Tuesday Teaser


Class Is About To Be In Session – HAVE YOU COMMENTED??

Alright students – please don’t run down the hallways – Sarge and Marge are patrolling and you know they don’t like to have to be extra strict on Tuesdays.    Please take a seat and we shall begin class.

Professor Teddy and I hope that you all studied hard since last we met and are READY to face the challenges of a new photo from a GUEST TEASER today.

I’m alert AND excited!

Yes Sidney, we can see that you’re ready – so let’s begin shall we?     A quick review of the rules:

And an equally quick review of the badges you could be awarded today if you are our FIRST COMMENTER, our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, our RIGHT GUESSER BUT NOT FIRST, and our WRONG BUT TRIED GUESSERS:

So are we all clear now?  You all know how to handle Teaser Tuesday by now so sit up straight in your seats and we will bring out our fabulous Cheer Team to whip you into a frenzy so you can’t WAIT to start guessing where the Guest Teaser’s photo was taken!!


Yes Sidney we can see that you’re still excited…………did you by any chance have a lot of coffee to drink this morning before class?????????????????????

Tuesday’s here and so are we
This cheer costs you nothing – we’re here for FREE!
Clean up your glasses and open your eyes
You have to be AWAKE to win a prize
We saw this photo a while ago
We think it’s a toughie nobody will know!
Prove us wrong and tomorrow we’ll cheer your name
We’ll feel like idiots
You will rise to great FAME!
Ramma Lamma Ding Dong
And Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo
HEY THERE KIDS, we’re rooting for you!!!

Thanks team – I just know everyone can hardly wait to see the photo so let’s go ahead and bring in our wonderful Security Guard so he can get rid of that old briefcase he’s been lugging around with today’s photo in it………!

The suspense is killin’ me!

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Ted

Now get to work students – see if you can figure this out without resorting to drastic measures (like looking at your neighbor’s notes on their desk!)…………..give it your best show – where was this photo taken?

Gee…..it doesn’t even look familiar when I look at it sideways……

You can keep studying the photo at your desk if you like and you can even grab some lunch then sit at your desk while you agonize over the photo and eat.   Whatever you wish to do is fine but our fabulous cafeteria crew have lunch ready whenever you are.

Oh boy….some of my favorite fried stuff!  


We will see you tomorrow for the BIG REVEAL – who wins what!   GOOD LUCK STUDENTS………

Professors Angel Sam and Teddy

84 responses »

  1. Hi Cheer Team Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo Toby is here to show his Handsome Self to You!
    Timmy had to go to take care of biziness so asked me to check out the teaser. I have not been here fur a bit and thanks Miss D these are some wonderfur treats. I will take a few extras home to the family. Now on to the Teaser. Hmmm? Hummm? Errr? Is it along a canal in Bristol England? That is close to Stone Henge and this photo is mysterious
    Toby Tomcat

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmmmm, is it an old factory or an industrial warehouse? Is it along a river or a channel? US or England or Germany or Netherlands or Belgium? Too many questions…


    • Well PERHAPS it is Stockholm???? I love wild guesses and I love RIGHT guesses – I just like that people take a STAB at figuring it out! Your powers of deduction are superlative so maybe you are right???

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Well, it has yellow signs and arches (as someone else pointed out), so it must be the first McDonald’s. MOL…just kidding. We’ll agree with Clowie. We’re tired of Greenies. Those milk shakes look delicious. We think we’ll start with those. Thanks, Miss Dingleberry! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 3 people

  4. They say we have an overcrowding problem in our prisons these days. How can we fix that without releasing thousands of violent offenders out onto the streets to terrorize old ladies and squirrels alike? The solution is simple…. just build a prison of infinite length of course! That brave family in the photo swam the vicious otter infested moat to get a better look at this modern marvel in architecture and calculus. They can walk as far to the right and and far to the left as they wish, but they will never find the corner of the building that separates dangerous criminals from the general population. Seriously, why have our great engineering minds not thought of this yet? The Infinite Supermax isn’t even a NIMBY problem, because it won’t just be in some people’s backyards… it’ll be in EVERYONE’s backyard!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Gosh……as frightening as that would be, it makes some sense…….build prisons in one long never-ending tube….one cell after another….no windows, doors, etc……that canal there in the photo – don’t tell me – sewage system???????


  5. Darn, I was up early for an appointment so I kept checking until 8 am- is there a badge for being too early? 🙂 Great cheer. And I have no clue where this photo was taken. XO


  6. I was having lunch when you went live and then I forgot to say I was here. I would have been about half an hour late anyway. Looks like an old and interesting building.


  7. I’m going with former Soviet… so the former East German side… Dresden maybe?
    I tried to look in my partner’s book but all I saw was Europe before she covered her page. 🤔💁


  8. Chessie and I collaborated on this and agreed. We don’t know! Looks Amsterdam-ish. But it sure is intriguing!! Chessie hopes there is access inside to each place in the row!! She wants to zoom from one end to the other! Several times!!


    • YOU ARE CLOSE and the “hints” in the photo would lead (and DID lead) a lot of Ding Dong School students to guess Amsterdam along with you. It’s actually Belgium though and this is a very old building dating back to the 1400s. I have a link on the Tell All blog with more info. You made a very good guess though!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. We’re so late, it’s embarrassing. I forgot it was Tuesday. 😱 I’m mad at myself. But we had sweet Amelia and her parents over last night along with the rest of the family. We get to have her all day & night on July 2! So excited.
    We think this might be Ghent, Belgium. Is it? 😉
    Thanks for lunch and those great shakes Ms. Dingleberry.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What, no hot dogs today? Cwap!! On to the picture. It’s a depressing photo. What are those peeps doing in front of the building? They look like they’re having a picnic! No accounting for some peeps. The building needs a good scrub down and some decorations. At first glance it is very unassuming.,to say the least but with a bit of scrutiny one can see the little windows used by the inmates. This is a Bastille in Paris by a canal. If it’s not a Bastille, it should be.


    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA….you and Evil Squirrel have the same idea…….an old prison…….but it’s NOT and it’s VERY VERY old. Check out the TELL ALL and the link we gave – it’s quite an interesting building!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Well, I should have gotten up earlier and not done the chores first…MOL!
    I thought it looked rather Flemish…and yup!
    I have been to that spot several years ago…I daresay I might even have a glimpse of it in my own pictures!
    That is Ghent, Belgium.
    Its called GrooteVleeshuis…which literally means Big Meathouse. OMC! I can just imagine in the past when it truly was the meat house, what it must have been like… I don’t think there were BBQ’s though like in the teaser image, oops, actually, I think those are trash bins, MOL!!

    This picture along the canal is actually extra built on after the original, so that fish could be brought to the market right off the boats that caught them. How’s that for fresh!?!

    Its is now a historical building, and will be left like this and preserved.
    Whew I am wordy today…tee-hee!

    Liked by 2 people

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