Thankful Thursday and Poetry with Angel Sam


Happy Thankful Thursday and thank you to our hosts for keeping this wonderful blog hop going.   It’s a favorite thing for all of us who participate!    I’m very thankful this week that Mom mowed our lawn in between rainy days because – well – I have kind of short legs and wading through deep grass is NOT my favorite thing.   I do enjoy eating grass but not working my way through thick, high grass.   Anyway, I was able to graze easier after Mom mowed.   I’m also very thankful that we have a whole lot of birds, chipmunks, squirrels and birds around here because while I never catch anything (Mom says “thankfully”!) I like to chase!   Good exercise you know.

If you want to share your thankfuls – you can click the badge above and link up.    We’ll be there as usual!    Now let’s see what Angel Sammy’s poem for the week is shall we?

Hugs, Teddy



Ready For Poetry?

I hope so!    This is my favorite day because I get to enjoy being with all my friends before flying back to the Rainbow Bridge to fly around and do good deeds AND conduct my Poetry Seminars!    

If you wrote a poem for this week’s photo – GOOD FOR YOU – make sure and tell us you have one in my comments AND give us your link so we may read it and enjoy it!

Here’s the photo I gave you last week for this week’s poem, AND my poem follows:

“The Easter Bunny Is Coming!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©May 8, 2024


Thank you Daddy for mowing the lawn down low

The Easter Bunny says long grass makes him go too slow!

I want him to be able to bring me Eggs and Candy

And with the lawn trimmed up it will be just dandy!

My Easter party with my friends today will be so much fun

I can’t WAIT until they get here and the decorating is done

By the way Daddy, you look really swell

But would you please change your clothes before my friends ring the bell???????


Gotta hand it to this guy – he’s doing his thing no matter what the neighbors think.   Anything for his little daughter!!    What a guy…………and he looks rather nice in his outfit – I had no idea they made ballet tutus in that size!    HAHAHAHAHA

OK – enough silliness – here’s your photo for NEXT week’s photo poetry fun………..

Uhoh……..wonder what part the dog played in whatever crime has been committed?     This is cute – fun poem material!

So you have a whole week to write a poem using this photo as your inspiration………….better put on your thinking cap OR like me, maybe you see it and know instantly what you’re going to write.   We’ll see what we come up with next Thursday.

In the meantime, be well, happy and kind…’s good for your heart!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love always, Angel Sammy

26 responses »

  1. That dog has the monkey see monkey do bug!!

    Here is my attempt at this weeks poem prompt:

    I’m not a bunny, but I AM a Daddy;

    I love my girl, Maddie,


    Now I’m a bunny;

    Isn’t that funny?!


    And right now I am very thankful:

    I am thankful that though we had some wicked weather in our area on Tuesday, no one was killed. There was a EF2 tornado and perhaps two or three others. Our son lives very close to there and he is fine, our pastor is without power, and had some minor damage, he lives on the edge of where the tornado came down. Many homes destroyed, and some non life threatening injuries…and all kinds of trees downed, cannot even drive through that area…what a mess, its been declared a state of emergency.

    Liked by 4 people

    • So glad you’re OK Ingrid and hope that everyone who had damage and loss finds their way back to whatever passes for normal again. It’s a scary time for people these days with the violent weather. We have escaped here other than some heavy rains and high winds….no tornados thankfully – today part of that system will be making its’ way through parts of Virginia but so far we have no “warnings”. I’m glad you’re OK and same for your son….prayers for everyone else.

      Hugs, Pam (and your poem is sweet!!)

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Sammy, you gave us a good poem today! I enjoyed it very much and I like the family love shown for the little daughter that you included in it. The photo made me smile real big when I saw it last week and I will say this next one does too. I may give it a try. I’ll enjoy everyone’s poem today AND next week.


  3. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: Because She Asked | these days of mine

  4. Ugh. I feel ya, T. High grass will touch your belly whenever it feels like it. That is NOT OK with me – especially when it’s wet. Mom tells me, “It’s only rain.” Yes, Mom. But I hate rain! #haveyouevermetme

    Love and licks,



  5. Our Mom needs to mow the grass, too, Teddy, but it’ been too wet. She asks forgiveness for no poem this week. She was really looking forward to helping us with this one, but this puppy has kept her busy cleaning up pee and poo and changing diapers and washing diapers and rugs and rags and feeding and playing and trying to fine her owner or anyone who will take her and make her a good home. Hasn’t had much time to do anything else. We hope we’ll be back with you on the poetry next week. It’s so much fun! XOX Xena


  6. Very cute poem and the photo of you in your bed is also very cute. That would make a good poem prompt for us. XO


    • HAHAHA….that’s funny (Mom says she absolutely remembers those elephants and YES “Mr. Mom” has that look!!)…..this photo really got everyone’s imagination in gear – the poems this week are all such fun! We’re on our way now to read yours and we’re SURE it’s a winner!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. That is a terrific thankful Teddy and now you can chomp away out there! You do look cozy in your cool bed. I enjoyed the fun Angel Sammy poem too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  8. Ha Ha – great poem. So typical – loves her Daddy, but please don’t embarrass me in front of my friends. It was a super photo for Poetry with Angel Sammy.

    Woos – Misty and Timber


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