Tag Archives: cat food issues

No, I Didn’t Sleep Late!

We call this the Grandma Chair - Sam thinks it's a great nap spot.

This was NOT why I didn't get my blog posted earlier!!

Hello Friends and Fans!  No, I did not sleep late this morning and am only just now getting around to putting my paws on the keyboard.  I tried to do my usual blog at the usual time BUT WordPress was doing some kind of “regularly scheduled maintenance” and I had to wait!  Then Mom wasn’t here to help me for a while because she had to go to the store and do a bit of shopping (per my request) to get a birthday card for my Dad.  Tomorrow’s his birthday.  He’s going to be….er…..um….well….OLD(er).  I’d better not tell how old he’s going to be for real – some people are kinda sensitive to that stuff.  🙂

SO, anyway, I had a rough night.  Well, I guess we all did.  My poor old tummy was upset and I had a bit of a rough time.  Mom and Dad had to get up and help me get the carpet cleaned up…..well, actually THEY did all the work and I sat there and cheered them on.  Now that I’m officially an eldercat, some stuff I eat just doesn’t always “agree” with me!  I feel OK this morning though.  I’m so lucky my parents understand that I don’t do that kind of thing on purpose!  Who would?!?!?!  🙂  My vet told us last checkup that I have a sensitive stomach….hmm….I have had that since I was a baby so that wasn’t news. 

The guy who comes and does stuff to our lawn is coming this morning…..that means noisy machines…..so before he gets here, I’m going to go find a nice quiet spot and begin the first real nap of the day.  With luck, by the time I wake up he’ll be long gone!

Sammy, One Spoiled, Sensitive Tummy Cat