Tag Archives: cute baby poem

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday!   We’ve made it to the week before Christmas and I’m sure everyone is really focusing now on the things they are thankful for………….I know we are.   If you are and want to share, why not join us in the Hop hosted by Brian?   Just click his badge above and join in.   Tell us your thankfuls.

I’m thankful that even though the presents keep arriving all wrapped up and ready to go under the Christmas tree, they AREN’T.   What?  Huh?   Yes that’s right, they aren’t going under the tree because Mom and Dad have decided that since I love being under there so much, they will put the presents out AWAY from the tree.   There are only TWO under it and they don’t interfere with me lying on the train track OR on the tree skirt.   I’ve got the whole cozy “under tree” campsite to myself!    Thankful I will be until the tree gets packed up again well after the holiday is over.    I’m also thankful for all the wonderful cards that are coming in – MOST OF THEM ARE FOR ME!   That’s because I’m a Cat Scout and we exchange cards for Christmas.    You know if you are a cat and want to have a whole lot of fun – join CAT SCOUTS because it’s GREAT.

I’m also very thankful that Angel Sammy’s email arrived on schedule and that I can share it with you as I do every week.   He always says that he hopes more people will write a poem and join in the fun but we ARE thankful that those of you who DO write one, continue with it.   You are (we think) enjoying it as much as we do.

Here it is!


Happy Almost Christmas Friends!

Gosh it won’t be long now until all of you will see what having been such good boys and girls this past year will bring you from Santa!    You have been good right?   I hope so – I have been but we don’t do anything BUT good things when we’re at the Bridge.    I keep my little brother Teddy on the GOOD path like a big brother would do too so I’m sure Santa Paws will be visiting him next week.

Meanwhile, it’s of course time for us to share some poetry.   Did you write one this week using the photo I gave you as inspiration?   We sure had a lot of comments about the photo and the little girl visiting Santa.   It even prompted my Mom to share the old photo of her meeting Santa for the first time.   I’m sure every child reacts differently but here are so many cute photos out there of visits with Santa.    Anyway, the photo was fun to do a poem about and we hope you will share yours with us either in comments or give us a link in comments to follow and read your poem OK?  OK!  


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    December 19, 2018

I’m still not so sure about a lot of things

Like what time is my nap and do angels have wings?

Like why do I have to have a bath and why can’t I walk?

Like when will I finally be able to talk?

Like why did Mom sit me here on the lap of this stranger?

Like can I trust this guy or am I in danger?

Like how can he have so much hair and I’m hairless?

Like was this a mistake or was Mom just being careless?

Then he opened his mouth and his words were so lyrical

I didn’t even mind that his tummy was so spherical!

“Hello little beauty, what can Santa bring you this year?”

I knew he’d not understand my baby talk but I whispered in his ear…..

“DaDaMaMaGaGaaaaaa” and he giggled out loud

He kissed the top of my head, his beard was soft as a cloud……

I might have been scared when I first saw this man

But if anyone can fix this world, I hope Santa can!


Tee Hee……that was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it.   I also hope you wrote a poem for this darling photo too!!     You’ll have another chance to write a poem to share next Thursday too because I have a photo to show you NOW that will be your inspiration for next week.    Ready?

I bet we all have some fun with this one!     Meanwhile, speaking of fun, may I wish all of you my dear friends a most HAPPY and joyous holiday.   Fun of fun, but also full of thoughts of what Christmas is REALLY all about.   Don’t lose sight of it – when you do lose sight of the reason for the season, we truly all will be lost.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

All the Rainbow Angels join me in sending you hugs….and forever love……  

Angel Sammy


Gosh thanks Angel Sammy.    I wish you and I could spend this Christmas under the tree together……………………See all of you next week!!   Remember – write a poem – you’ll be glad you did!

Christmas hugs for everyone!    Teddy