up. He might be an Angel Scout now but he still enjoys Cat Scouts!

      Hugs, Teddy


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