Teaser Tell All


Time To Tell It All!

Welcome back to class students……….I must say you all surprised me yesterday because several of you got what I thought would be a TOUGH TEASER!    You are studying well which makes me AND Assistant Prof Teddy happy!

Let’s start with first things first – our FIRST COMMENTER yesterday morning when we went live at 8AM EST was:

Kitties Blue from The Cat On My Head

For Teaser of 7/18/17

CONCATULATIONS KITTIES BLUE!!!!!!!   Bravo!  You were alert and standing by and win a badge for your dedication to teasing!

Then we waited to see who might be the FIRST to correctly guess the Teaser photo that was sent in by our Guest Teaser……………….who was, by the way, Melissa whose kitties Calvin and Oliver are on Facebook if you’d like to visit them.   Melissa lives in this town and we both thought this might be a toughie photo…………before I show the photo to you again, let’s thank Melissa for sending in the photo shall we???

YES let’s thank her!!!!!

For Miss Melissa for Teaser of 7/18/17

Thank you Melissa and please thank your “boys” too!!! 

Here’s the photo from yesterday – it’s a photo of Nepean Point in Ottawa, Canada and the Parliament Building is in the background with a statue of Samuel de Champlain in the foreground!

Well done Melissa and thanks for sending in the photo.  It’s tons of fun to have your own photo for the Teaser and watching the guesses come in isn’t it?    I know too that our Teaser Cheerleader has done a special cheer for the winners and other notables from yesterday’s Teaser so without further delay, let’s bring her on!!   You might hear your name in her cheer….then I’ll tell you who won what!

Another Teaser and it was swell
Let’s ring the Ding Dong School bell!
Kitties Blue was on the ball
They commented first before you ALL!
Miss Carol chimed in with the first right guess
Others knew it too but she was faster than the rest
We owe Miss Annie a big old “thanking”
And Melissa please tell Calvin I send him a special Suzie Spanking.
Next week we’ll have another test of your geographic knowledge
If you’re really good at teasing you should be in college!
Look for me next week, I’m Smarty Pants Suzie
I hope the photo will be an impossible doozy!


Carol from CAROLMAEWY in lovely Wyoming!      Miss Carol this is for you!!!!!!

For Teaser of 7/18/17


There were several others of you who guessed correctly and for all of you who did, grab one of these for your very own!

For Teaser of 7/18/17

Were you WRONG?   Did you guess but not the right spot?   Sorry about that but please help yourself to one of these:

For Teaser of 7/18/17

Uhhhh……..well Suzie I am sure everyone you mentioned appreciates that you worked them into your special Tell All cheer today – – – – you can go rest now – – – I’ve heard through the grapevine that you are going out on another date tonight – in fact, I have a photo someone found of your date!

I will say he’s got a nice car but…..well……good luck!

Miss Annie from McGuffy’s Reader, before we go, we want you to have this from US to YOU……….

That’s class for today everyone.   Remember, next Tuesday will be here before you know it – STUDY UP!

Your Favorite Geography Teachers  

Prof Angel Sam and Assistant Prof Ted

Before we go, Suzie asked if I’d post this for Calvin – Melissa’s kitty who seems to have a gleam in his eye for Suzie…….ahem…..I hope her date doesn’t hear about that though because he doesn’t look like the kinda guy who would APPRECIATE her giving Calvin a photo!!!!!!

55 responses »

    • Could be……….Melissa says Calvin “might” have a bit of a crush on Suzie…..Suzie is such a ham she had to send him a photo……we’ll have to keep an eye on them!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Congratulations to the Kitties Blue and to Carol.
    I didn’t make it here yesterday because we had a big thunderstorm and I unplugged everything before it got fried. We have a big pylon in the field and it often gets a lightning strike which sometimes has bounced off to the smaller electric wires giving a huge power surge. We did lose power for about half an hour but got it back without having to report it.
    I wouldn’t have known where the Teaser was even if I had got here, Angel Sammy and Teddy. Suzie is quite a flirt, isn’t she!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yikes on the t-storm…..glad your electricity was only off for a half hours…..that’s got to be scary. We would love to have some rain here as we are super dry but those t-storms can be a bit scary can’t they!!! Suzie may be sorry about this date of hers but I suppose we are sure to find out next week!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. How cool to be in your poem today, SuzieQ. We were so proud of Mom for remembering yesterday was Tuesday, and then actually being the first to comment. That date looks scary. We really think you should cancel. We’ll let everyone know about our success on our post tomorrow. Stay cool all. Sending you lots of love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    Liked by 1 person

    • We tried to tell Suzie that her date didn’t look like her “type” but then again we’ve yet to totally figure out what her TYPE is! I think she liked this guys car – – – – PERIOD! Guess we’ll find out next week how things went……….

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Thank you Miss Melissa for sending in the photo so we could win. 😎 It’s a lot of fun to be in SuzieQs cheer. Congratulations to Kitty Blue for being first commentor.


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