Teaser Tell All Time


We’re BAAAACK – with Teaser news from yesterday’s Teaser fun!

Well, we had thought it might be a tough Teaser but the right answer came in quickly so we’ve decided not to try and figure out if it will be an easy one or a tough one and just post the photo and HAVE FUN WATCHING THE GUESSES!!!!

“Guess what….some of us thought it was a TOUGH TEASER!”

Let’s talk about FIRST COMMENTER yesterday shall we?     We had ONE FIRST COMMENTER although it was close – we almost had TWO!     Let’s get a drumroll please:



Here’s your badge of honor Miss Ingrid:

I was the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of October 3, 2023! THE FIRST AND ONLY FIRST I might add!!

Then it was time for us to take a peek at the Teaser photo of the week……………………….and the photo was sent in by our student Miss Carole (and her cat Miss Katie) and here it is:

A photo of beautiful downtown CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA (at the intersection of Trade and Tryon Sts.)


My photo was the TEASER on October 3, 2023 and I got this badge for being GUEST TEASER!!

SO who was the Student who guessed where this Teaser photo was taken FIRST??????????????????????    May we have a drumroll please?


Here’s your badge Miss Angela:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of October 3, 2023!!!! WOO HOO FOR ME!

And if you also guessed right but weren’t first this one’s for each of you!

I was RIGHT with my guess on the Teaser photo of October 3, 2023 BUT I wasn’t FIRST RIGHT!

AND if you guessed but were WRONG – well you STILL get a badge:

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser photo of October 3, 2023 but I tried and that’s what counts!!!!

Congrats Students!

Cheer Team?    You’re up now!!!

Are you surprised to see us at the Grumpy Cat?
We can cheer from anywhere that we’re at (ignore poor English please) !
We felt the need for a nice cold brew
Who knows we might even have two
Anyway we want you to know
Who the stars were of yesterday’s show
FIRST COMMENTER honors to go Ingrid The Fast
She was FIRST as the rest of you passed!
Then we waited for the next winner to come
Angela was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER so she was number one!
Now if you’ll excuse us our barstools are calling
We promise to be back home without any crawling (haha).

“Excuse us Professors – we won’t go to the cafeteria today – now that class is over we’re riding over to see the Cheer Team chicks!”

Well the REST of us are going to head to the cafeteria for a good meal……………you boys better not have a LIQUID meal – you’re on motorcycles for Pete’s sake!!!!!

Calling All Hungry Students!   Cafeteria is OPEN!

What’s On The Menu?

Kismet Seed Bar

AND there you have it for another week students!   See you NEXT Tuesday for more TEASER FUN!

Your Professors!

43 responses »

  1. Yay!! I was a firstie…hasn’t happened in a while!
    THough I didn’t even make a guess!

    Good news! My MacBook is here with me again, but its still in the travel bag…hubby has to work his magic on it to get it up and running, ie put the ‘apps’ and other stuff like that on it, so I can actually use it. Then we’ll find out how much damage was dom to my stuff. Eeek! (Its on the cloud so I will have it, it’s just ever so tedious to get it out of there…at least I think so.)
    We were’t able to do anything with it today, as we went out to help son #1 celebrate his birthday!
    I am STUFFED, even now, still so may I please just have some onion rings and a gelato? Iced tea if Miss D will make some; summer is having a big last hoorah! It was about 88F here Tuesday…and more of the same today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Concatulations to Miss Ingrid!  And I will send congratulatory glances at her over my plate with the stacked up high corned beef cabbage  sandwich(some mustard too please) and strawberry shortcake. Um, some of Ingrid’s iced tea please.  


  3. WTG Katie Isabella and Carole…I had no clue except that it looked a lot like downtown Raleigh looked once. I’ve been to the outskirts of Charlotte.
    Miss Dingleberry may I please have an egg salad sammic?
    thank you


  4. Where did wee go wrong Professor Teddy???
    Apparently when wee crossed THE ocean 😉
    Congrats Miss Ingrid an Miss Angela ❤ ❤
    Missus Dee an Miss MaryAnn may wee have 1 slice of Peppymint Cheezecake an 1 glass of milk an a wee saucer of milk fore mee? Wee not hungry today…..Thanx!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an 😦 BellaSita Mum


  5. Concats to the two speediest-than-me classmates!!! I try to bury my sorrow into a huge pile of breakfast tacos, French toast Neapolitan, peppermint bark cheesecake, and a tea! I’d like to ask whether Miss Dingleberry has peppermint meow cheesecake, too???


    • Sounds like a yummy meal – should be perfectly wonderful for drowning sorrows! Peppermint Meow Cheesecake and Peppermint Bark Cheesecake are similar but if you prefer a chunk of wood on top of your cheesecake we suggest you go with the Peppermint Bark Cheesecake……. 🙂


  6. Pingback: Another Flashback Selfie Sunday ~ Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend! | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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