Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Well we made it to Thursday – just in time for Brian’s THANKFUL Blog Hop………………hope you have your list of thankfuls ready – if you’re ready to link up you can use the above badge to go to his blog and link if you like!

I’m super thankful this week that we had three MAGICALLY BEAUTIFUL days after days and days of heat and humidity and smoke.    There is rain in the forecast the next few days in the afternoon/evening but they say that all the time – I think it’s wishful thinking – not accurate forecasting!   Anyway, it’s August – and August in the Washington DC area is always STICKY.     I’m also thankful that Mom and Dad have taken me out even on the uncomfortable days so I can wander around and grab a snooze in the bushes while they watch over me.    Yes I’m spoiled – isn’t everybody?   Tee Hee

Now let’s switch tracks and talk about poetry.    Angel Sammy’s poem and a new photo for next week got through the smoky atmosphere and arrived in an email last night.   I’m sharing it with you below!    Have a super Thursday.

Hugs, Teddy

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hi Poetry Pals!

It’s our day – time to share some poetry with each other.    I had some notes this week passed on to me by my brother on Earth Teddy which said some of you thought the photo was “tough” that I gave you for a poem to write this week.   Well, guess what – I thought it was too but I managed to squeeze a poem out anyway.    If you did, tell us in my comments and either give us your link, or write your poem right there in the comment area for us to read………..SHARE!

Here’s the photo from last week and my poem:


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©August 1, 2023

Two birthday photos from years ago

Looking at these most of you wouldn’t know

That the photo on the left was the year I had mumps

No party for me – I was down in the dumps!

He was sad I wasn’t there so Mom put on extra candles

In fact too many for a young boy’s breath to handle

The photo on the right is when we turned two

I was upset at him for not waiting for ME before he blew!

We’ve had our squabbles and fights and moans

But having a twin means we’re never alone……………


That was a very tough photo wasn’t it.   I’m sure you can tell that even I had a struggle putting something together.    I hope to do better next week.     I promise!   Don’t forget to let us know if you wrote a poem this week.     Here’s next week’s challenge – I don’t think it’s as tough as this one was!!

Urban sprawl from the air……………..cookie cutter houses like soldiers lined up – I guess it’s the most efficient use of the land – but – well – it lacks something doesn’t it?!?!?!    So this is the photo for next week – I think we can come up with a poem for this one don’t you?

Meanwhile have a wonderful week – be kind to one another – be patient – be a FRIEND to someone who needs one!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Light, Angel Sammy





51 responses »

  1. They need to grow some trees in that pic for next week…it made petcretary think of when she’d take all the little Monopoly houses and hotels and line them all up in rows, LOL!

    Here is our take on the birthday disaster…or is it??

    Birthday time-
    This one is less than sublime!
    Susie looks of a temper
    Cause she missed her nap…
    While those candles
    Try not to be an ember…
    Jimmy dude
    Is thinking hard
    Of what to wish…
    or why there’s no birthday card.
    Little Tommy -well
    He’d rather be outside
    Playing in the yard!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I didn’t realise it was two photos either, I assumed it was three siblings. Good work on the poem, Angel Sammy. Those houses are probably lovely inside but look very boring from the air.


    • I didn’t realize it was two photos put together either until I noticed the different “background” and then I saw one arm missing off the boy on the left where the photos were spliced together! That made it more of a challenge to come up with a poem too………two cakes? My poem isn’t great but I tried to make some SENSE in poetic form of the mysterious spliced photos!! LOL


  3. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: It’s A Mystery | these days of mine

  4. I wonder if that’s Levittown that was so talked about when it was first developed? All mentions were toward the negative but apparently though cookie-cutter, at least provided a good home at lesser expense, I think…not sure. Been a hundred years since I have thought of Levittown..(in PA.) Not even sure of the spelling.


    • Oh wow……we lived in Levittown, Long Island, New York a million years ago. Our little house was brand new – I think that development opened up in 1947 which was the year I was born. I think I was about five and my brother was 3 when we lived there. I think Levitt built several developments in different places and they were fairly cookie-cutter in appearance – no shrubs/trees planted. I have some old photos of the house.

      Hugs, Pam


  5. We think you did a great job with the poem. As soon as Mom saw the photo, she thought of our dad and his brother and sister. Looked just like them when they were kids. We think that’s why she got hung up on trying to write a poem. She got as far as a title, “Sibling Rivalry.” It is raining here today. Mom worked in the yard two days in a row and was thinking of going out again today. Guess that won’t happen. Love to all, dear friends. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  6. This is another one of those pictures with so many possibilities, and lots of different interpretations. Our Mom forgot about it this week, but next week we’ll try to remind her. We really liked your poem, though. Thanks, Angel Sammy, for hosting!


    • That’s the way developers used to put together communities – fortunately these days they do more to make the homes unique and there’s generally more GREENERY planted – trees and shrubs. I think most people like to live in more “unique” surroundings than what we call a “cookie cutter” home! Loved the photos on your blog – thanks for visiting us.

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


    • Mom and Dad went on a vacation to Arizona many years ago and said even though the temp was high it didn’t FEEL hot thanks to no humidity. Here it’s so humid everybody is kind of “drippy” all the time!


  7. Great poem. I thought that was one photo not two. I hate houses that all look a like. Can’t wait to read what you write about that. Hot day but; we got the yard done. I love the new nutrition Dr. She has told me more than anyone in 2 visits than I was told in over 3 years by old Dr’s.


    • I love your poem – or should I say POEMS! That was a weird photo – it looks like two photos spliced together for what reason I have no guesses. Anyway I love your version of what’s going on in the photos BEST!

      Hugs, Pam


  8. The fashion for New Zealand is to cram ‘Town houses’ into the space one house used to be. No grass, no gardens, nothing for the birds! Although this is pretty dreadful and totallylacking in imagination there is some green * sigh *


  9. Mee-yow ‘angel’ Sammy yore poe-em was pawsum!!! It sounded so naturelle as BellaSita red it to mee!!! No wurriess! You have another winner there!
    Teddy wee SO-O happy THE smoke an haze has left youss’. Wee just checked THE Ontario reeport fore yesterday an wee have 35 Wildfiress up North….2 weekss ago wee had 27!! What THE Cat happened???? Wee sure hope nun of us are affected bye them!
    “There are currently 35 active wildland fires in the Northeast Region. Of these, 2 fires are being held, 6 are under control and 27 fires are being observed.” (from THE reeport wee red online!
    Why they just ‘observin’ THE firess an not puttin them out….who nose rite TEddy an Miss Pam???
    Bee safe an have a lovelee weekend.
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum


  10. And here i thought i had commented! Technology foils me again.

    Anyway, what i’d said was i’m glad you got good weather and hope you have a lot more of the same.

    Your poem is excellent!

    I wrote a poem as if there were 3 different children celebrating and what each was thinking, it’s over here.


    • I absolutely LOVE your poem…………….it may have been three kids – it may have been a spliced together photo – but one thing it definitely was is a CHALLENGE that we all met in our own way! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  11. Angel Sammy you always find the right words for a poem and we love that😸The picture for next week looks like a box of blocks🙈We finally had time to do a poem again, it’s raining here so much, that we can have a break. Talking about rain, how about we teleport some to you? Double Pawkisses for a Good Night from us for you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

    Who stops the rain…


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