Lazy Bones


YAWN……………hi everybody………..YAWN AGAIN…………oh my goodness, excuse me but I seem to have turned into a REAL couch potato these last few days (oh wait – maybe lap potato is a better term). 

Those of you who know me know that I’m well known for my naps.  Actually I know very few cats (especially those of a…..ahem….certain age if you get my drift) who don’t spend a great deal of time napping.  How do you think we can handle those bursts of energy in between???  Takes energy to fly around a room 100mph or climb drapes, furniture, walls, trees, closets, shower curtains, countertops – etc.  LOTS of energy.  Now I have to admit that I haven’t done any of those things in a while – but I can expend a great deal of energy playing with my tissue paper, crinklies, newspaper and other toys – yes indeedy I can!  So I have to spend a lot of time doing THIS:

Sam Taking a Snooze on Mom's Bed

A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do!


Snoozing on the stairs

Another “energy fix” !

So next time you wonder how on earth cats can possibly sleep as much as they do, remember – it takes fuel to run an engine and we cats come fully equipped with very “high performance” type engines (with claws!).

Funny Face Sam

You interrupted my “battery charging” time to take my picture???

Happy Thursday (and happy napping all you kitties and dogs and piggies and birds….oh – and humans as well!!)

Kitty Hugs, The Lap Nap King!!  😀 😀

p.s.  Yes I do have freckles on my mouth!  Hey – I’m a redhead remember?  Lotsa redheads have freckles…..I also have them on my pinkie paws/toesies – so there!  Besides – I’m TRYING to smile for you!

43 responses »

  1. Ooh, Sammy, we like high-performance engines around this house!! Good sunny morning to you – I’m gazing out my window seat, where something out there has my full attention!
    Get some good naps in today!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….HAHA I thought that “high performance engine” thing would ring a bell with you and your Mom and Dad!

      Have a happy sunny window seat gazing kind of day….

      Love, Sammy


  2. Well, kitties are not the only ones who like naps to re-charge. So I imagine you’re ready to get into high gear after all that napping!


    • Hi Miss June……I’ve been playing all day (well – that is when I wasn’t napping) so I’m charged alright. Now tonight when my parents go to bed, I’ll be a LIVE WIRE. 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Hiya Sammy,
    I think your post sends a very important message to the humans who think we do nothing but nap. You are absolutely right, my furriend. Me thinks humans should learn from us kitties and how we manage to stay beautiful and full of energy when necessary.
    Me have freckles too!
    Happy Thursday, Sammy!


    • Hi Savannah…..are you being a good girl while your parents are away? I’m SURE you are!! When my parents adopted me from the shelter I didn’t have as many freckles – just a couple….now I’ve got a LOT of them but I kinda like ’em !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. Awww. You look really cute sleeping! Whee notice that Nibbles sleeps more than us now he is . . . erm . . . getting on a bit. He likes to sleep in our Mummy’s arms. Do you ever fall asleep on your hoomans?



    • Absolutely! My Mom’s legs are actually my most favorite nap spot. When I was a baby, I used to like to sleep up on my Dad’s chest or in his lap. He’s always doing something around the house now but Mom spends time in her recliner reading so I’m happy to stretch out on her legs and snore quietly nap!! We old guys (Nibbles and me) like our naps!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  5. Sammy! Me just loves the bottom picture of yous! This is a very wonderful post! Yous really knows what us older cats does!
    Kisses sweet Sammy
    Nellie Bellie


    • Hi Nellie! I was trying to smile for the camera in that last photo but it looked to most people like a sneer I think! We older wiser kitties know the value of a good nap don’t we? At least in our heads we’ll ALWAYS be young though my Queen!

      Kisses and Hugs


    • Why thanks Little Miao! Napping recharges our batteries. Mine are generally FULLY charged….. 😀 Thanks for the compliments – we old guys like hearing we’re still “adorable” !

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Little One! I just saw on your blog that you were very companionable today with your Mom. You looked SO CUTE keeping her company on the couch. Naps are very good for you tiny guys – makes you grow BIG and STRONG!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


        • Jumping is FUN! I have a hard time jumping now that I’m older but I used to be able to hop up on top of almost ANYTHING and back down again. Nowadays I stick with jumping up on her chair or the couch for a good snooze!!! Keep eating all your food and you’ll be a BIG BOY before you know it!

          Kitty Hugs, Sam


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