Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thankful Thursday AND thanks to Brian for hosting this Hop every week.   A chance to voice things we’re thankful for.    You can click the badge above if you’d like to join in!

Knowing Hurricane Ian is slogging through Florida and heading north from there we will be super thankful to hear that our friends in the current storm zone are OK.   People we know are “hunkered down” or have left their area temporarily to avoid any problems but we PRAY that everyone who is in the area of the storm STAYS SAFE.    We’re thankful that we should only get a small portion of the rain and wind by the time it reaches Virginia.

We’re also thankful that we are having the most gorgeous Fall weather we can remember – it kind of happened overnight but it happened and it’s so refreshing!

Ready for Angel Sammy’s Poetry?   Good – so am I !


It’s Poetry Day!

Hi everyone…….hope you’re ready to read AND write AND share some poetry today.     Each Thursday I visit my Earthly brother Teddy and my Mom to share poetry with all of you.   I give you a photo every week to use as inspiration for your poem and you ALWAYS blow me away with your fabulous poetry.

Here’s the photo I gave you last week for inspiration AND my poem:

“Look Mom….No Cavities!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©September 28, 2022


Oh me oh my this has been so cool

Visiting this museum with kids from my school!

This dinosaur is a little bit scary

At least he’s just bones and not big and hairy!

These teeth of his are so shiny and gleaming

I guess the dino dentist does a good job of cleaning!


Ok so it’s a little bit corny but what a totally cute photo.   Being a little kid and trying to grasp that dinosaurs – so huge and amazing roamed the earth millions of years ago.    My Mom remembers whenever she and her brother would go to a museum they both would spend a lot of time looking at the old fossils and the reconstructions of such HUGE animals.    I wonder what this little guy in the photo is REALLY thinking??!

Remember to let us know in comments if you wrote a poem and give us a link so we can read it – OR just write your poem in comments……I hope you gave this one a whirl – it’s a really cute photo.    Speaking of photos – here’s your inspiration for NEXT Thursday’s poetry day!

Modern dance………..well – let’s say it’s interesting!    We’ll see how interesting when we write a poem for the photo !

Until then, stay safe, be happy, be kind, and if you’re in the path of the storm – be SMART…………………………..

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Light, Angel Sammy


Great poem Angel Sammy……….I’m always so happy to visit with you on Thursdays!   Thanks for having fun with us ……….

Love you!    Teddy

46 responses »

  1. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: What Big Teeth | these days of mine

  2. I love your poem. Son loved dinos when he was little but; got scared at the museum when he saw how big they were. And of course they always darken those rooms. Have a nice day. Glad your not getting any of the bad stuff.


  3. Cute poem. Could you imagine being a dentist for a dinosaur? Yikes. Mom did write a poem. Here’s the link: Next week’s photo could find a lot of Kitties Blue trying to keep from being stepped on. MOL! We are thankful to have you as our friends. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • We just loved your poem – it was purrrfection! I couldn’t resist that photo for next week…..Modern Dance has always confused me – I know it’s very artsy and has a message, etc. but for me it’s just a lot of leaping and awkward posing. LOL


  4. WoW! Terrific Thankfuls! We have been purraying for furrends, furrst for peoples who had to deal with Fiona and now Ian! And Sammy, your poem ROCKS! (and not just because the dinosaur is petrified). Those dancers for next week look intriguing. I can’t wait to see what Sammy coes up with! We hope you guys have a marvellously happy week! Purrs Marv


    • Hi! So many dreadful weather events – we will be lucky where I live this time – some rain and “minor” wind but it’s going more west of us in our part of Virginia. Weather is WACKY these days. Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem for the dino photo this week and next week’s will be a fun one too!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. We’re also praying for those who have had to endure the storm, and those who will still get some of it. We understand.

    We’ve had a couple of nice days, also, and we’re most thankful.

    Your poem is like my haiku, but i also wrote a more “regular poem”, i couldn’t resist and so there are two today.


    • Mimi both of your poems for the dino photo were great… wonder you couldn’t resist! The storm reached us yesterday afternoon – just light rain to start but overnight heavy rain and lots of wind – it’s still dark out but we’re anxious to see what the yard looks like! A couple more days of rain but less wind coming our way. Will be glad to say BYEBYE to Ian!!!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy


  6. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

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