Breakfast of Champions

Sammy Having Breakfast

Having my kitty version of "Wheaties"......good way to start the day!

Well, “Champions” might be a bit of a stretch, but I DO think it’s important to start your day off with a good breakfast!  No sooner does my blue dish hit the floor than I’m all over it checking it out.  By now Mom sure knows what I will and won’t eat, that’s for sure.  The one thing I do that I’m not sure Mom’s that thrilled about is dipping my paw in the dish once in a while so I can eat from my “hand” !!   She wouldn’t mind that much probably except of course those little paw prints around my dish that she has to clean up.  I’ve always done that paw dipping thing with my water dish though – since I was little.  I scoop water out of my bowl to drink and because I have an extra toe on my front paws I can get a nice little slurp of water that way!  This food dipping thing is something new………and since I can get away with almost ANYTHING I do around here (onespoiledcat remember) Mom doesn’t really mind.

After I get my breakfast, Mom sits in her recliner, puts one of my favorite throws over her legs, and I get my morning brushing on her lap while she watches the news for a little while before Dad gets up.  It’s our special quiet time together…….maybe tomorrow I’ll let her show the embarrassing photos she has of me loving that bright pink brush of mine!  Tee Hee……… 😉

As I was getting that brushing and Mom was watching the news, the weather guy said there might be some flurries around today.  So much for that beautiful weather we’ve been having.  No problem.  I’ll just ask for some extra lap time today……I NEVER mind that!

Happy Monday!



24 responses »

  1. Aw, Sammy, I think you’re a Champion!!
    That sounds so cozy – you and your Mom having that quiet time together. I’m working on being better about that, but I think that little biting episode last week set me back somewhat…..
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….well, I do hope that you have thought about that biting thing and decided NOT to bite the hand that feeds you! Besides – humans don’t taste so swell – at least not compared to treats…. 😉

      Love, Sam


  2. You are truly One Spoiled Cat, Sammy. I just don’t understand why we humans spoil our animals, I could never do that. Have a good day, you , , ,


    • Uh huh SURE Uncle Jerry…now I know and you know that little Zoe is just as spoiled as I am AND you love spoiling her as much as Mom enjoys spoiling me. A pretty good arrangement if you think about it.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I’ve been asking for my very own small fork and spoon (and a seat at the table of course) since I came to live here!! Seems I should be allowed to use these “hands” of mine like humans do that’s for sure. Oh well. Guess I’ll just have to scoop and dip with my paws. 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Uh oh…..Rumpy you’re going to have to be a little more FIRM with Miss DeDe. She doesn’t want to have a “weight issue” now does she? Try dragging a scale over to her eating spot and see if she gets the hint!! 🙂



  3. I love the quiet time you spend with your mom every day, Sammy! Eddie the Jack Russell is sleeping at Mommy’s feet now. Simone the collie is sleeping behind her chair. And Mattie the foxhound is sleeping on the futon. It is raining here so it’s a real Sleeping Kind of Day!


    • Oh rainy days ARE great sleeping days…just like here with our little bit of snow. I’m keeping an eye on it and so far it’s not really sticking but it does look pretty……sounds like all the Terrell “kids” are snug. I’m heading for the nearest lap myself.

      Love, Sammy


    • So you noticed my placemat huh? Kinda “girlie” I thought but the one I have under my basement bowl is manly…..well, more manly anyway with big paw prints on it. This one is vinyl and Mom says it’s easier to keep clean! Harumph! Guess what – – – – it’s SNOWING so I guess there will be a whole lot of lap time today. Woo hoo!!

      Hugs, Sam 😉


    • Hi Cody! I gave Mom your kiss and she said “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!” which I think is human for “Yummy!”. I think Mom would prefer that I use silverware instead of my paw but hey – I do the best I can with what I’ve got.

      We’ve had snow ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day. Guess what I’ve been doing….has three letters and the first one is “N” and the last one is “P”…..tee hee

      Love, Sam


    • Yep – I’m a polydactyl alright. I kind of like the OTHER term for us extra-toed cats though – a “Hemingway” cat. That’s what the shelter called me when my parents adopted me. I think “Hemingway” must be short for SPECIAL cuz that’s me! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Well, what a fine-looking cat! He certainly looks like a champion to me – and he is certainly smart enough to be a champion! He has his mommy figured out, doesn’t he? You have to admire cats – they have managed to tame all of us!


    • Hi Miss Linda! Mom told me that she’d subscribed to your blog – her friend Dianna told us about it and it’s nice to have a new friend. Thanks for the compliment about my ginger tabby self…I try to stay in shape and after twelve years living with my humans I think I have them pretty well figured out like you say so life is darn good for this spoiled cat.

      Nice to meet you!!!
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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