Tag Archives: nervous cat

Fab Friday


Good Morning and Happy Friday………!! 

I spent the night in the duplex and am up and at ’em this morning.  When Mom came down the stairs this morning there I was sitting on my tissue ready to rock-n-roll (translate that to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY).  After getting plenty of rest all night I figure BOTH of us are ready to wake up to a little exercise so I usually have a toy or two available for her to throw for me to chase.

When I was little I used to “fetch” like a dog.  Mom would throw a toy from one room into the other and I’d run and fetch it and bring it back for her to throw again……….and again……….and…….well you get the picture. 

Nowadays I’ll run to where she’s thrown the toy and sit and wait for HER to come get it and throw it again.  No fetching (well I suppose actually Mom is fetching….I’m watching/supervising).  

Here’s a way cool thing to tell you about – my parents have ordered a new car!  Yep……a brand new 2013 model car but I’m not going to be allowed to ride in it – know why?  It’s going to have a BLACK interior and you can just imagine what a MESS it would be if I was inside even for two minutes…….white hair EVERYWHERE…….and because I get very nervous in a car I shed a LOT of my hair when I’m in a car!  Buckets of it!  That’s why we always take the Blazer when I have to go to the vet – it’s light gray inside and Daddy uses the portable vacuum after we get back home to suck up all the red and white hairs I’ve lost after a car trip.  But the NEW car will be my parents car only.  No Sammy.  That’s fine by me anyway because I’m not really “good” with new stuff…..I like things JUST THE WAY THEY ARE! 

That’s about all the news I have.  How about you guys?  What’s up for your Friday?

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

p.s.  No photos in today’s bloggie because for some weird reason WordPress wouldn’t LET my Mom put photos in my blog!  That’s why my blog is a few minutes LATER than usual this morning!!!!  Sniff Sniff.

Decisions, Decisions….


Hi everyone!  Happy Sunday.  I was remembering not too very long ago that my Mom and Dad had talked about either renting a cabin in the mountains for the weekend OR renting an RV and going to a park for a few days………AND………..guess what………..they were going to take ME along! 

Now you probably already know that if there’s something I can’t stand more than noisy machines, thunder, strangers in my house or the sound of the doorbell, it’s RIDING IN THE CAR.  Obviously I’d have to do that to get to a cabin OR into an RV. 

What made me think about this at all you might ask?  It’s this old (and I mean OLD) painting my Mom did a bazillion twenty-five years ago.   I got to thinking how much fun it would be to hang out on the front porch of a NEW place…..all the new scenery and smells…..and I just betcha that there’s be some mousies inside or at least trails from when they played inside at one time or another – don’t you think so?  

Old Cabin Porch

What an ADVENTURE that would be for a cat like me who’s never really gone anywhere (the vet doesn’t count!!) for twelve years.  So what do you think?  Would it be fun or scary? 

The car trip part of the whole thing wouldn’t be TOOOOOOOOO long.  Maybe a couple of hours at the most and I’d spend it hiding my face under Mom’s armpit like I do when we go to the vet.  Yes I’d lose a lot of hair from frazzled nerves, and yes I’d be panting when we got there, but it would be an ADVENTURE once we got there right?  

Gosh, I’m not sure what to think.  I need some opinions.  And who better than my best peeps – all of you – to give me some advice. 

So what do you think?  Cabin?  RV?  Stay at home and enjoy the familiar?

Decisions, decisions………………….

Happy Sunday!



No, I Didn’t Sleep Late!

We call this the Grandma Chair - Sam thinks it's a great nap spot.

This was NOT why I didn't get my blog posted earlier!!

Hello Friends and Fans!  No, I did not sleep late this morning and am only just now getting around to putting my paws on the keyboard.  I tried to do my usual blog at the usual time BUT WordPress was doing some kind of “regularly scheduled maintenance” and I had to wait!  Then Mom wasn’t here to help me for a while because she had to go to the store and do a bit of shopping (per my request) to get a birthday card for my Dad.  Tomorrow’s his birthday.  He’s going to be….er…..um….well….OLD(er).  I’d better not tell how old he’s going to be for real – some people are kinda sensitive to that stuff.  🙂

SO, anyway, I had a rough night.  Well, I guess we all did.  My poor old tummy was upset and I had a bit of a rough time.  Mom and Dad had to get up and help me get the carpet cleaned up…..well, actually THEY did all the work and I sat there and cheered them on.  Now that I’m officially an eldercat, some stuff I eat just doesn’t always “agree” with me!  I feel OK this morning though.  I’m so lucky my parents understand that I don’t do that kind of thing on purpose!  Who would?!?!?!  🙂  My vet told us last checkup that I have a sensitive stomach….hmm….I have had that since I was a baby so that wasn’t news. 

The guy who comes and does stuff to our lawn is coming this morning…..that means noisy machines…..so before he gets here, I’m going to go find a nice quiet spot and begin the first real nap of the day.  With luck, by the time I wake up he’ll be long gone!

Sammy, One Spoiled, Sensitive Tummy Cat