Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Greetings everyone. Mom is still a little wobbly…….OK……maybe a LOT wobbly… this will be a shorter than usual thankful and poetic post today. Sitting at the computer is shall we say LESS THAN COMFORTABLE right now.   She’s missed all of you though so I am allowing her (as her CHIEF OF CAT STAFF) to do a post for today.    We didn’t want to miss out on being thankful for the fact she made it through surgery with just a few bumps and that she’s recovering slowly but surely (with my help of course).     She had the very best orthopedic surgeon and the very best hospital care and these last days has had physical therapy and home health nurses at the house so she’s WELL looked after.      We are thankful she has a new hip and once she and her hip come to an understanding about discomfort, things should be just fine!

Also we’re happy she was able to get up and about in time to enjoy Angel Sammy’s poem for this week.     We are attaching it below and hope that you have written a poem for the cute squirrel photo he gave us as inspiration last week.


Hi Poetic Friends!

I just couldn’t let Mom get away with not posting for Poetic Thursday – so here we are.   Might be a short-ish post but at least we’re here to share.     Last week’s photo was a favorite – we happen to love squirrels around here – not just at the Rainbow Bridge but right there where you all are – they keep us laughing, keep us on our toes with their antics, and just make us smile sometimes when nothing else can.

Here’s the photo from last week followed by my poem:

“Hello World!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©January 20, 2021


OK you guys we’d better make this trip fast

Mom’s gone acorn shopping but that won’t last!

She said we had to stay home and no leaving the nest

But she didn’t say “no peeking allowed” while she’s on her quest.

It’s a really big world out here and one day we’ll get to explore

But until we get a little bigger her advice we shouldn’t ignore

So everybody back inside and look as innocent as can be

One day soon we’ll be old enough we can truly run free!


Mom and Teddy quite often see VERY small squirrels just sitting on a tree branch or hanging on the side of a tree.   They are usually just looking around – kind of looking a little bit lost.   They are probably doing just what these little guys were doing…….sneaking a peek.    Checking out the great big world.    One day they will be old enough to really explore – run and jump and leap from branch to branch while Mom worries and hopes they come home for dinner!     

I hope you had fun writing a poem to go with these little ones……………………….if you did let us know in comments so we can read it!      I have a photo for you for NEXT Thursday.  By next week I think my Mom will be feeling a whole lot better.    Taking pain medication doesn’t necessarily mean “writing good poetry” so perhaps she will be able to write a more cohesive poem next week if she doesn’t need as much help with her pain.

Here’s next week’s photo:

Familiar?   I Love Lucy had a lot of hilarious moments but when Ethel and Lucy went to work in a candy factory – well – you just HAD to know something would happen right?    Have fun writing a poem for this photo!

Just a note from me (and Teddy) to thank all of you for all your wonderful emails, notes, cards, etc. while Mom was having her surgery and resting up after the surgery.    This will be a “process” and she’s by no means ready to run a marathon but she’s doing well with her walker and cane and in a couple of weeks she will be able to get around without them we hope.   Meanwhile, she is having to rest a whole lot, having Physical Therapy which is exhausting, and trying to away away from sitting hours at the computer.   SO, she will be back to blogging full time before you know it!   One thing we do know about our Mom – she WANTS to be blogging.     She misses all of you and your blogs.    She could never “catch up” on all she’s missed but she will leap back in and try to get back in the groove – yep – she’s like that!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

See you next week everyone!   We’ve missed you!   

Hugs, Angel Sammy


Hi Angel Sammy…….thanks for being here this week.   Mom did her best and I tried to help.     We’re just happy to see you again……….thanks for being Mom’s “Nurse Angel” while she was in the hospital and for helping me take care of her here at home!!!    

Love, Teddy


48 responses »

  1. Hidey Ho Angel Sammy and Teddy and your hip Mom!!
    I’m so thankful it is this week for her and not last week.
    Tell her to take all the time she needs we are all a captive audience since we basically go no where.
    I love your poem and next week’s makes me giggle just looking at it. That is one of my favorite Lucy episodes. If Mom’s feels like reading it my poem is here
    Hugs to you and the staff

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Second in line here, LOL!!!

    That was a good and fun poem that Sammy Sent! Loved it.
    We sometimes see baby squirrels here too…and I do think that some of them ventured too far away and became terrier prey…sigh…

    Nice to see you back in Blogville!
    And we pawray that those pain meds will do their work and that the new hip will start to cooperate better with your Mom, Teddy!


  3. I enjoyed yoor skeerl poem. We have one of them skeerls at our house. