Teaser Tuesday Class Time!


“Well gang at least the sun is shining today!  Let’s report in and get something to warm us up!!”

Welcome to class students!  HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET?

We’ve arrived at Tuesday – and you know what that means……time to exercise your brain with a Teaser.   Just the ticket for waking up unused brain cells.    AND today we have a GUEST TEASER for you.   That’s right – we actually gave The Graphics Department a day off.    Bless her their hearts – she they work so hard.

“Yeah…yeah….we know how hard they or SHE work(s) to drive us crazy!   AND does a good job of it too!”

Let’s begin with a review of the rules for playing Teaser AND a peek at the badges available for today’s class.

There you have them………they aren’t NEW but they are INTERESTING you have to admit.    Anyway, on with the show!

“Yeah – let’s move it along – I wanna be outta here in time to catch the bus to the casino…..”

WHAT?    Casino?    You’re only eight years old Leroy – do they let you IN the casino?

“Of course they do – my Mom is a bouncer there and that’s where I meet her after class every day before we go home!  See?  Here’s a picture of her in her uniform!”

Well that’s super interesting Leroy – we never knew this – maybe if she wants an extra job she could do night security here when Clowie and her team are off?    Anyway, let’s move on shall we????????

Here’s today’s GUEST TEASER photo…………………..good luck students!

It’s a smallish photo but we think you smarties can deal with that.    We tried to enlarge it but it lost a lot of definition so do your best!!!    This is a toughie!!!!!

“Well that’s a doozy alright!”

Cheer Team – this class looks like they’re in shock – could you please come and shake them up appropriately????

It’s Tuesday again and photo challenge time
We have to agree this photo is a crime
It’s criminally TOUGH and HORRIBLY hard
But whoever guesses it will get the winning card.
Put on your thinking caps and when you’re ready for a break
You’d better hurry to the cafeteria before we eat all the steak!!!

Now girls – be nice.   We think our students will have a tough enough time with this Teaser photo without you all threatening to eat all the steak – besides – we don’t even know if STEAK is on the menu!    Maybe we should go over there and check it out.     Students – come on over when you’re ready!

“Chow line is open!  Come and get it!”


See you tomorrow for the Tell All!  Good Luck!

The Profs!


85 responses »

  1. I was there many years ago – it is the Parliament Bldg in Helsinki Finland. THe maple banana walnut looks good – I’ll take a slice with my morning coffee.


  2. We are way late and don’t have a clue. Looks as if it should be in Washington D.C. We’d like to have some Maple, Banana, Walnut Coffee Cake. We’ll be back later for the fish platter, onion rings and baklava. Good luck to the other students. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  3. Oh oh! I am late…
    I concur with those who guessed…that is the Parliament House, in Helsinki, Finland.
    May I have some Maple Banana Walnut Coffee Cake, and some coffee…I need to wake up, to get my appetite…maybe by tomorrow! Oh wait, may I have some onion rings, too?

    Hello Mr Frank, I see you have been, eaten and guessed…


  4. Some small towns will do ANYTHING to attract tourist dollars to their city. The World’s Largest Ball of Twine has nothing on this landmark from Sunbaked, New Mexico… who built the World’s Largest Furnace Register. For that kind of tackiness, the town completely deserved the man-eating otter infestation that came…


  5. Good morning, campers! While I’m not even close to being first, I think that is the Parliament building in Helsinki. Guess we’ll all know tomorrow. Now for some chow…how about some roasted veggies to start off. Then maybe some Baclava for dessert. It’s okay to have dessert with breakfast, right?


  6. Oh is it Tuesday again? The worst thing is I have a photo of that place when we were on our cruise to the Baltics. Of course it will have been already guessed, but I am sure it it the Finnish parliament building in Helsinki. Either that or there are two identical buildings. We are going back to the Baltics in the summer so I might even take another photo of it!!


  7. Wee not sure at all Professor teddy…wee wee thinkin Athenss Greece….butt not fancy enuff!
    Maybee inn a Nordic country….wee not sure…..sorry….
    BUTT wee ARE sure ’bout lunch!
    Missus Dee an Miss MaryAnn may wee have 2 Turkey leg servinss (hold THE 2nd ‘tato) an a servin of Corny Cassyroll an fore ‘ssert may wee have Bklava an a wee saucer of milk? Many thanx!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an **giggellss** BellaSita Mum


  8. That’s a very strict modernist (?) building – some judicatory institution? Purrrhaps a court? But where??? I could not find the location! I think the wisest thing is to – eat, what else?! Could I have a chicken club, some baklava, and a tea?


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