Teaser Tell All Class


YES!  Welcome to Tell All Class students……

Pull up a desk and let’s get started shall we?     It was a WHOPPER of a Teaser yesterday.     Absolutely.    And if you remember LAST week we also prepared Tell All class under the assumption that it had fooled everyone but in the end it hadn’t – remember?

Let’s back up a bit and talk first about FIRST COMMENTERS shall we?      We had a whole huge crowd of students almost banging down the door yesterday morning to get in and comment FIRST.    So many of you were early birds we actually had FIVE of you in the first 60 seconds of class so we will be awarding FIVE First Commenter badges!    We’ll tell you who they were:

DRUMROLL………..our Five Firsties

Sharon, Timmy, Ingrid, Janet and Katty!

Each of you gets one of these fabulous badges with our congratulations:

I was one of FIVE (yes I said FIVE) students who were FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of April 27, 2021. Amazing!

“This is my disappointed face….or is it my depressed face…..or is it both??”

Sorry about that………..now we’ll show you the Teaser Photo from yesterday and who was kind enough to send it in for a TEASER SUBJECT…………!

This gorgeous photo was sent in by INGRID and it is a photo taken in MUSKOKA, ONTARIO, CANADA !!

We had guesses mentioning ALLLLLLL sorts of places but nobody thought it was in Canada.    Thanks Miss Ingrid for the photo AND for sending us a Teaser which managed to:


There were no RIGHT GUESSERS for this one.    Maybe just a little too generic for people to figure it out?    But it sure is a RARE DAY when we get to fool everyone.   Last week was an ALMOST but not quite but this week is a DONE AND DUSTED.     So we have a badge for you Miss Ingrid AND a badge for all of you who were WRONG GUESSERS:

My Teaser photo was used on the TEASER of April 27, 2021 AND it FOOLED EVERYONE!

I guessed but was WRONG on the Teaser photo of April 27, 2021….but I was in good company because NOBODY GUESSED IT RIGHT!!!!!

“That was an epic Teaser alright……!”

The Cheer Team wasn’t very happy to learn that we have FIVE First Commenters but they still were able (after a few beers) to come up with a cheer for the occasion!   Ladies?

That was quite a WHOPPER
A genuine Teaser Class Show Stopper!
Nobody knew where the photo was taken
You guessed but were all mistaken
But our FIRST COMMENTERS came through
We have all of their names for you!
Ingrid, Sharon, Timmy, Janet and Katty
Coming up with this cheer drove us batty!

I’m sure it did ladies but we appreciate it – we really do!     Now maybe we should all go to lunch and relax……it’s stressful on Teaser Days isn’t it.   I know we Professors feel stressed!

The Professors said you all were “bummed out” about Teaser today so I thought I’d cheer you up with my ridiculous bow and sunglasses…….or maybe you should just eat a good lunch and THAT will cheer you up!

Our Menu Choices for Today:



54 responses »

    • Crab salad, lobster salad, shrimp salad – all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tasty. I can’t wait for our vacation in Maine in October – I’m going to load up on my favorites while we’re there!

      Hugs, Pam


  1. Whoot! I fooled everyone!! I got that doozy of a teaser picture from Angela Nirta, who said I could use her beautiful picture. She’s a former Catster lady, lives in the same city where I used to live before I got married and came to the USA. Now she takes tons of wonderful pictures! I’ll let her know that we/she fooled everyone! Muskoka is a region of the Georgian Bay area, well known as ‘cottage country’ and there is tons of wonderful places to hike, fish and just admire all the peaceful beauty. (She still has a kitty, too; but of course!)

    Grilled corn on the cob! Mmmm. I haven’t had that for eons…can you please save me some for my brunch later, and some of that Banana Berry Smoothie…for when I get up…to start my day…this night owl stuff is such a pain to normal life! LOL!

    Great cheer, and congrats to my fellow firsties. Hope no one got too squished trying to get in the classroom first!

    Liked by 2 people

    • We had to use a pry bar to unclog the blockade of students crammed in the front door of the school yesterday morning – five made it through first! Thanks again for a FOOLER of a Teaser and a chance to hand out a lot of our Greenies!

      Hugs, Pam and the Professors

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats to the early birds!
    I wasn’t even on the right continent with my guess. When I checked my photos of Finland it didn’t look as similar as I thought I remembered it.


  3. Congrats to first commenters. That’s looks beautiful. I could not figure it out either. I would love some strawberry shortcake today. Have a great day.


  4. It is a beautiful place but as with others, who’da thought it? Chili for me- and ask Kismet is there are any crackers?


  5. That was a tough one, but they are all tough to me. 🙂 Congrats to all 5 of those speedy guessers! Have a great day! XO


  6. Concatulations to Sharon, Timmy, Ingrid, Janet and Katty! And here we were expecting Ms Ingrid to go for a big four doing the double! But she was the teaser! Totally surprised us! Thanks Teddy and Mom and the cheer squad and the food lady and Sammy and everyone who makes this so much fun! Now lets grab a crab sandwich and run before Sarge catches us!


    • Glad you liked the Teaser this week – it really was a challenge and WAS impossible but then again, some Teasers are so easy it balances out the toughies right? Enjoy that crab sammmmmmich!


  7. We are so glad to be a First Commenter and see that we are not alone in having no idea where this Teaser was. Well done Ingrid and congrats to our other badge buddies. Now lets dig into lunch. Thanks professors and staff for a fun week here at Ding Dong and we will try not to be Dinged next week! Keep Safe


  8. Pingback: Sunday!! Selfies! (Petcretary Is Frustrated…) | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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