Teaser Tuesday in the New Year



Presenting as promised – the NEW Ding Dong School!!!

WOW! This is our new school???

It’s swell but where is the door???? How do we get in????   Is there a cat flap?

Ding a Ling Dang Do…..It’s Tuesday!

ALRIGHT!   Follow me students – I’ll show you ONE TIME where the door is and ONE TIME only!!!!   So pay attention!

Attention students! 

As soon as you leave a comment get seated – the Profs are here!

Blue is my favorite color – I like this classroom!!

GOOD MORNING CLASS!    Yes indeed – first Teaser of the new year…….I hope you’re all ready to work hard here in our brand new and modern,  Ding Dong School, and show off your vast knowledge of geography.   

So let’s get things underway!

Hopefully you remembered (thanks to Marge) that you need to comment on this blog before you even take a seat because you MIGHT BE FIRST……….and if you are you get one of our New Years badges.    In fact, this one:

YES we know that it’s not New Year’s Day but we labeled all the badges for today’s Teaser as if it was – because it’s our way of celebrating a NEW YEAR of teasing.    Now please remember when you make a guess as to WHERE the Teaser photo was taken, you need to include all the information!

  1. What is the name of the town/village/city and what STATE (if USA) or COUNTRY (if not in USA) was the photo taken in???????
  2. Also just resist the temptation to use some kind of computer program to tell you WHERE the photo was taken………..you’d rather figure it out for yourself right?   Sure you would!!!

Let’s see if our Cheerleading crew has sobered up from their New Year’s Eve bash…………….I hear it was QUITE a party!

Here we are with our Tuesday cheer
We’d rather be sleeping than stuck in here.
We partied hearty yes it’s true
But dragged ourselves to school to be with you.
We hope you can win a New Years badge
If you don’t win one you might have to deal with Madge!
We’ll be back tomorrow to tell you who wins.
By then we’ll feel better and the room won’t spin!

OK girls – I hope you’ve learned a lesson…………you’re too young to be partying all night – especially little Binky – what will she think of us at Ding Dong School!!!

HA! Binky was the first to do the Twerk with the captain of the football team!!!

Well, let’s move on shall we?    Mr. Security Guard would you please bring in today’s Teaser photo and post it on our brand new classroom bulletin board?????

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Ted


Yep – it looks like a bit of a “doozy”……………….any idea where this was taken?    Step right up and make a guess and win a badge!!!

Here are the other New Years badges up for grabs……………..

Get that THINKING CAT on and figure the Teaser out!!

Miss Dingleberry and her staff are thrilled with the new cafeteria and kitchen here in the new Ding Dong School………………….Miss Dingleberry brought her old snack tent along with her from the OLD Ding Dong School and has prepared a little “let’s pretend the weather is nice enough for a cookout” kind of lunch.    Enjoy it at your desk THEN feel free to go outside and play on the new playground equipment!     We will be back in class tomorrow for the TELL ALL……………….don’t forget where the front door is……………

Oh, and if there are any parrots who drop by school today, Miss Dingleberry’s BURD food consultant has prepared these delights:

(Kismet – your “all you can eat” BURD BUFFET)

I foresee NOBODY remembering where the front door to the school is tomorrow…….


93 responses »


    Liked by 2 people

    • The girls MIGHT have partied too hearty huh? Well let’s hope they are more alert tomorrow……meanwhile good guess – it might be NZ….we will find that out in the morning!! WOO HOO!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Yawns. Way too much fun this long weekend. I’m more sluggish today than an ant walking through a field of molasses. Most watch more travel shows this year. Love ya’lls XOXO – Bacon


