Teaser Tuesday Class


“Well Team – I do believe our perimeter check is complete – let’s go warm up inside!”

“Time for class!   HAVE YOU COMMENTED yet????”

Better get those comments done – you know if you comment within the first 60 seconds after we go live you get a badge – that’s right – a FIRST COMMENTER badge.  So comment then have a seat at your desk and class will begin.

“We’ve commented and are at our desks!”

As we always do, let’s begin class today by showing you all the RULES for guessing the Teaser Photo shall we?    Also the badges that you may possibly win if you’re on your toes (or paws).

Now we have THAT out of the way, let’s get on with the show………………….here’s your Teaser for the day!

“Attention!  Will the Teaser contest security guard please report to Class!”

“Hello Professors – I just retrieved your Top Secret Teaser photo from the Principal’s safe!”

Where was this photo taken????

While you mull it over, let’s get our wonderful Cheer Team in here to cheer you up…………………………shall we?

“Heck yes – bring on the chicks!!”

It’s Tuesday and time to tease
Pay attention if you please!
The Teaser looks like many places…..
And there’s no sign of any faces!
But we know you’ll figure it out
We never have any doubt!
Tomorrow we’ll see who is first right
We’re sure they’ll be high as a kite!
Teaser badges are highly prized…..
By all the wise girls and guys
So get to work and be FIRST
While we head to the pub with our thirst!

Girls nine times out of ten you work having a beer or being in a pub into your cheer – what’s with that???   Do you girls own stock in the pub or something????

“We’ll never tell!”

Well I think it’s time we all headed to the cafeteria for some food.   Breakfast or lunch – Miss Dingleberry has everything we could want to eat ready for us every single Tuesday and Wednesday.

OK – let’s MOVE OUT!  Stay in line now…..

Hello students!   Please enjoy your meals today…in the friendly ambiance of Ding Dong Fish School’s fabulous cafeteria………..

Today’s Menu:

See you tomorrow for the TELL ALL!!

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy

103 responses »

  1. I probably shouldn’t identify this week’s prison. but that big white building in the back there is Robin Leach Memorial Penitentiary, which caters solely to the very rich and famous who’ve been naughty. To protect the privacy of its A-list inmates, many efforts have been made to hide the facility from eavesdropping eyes. Throwing all those random houses in front of it was a nice start. The cross on the roof might make someone who’s really naive think it’s actually a church. It actually does keep out the paparazzi and adoring fans… but not everyone is fooled. The man eating otters can still find the place very well, and…… those “details” are usually left out of the celebrity death notices.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Well the rich and famous do deserve a little privacy in their moment of paying for their sins so I like the idea of disguising it as a church. They do need all the help they can get to contend with the otters.


  2. Well, I finally got here…went to bed early last night and got this confuser set up for an early entry…but oopsie, I slept in and forgot all about Tuesday Teaser Day! But better late than never, Tee-hee!
    I see the professor was late running in, too, so I am off the hook??

    Mr Frank must have been concerned that I wasn’t rushing the door with him and the other three early birds. Thanks for saving me a seat, though! Can we have refills so everything is fresh?! Please. And is there any of the Hashbrowns with Eggs left: And Ooh, the onion rings are back, Mmmm! Just an Irish Mint shake to wash that all down, Thanks!!

    Hope I am on time tomorrow….to find out if I am right or not…I am guessing The Shanty Town of Tijuana, Mexico.


  3. Sorry I am late… guys came with the new countertops and sinks for the bathrooms this morning. They are GONE! Reminds me of Juarez where we crossed over from El Paso but I don’t think it looked that good. I would like to go to the Grumpy Cat, too!


    • You’re CLOSE on your guess for Teaser…….new countertops and sinks – I bet it looks SPECTACULAR!!! See you at Grumpy Cat…..I have a regular seat that. I need it especially on Teaser day. LOL


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