Tag Archives: inspirational quote

Monday SPARK and A Reminder


I’m back to SPARKING on Monday instead of having a Teaser preparation class.   What’s SPARKS???   You all know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.

I think it’s always good to start your week out with an uplifting or inspiring thought…..then I “use” it as my weekly theme and keep it at the top of my mind all week long.    If you know me, you know that I talk a LOT about being positive and what that can do to your life if you can LIVE within a circle of positivity.   Not always easy I know but I really do try VERY hard to stay positive.   Here are a couple of things:    one is just a SAYING and the other a “visual” of letting go of negative and watching positivity take over.

I love the graphic with the barbed wire transforming into a dove………..and I truly DO believe that if you can’t live in POSITIVITY if you have a negative mindset.    The key is recognizing that and acknowledging it……then you can change it!

Happy Monday………..

Hugs, Pam

Teaser Class – remember tomorrow is TEASER TUESDAY and the post will be at a surprise time!  

BE READY to guess where the photo was taken.  

Professor Teddy

SPARK on Monday


Monday is here and it’s time to start the week off with a SPARK of inspiration!    This exercise was started by a good friend – Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – she believed that the world needs more light – more energy – more SPARK and what better way than sharing some inspiration at the START of a new week.   Annie is taking a break from blogging and those of us who loved her idea are carrying on with the tradition she began.

My SPARK today is about perseverance.   It’s all about being strong and carrying on no matter what.    I have gone through some tough times by keeping this idea CLOSE in my heart and mind.    Giving up isn’t in my plan – never has been and never will be.    How about you?

Oh believe me – I’ve wanted to give up several times in my life but I never did……………I’m an eternal optimist.   Sometimes it’s not easy to be one…………but I AM.

Hugs, and CARRY ON!   


SPARKS on Monday


Happy Monday

Time to start our week off with a powerful or positive thought – something that will SPARK us into a better day, or a more fruitful and “light filled” week.   This wonderful Hop was started by Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.    Her idea is a good one – if we all put a little “light” out there and try to “pump up the volume” with each other – that power will not only fill US but others around us.    It’s a great thought……..and we all try to share something to start the week with a SPARK.    If you click her graphic above, you can go to her blog and join in the SPARKS!

My thought this Monday is something I REALLY do believe………..and I am carrying it with me today as I start my Monday…………….

Go for it…..what do you have to lose – aim high!


Happy Monday

SPARKS on Monday


Sparks on a Monday!

Today is the day we start our week off reading some great inspirational quotes from everyone who is participating in McGuffy’s Reader’s SPARKS posts on Mondays.    I am a firm believer that inspiration can come to us in many ways – what we read, who we meet, what we do, where we go…………but also by just BELIEVING that we can help someone else by some little thing we might do.    So we share and you never know WHO you will touch…………..If you’d like to join in the fun – share some light with others – click the graphic above and go to McGuffy’s and join in the FUN!

My SPARK for today is something that goes hand in hand with “we meet people in our journey of life for a reason”…………..at least I think it does!

I think we all can help someone else in some way that we might think is insignificant but which could give them a totally new direction, idea, thought, REASON to continue and that’s a HUGE thing and as the saying above says, “Don’t Ever Waste It”……………

Have a great week…….light someone else’s fire this week with your SPARKS!

Hugs, Pam



It’s Monday and Time To Be a Spark!

Every Monday we all have a new “project of the heart” to complete……….thanks to Annie at McGuffy’s Reader, we do a little something for everyone ELSE which is to share a little inspiration – you never know who you might touch with your “Spark” !     This is a new Blog Hop where those of us who are participating share an inspirational idea, quote, saying – something that could light up a little (or big) corner of someone else’s life or maybe even our OWN.    All you have to do is share a bit of light with your fellow bloggers.   Visit McGuffy’s Reader by clicking on the SPARKS graphic and join up with the LINKY tool and that’s just the start of things.   All those little sparks that we add could brighten the day for someone – you just never know what a little bit of light might do for someone else’s day!

Here is our SPARK for today………………..I really do love this one a lot!

I believe this with all my heart……………maybe you do too?     Have a Happy Monday and be a spark for someone……………it feels better than you can imagine!

Hugs, Pam