  3. Well, well… we certainly have use a dandy little prison photo this week! Not in the Teaser photo…. oh I’m sure there’s on there somewhere…. probably on that riverboat that naive people think is a casino. No, our klink of the week is actually located at the top of this post! I am impressed (and maybe a little disturbed) that Ding Dong School has moved into the old Frank Lloyd Wright Postmodern Supermax Penitentiary! It truly is a work of cellblock art, both inside and outside, and I’m sure both Sarge and Ms. Dingleberry will feel quite at home in the new digs. Hopefully they didn’t remove the old electric chair from the gymnasium… it would serve as a great deterrent for the troublemakers. I’m looking at YOU, Suzie!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gosh I’m glad you told me about that electric chair……we thought it was a chair reserved for visiting dignitaries as a place of honor…….! That would have been embarrassing. Frank Lloyd Wright designed a lotta buildings but we just had no idea he’d done a “BIG HOUSE” too! Makes sense there are no doors……and we hope all that glass is unbreakable……

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That is quite the fancy school. Good job on the cheering ladies. Happy New Year to all the staff and students and cheerleaders! I have no clue where the photo was taken though. XO


  5. I see “Transamerica” on a building. But it isn’t the TA Pyramid in San Francisco. I know that one because I worked (collected a paycheck) in a building across the street. Walked up to Chinatown for lunch-usually Hunan cuisine. So it isn’t SF. Transamerica sells insurance and I think this is Hartford, Connecticut, the “Insurance City”. So I’ll stake my reputation (for being wrong) on it-Double Idemnity or nothing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mee-you Teddy wee made it……LadyMum sayss ‘Purrhapss San Francisco Harbour inn USA! As shee iss onlee half awake mee iss proud of her fur even gettin us here on time!
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  7. I’m here and clueless as usual. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s a harbor somewhere on planet Earth. Happy New Year everyone!


  8. Uh oh, it’s Tuesday isn’t it. So much for me trying harder. I have been thinking it was Monday today and then I saw your email notification.
    There’s always next week and maybe I will have got my days sorted out by then.


    • Well, I didn’t put the photo into google, I never do, but I blew it up and saw TransAmerica on the building on the left. I googled TransAmerica building by harbour and it came up with Baltimore so that is my guess. (Is that cheating, I hope not)


      • No it’s not cheating! Here’s hoping you’re right – I’ve heard there are lots of harbours where there is a Transamerica building BUT who knows – we’ll all find out the TRUTH tomorrow!!!!!

        Hugs, Teddy


  9. Gosh! Golly! We were here first thing this morning (there was only 32 comments), but Mommy was having trouble getting my comment to save on the tablet so she said she would do it at lunch time and now its lunch time and we are LATE!
    But that’s OK, Timmy Tom Cat had the right answer then and hes still the first right answer! Baltimore!
    But I will have a burger please Ms Dingleberry! please hold the bun!
    Love the new school! I got a little lost in the stairs…reminded me of an Escher drawing!


    • Hi Marv – funny you would say that about Escher – Mom thought the same thing when we found the design for the new school at the GOOGLE Architectural Store! It does have a door but it was just a little tough to find so Sarge helped everyone get into the classroom. Nice of him right? It was Baltimore and my Mom and Dad have been there but not in a while…..lots to see, do, and EAT there she says. Hope you enjoyed your bunless burger!!!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Hmmmm…looks like somewhere in the US this time, but we’re not sure where. But we’re so late, we know someone else has already guessed right.


  11. It’s definitely not Prince George….we don’t have that many big buildings. I know Timmy’s day is smart as a whip. Whips are smart I guess. Anyhoo, we say same as him…inner harbour of Baltimore, Maryland.

    Shoko and mom


  12. Well, I almost missed this post…so much going on, I almost furgot to get on the confuser! MOL!

    But without peeking at other comments, and snooping the cheat methods…I knew where that picture was taken cause I have been there…and have family there, well nearby:)

    That is Baltimore, Maryland, USA!

    Then I snooped and whoot, I was right! Shhh…time to go and delve into other blogs and such…made it just in time though…only three more hours of this second day of 2018!!


  13. Guess im getting confused with the time zone….I was certain it was Seattle ,Washington dc usa. Love your new school.x😻💞🐾🐾


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