Teaser Tell All


Well we were WRONG again! 

Yep – we thought it would be an almost impossible Teaser and it wasn’t.    SO we won’t be making predictions again that’s for sure.    Here’s the scoop on yesterday’s Teaser!

First up let’s talk about FIRST COMMENTERS…………….would you believe we only had ONE?   Would you?   Well it’s true.    AND the surprises don’t stop there because the FIRST COMMENTER was also our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER.    SO, we’re changing things up a little and will show you the Teaser photo from yesterday FIRST:

This is Mt. Kinabalu in Malaysia!   It’s on the island of Borneo which is (interestingly) governed by THREE countries – and this PART of Borneo where the mountain is belongs to Malaysia.    Pretty interesting huh?

NOW – who was the student who was BOTH First Commenter and First Right Guesser?

Let’s have a QUADRUPLE drumroll please……..


Congratulations to Ingrid……………..it’s not easy being a double firstie and we have a special badge for you to take home with you today!

I was First Commenter AND First Right Guesser on the Teaser of March 8, 2022……LUCKY ME!!

Now we actually did have some others who guessed this one right – and if you were one of them, then you get a copy of this badge for yourself!

I was a Right Guesser on the Teaser post photo of March 8, 2022 but I was NOT FIRST!

AND there were also several of you who guessed WRONG on the Teaser and you ALSO get a badge for yourselves – this one:

I guessed WRONG on the Teaser photo of March 8, 2022. Guess I’ll try again NEXT week!

Alright already with the nasty looks.  Remember you COULD have guessed right or been early and received one of the GOOD badges……instead you get a WRONG GUESSER.   Next week you’ll just have to try harder!!

Cheer Team?  How about coming to class and calming this crew down would you??????

Alright students don’t get rough
This Teaser photo was pretty darn tough
Miss Ingrid was lucky she had a GOOD day
First Commenter and First Right – what can we say?
Maybe she should teach a class on how to do a search
Then maybe next week you’ll guess right and not be left in the lurch!
Now put on a pretty smile and lets go get some food
Perhaps that will put all of you in a better mood!



Today’s Menu:

Hope to see you NEXT Tuesday!

The Professors

49 responses »

  1. Oh Hooray! Shall I give myself a pat on my back?? Sure, why not.

    That smile on the mountain peak was fun to see, and my first thought was The Matterhorn, because of the bend in the peak…but I realized right away that was not it at all! And the terrain in the background wasn’t like Switzerland at all. LOL!
    So I searched: bent twin peaks, barren rock faces, climber accessible, and there it was! Score.

    Off to have my bubbly…but first maybe Ms Dingleberry might have some good noms for me…oh, yes! May I please have some blueberry Crepes, some onion rings, and a hot chocolate? Its still cold around here.

    Great cheer ladies!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats to Miss Ingrid again. I can’t believe I missed the teaser two weeks in a row. I usually check too early and then get involved in other things and forget to come back.


  3. Brown rice seed cakes? WOW. We’ll try anything. Have a Whack Out Wednesday, dear Ted. That’s your formal name for me when I’m seeing you as a handsome adult….Teddy when we hang out.


  4. I was on the road yesterday, but darn, I would have gotten that one. Nonetheless, time to EAT! It’s Italian Day – Chicken Parm, small portion of ravioli, tiramisu, cannoli, gelato, and orange/cranberry juice … Oh … and a single order of onion rings because I see Ingrid already has some and she wasn’t expecting me to be here. Hopefully she surprised to see me.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I would never in a million years guessed that. It is pretty. I recall once years ago watching a documentary on Hawaii and all its weather systems. I was stunned to see a sight seeing trip on a snow covered mountain in Hawaii
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS pls check email


  6. So Ingrid does it again. Congratulations to her. A bit too early for all that delicious food. We’ll stop by later for some lunch. Paws crossed that WP doesn’t mess with us next week! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  7. Never never would have got this one. It looks like a face on the side of the mountain… sort of skeletal!
    Congratulations to Ingrid and thank you to the cheer team… all their little faces 🙂
    So many choices for FOOD again today. The Ravioli is calling to me today and the Eclair Cake!


  8. Awwwww, Miss Ingrid, apaws, apaws!!!! Interestingly, yesterday the usual torrent of “Oh, I visited this place in 2014…” did not happen 🙂 But, of course, the (very) late brekkie cannot be off, too. Thus, I’d like some corn souffle, an endive salad with walnuts and cranberries, a cannoli, and a tiramisu!


  9. Pingback: Almost St Patrick’s Day…And More Flashback Selfies | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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