Tag Archives: cats in boxes

Lazy Bones


YAWN……………hi everybody………..YAWN AGAIN…………oh my goodness, excuse me but I seem to have turned into a REAL couch potato these last few days (oh wait – maybe lap potato is a better term). 

Those of you who know me know that I’m well known for my naps.  Actually I know very few cats (especially those of a…..ahem….certain age if you get my drift) who don’t spend a great deal of time napping.  How do you think we can handle those bursts of energy in between???  Takes energy to fly around a room 100mph or climb drapes, furniture, walls, trees, closets, shower curtains, countertops – etc.  LOTS of energy.  Now I have to admit that I haven’t done any of those things in a while – but I can expend a great deal of energy playing with my tissue paper, crinklies, newspaper and other toys – yes indeedy I can!  So I have to spend a lot of time doing THIS:

Sam Taking a Snooze on Mom's Bed

A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do!


Snoozing on the stairs

Another “energy fix” !

So next time you wonder how on earth cats can possibly sleep as much as they do, remember – it takes fuel to run an engine and we cats come fully equipped with very “high performance” type engines (with claws!).

Funny Face Sam

You interrupted my “battery charging” time to take my picture???

Happy Thursday (and happy napping all you kitties and dogs and piggies and birds….oh – and humans as well!!)

Kitty Hugs, The Lap Nap King!!  😀 😀

p.s.  Yes I do have freckles on my mouth!  Hey – I’m a redhead remember?  Lotsa redheads have freckles…..I also have them on my pinkie paws/toesies – so there!  Besides – I’m TRYING to smile for you!

The Annual Box Parade

Another boxtop in Sam's collection of boxes

Bring on the boxes!

I overheard my parents last night saying that in preparation for next week’s annual “putting up the Christmas tree” event, they’d begin moving boxes of STUFF up from the basement today.  That means I’ll have a lot of sniffing, inventorying, re-discovering to do as each box lands in the library – which is where we put our tree up. 

There’s a LOT of boxes too.  I enjoy the box tops when they come off the boxes.  I lie in each of them – sampling them for the most comfortable (which Mom thinks is hilarious since they are all the same type of box).  Then of course I have to WAIT patiently (if possible) for NEXT weekend when the real fun begins.  My parents don’t get a “real” tree like many people do; instead they have a new pre-lit type tree which is way easier to work with than the old one was.  It’s a bit narrower but just as tall as the other one we had.   The important thing though is that there’s room underneath it for ME! 

Dad’s getting a new train set to put under the tree this year as a decoration.  The old one finally pooped out and doesn’t work anymore but it was pretty cool.  Smoke came out of the engine stack and it had a train whistle……it makes a cool decoration (and I think Dad likes to play with it like a little kid!!!).   You might think that since I’m a bit of a nervous sort I wouldn’t like the train BUT guess what – I love watching it go round and round.  Might take me a bit to get used to a NEW one though.

Other than watching my parents trudge up and down the stairs to and from the basement, I don’t have any big Sunday plans.  Besides, I need to begin saving up my energy for NEXT weekend when those boxes open up and the real FUN begins!!!!  🙂

Happy Sunday
