Tag Archives: crazy taxi poem

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Hi everybody.  Yep – it’s Thursday again – the double post day for us but it always starts with being THANKFUL.    Brian hosts this Hop every week and you can be part of the thankful brigade if you want to – click his badge and go to his blog to see all the other Hoppers and sign up on the LINKY form to join us!    You know it’s not just one day a week that we’re thankful – it’s every day of every week because we all have many things that we should be thankful for.   Some of them we kind of take for granted – they are for us “normal” things in our lives, but if you think about it, sometimes those things we consider normal are exceptional for many who aren’t as lucky.   Our warm homes are always here for US but how about all those animals and humans who don’t HAVE a home?   See?   We really do have a lot to be thankful for and that’s just ONE THING.

I always am thankful that my Angel brother Sammy visits us all every week too.    He sends us a poem every week based on the photo he gives us the week before.   He finds time in his busy schedule as an Angel at the Rainbow Bridge to send off an email to me enclosing his poem and a new photo for us to use for next week.   GOSH – you all can’t imagine how THANKFUL I am to still have him in my life.



Another poetry sharing day comes around – time passes very quickly doesn’t it.    It does for us at the Bridge too although “time” is a little different there…………..it’s hard to explain – you will find out one day in the distant (I hope!) future when you become an Angel yourself.    I do seem to find time to write a poem every week though and I’m always excited to read YOURS so I hope you’ve written one!    If you have, you can share it with us by telling us in our comments that you wrote one and give us your blog link OR you can write your poem in our comments – either way, we’ll get to see what your creative self can come up with based on the photo I give you.   

Here’s the photo that I gave you last week to use as inspiration for your poetry today!


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell     Nov. 28, 2018

New York City is a crazy place

On the roads it’s like a stock car race!

Downtown traffic is slow as molasses

Some folks never took driving classes!

Brakes screech loudly and horns are blaring

Lots of yelling and people swearing…….

Those yellow taxis are everywhere

Taking people here or bringing them back from there

People wave at them wildly from sidewalk and street

Getting one to stop for you is quite a feat!

Down at street level it’s almost a riot

But for Angels like me, up above it’s so quiet !


Tee Hee!  I had to make this one a little silly but actually it’s also serious.    Mom and Dad have been to NYC a couple of times and the first time they were there they had the wildest taxi ride EVER.   Yes the taxi got them from point A to point B but Mom said she had never seen anyone drive like the taxi driver did – and he knew a lot of shortcuts and sneaky side streets that were definitely off the beaten path.   Mom held her breath for much of that trip downtown but after it was over, she and Dad had a good old laugh because they’d HEARD about taxi drivers downtown in NYC but never dreamed those stories were TRUE!    

Anyway, we have no traffic at the Rainbow Bridge thank heavens.   Just peace and quiet.  

Now, would you like to see the photo I found for all of us to use for next week’s poetry fun???

What an interesting photo this is.    I took a few minutes when I found it to really LOOK at it closely.    There’s a lot to see……………….note the bottle on the shoreline?   Makes you wonder what’s really going on here.    Whatever it is, it makes for some real interesting ideas about a poem doesn’t it?    We’ll find out next week how well this photo “spoke to you” as you write a poem.

In the meantime, have fun getting ready for Christmas if you celebrate it……………holiday season you see a lot more SMILES on faces………..I used to love “helping” Mom do the decorating in our house and now Teddy has that duty.    I loved lying under the tree and the train Dad set up under there was for me quite fascinating to watch.    Most of all it just felt MAGICAL to be under the tree on a soft cloth with lights above me and presents around me.    Mom says I was her most FAVORITE present every year under the tree!    


I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Holiday Hugs, Angel Sammy



That was a great poem Angel Sammy and I sure like that photo for next week………………gonna be fun to see what you come up with.    Mom, Dad and I send you big hugs…….we know that on December 2, it will be two years since you left to become a ginger angel…………..we miss you.

Love, Teddy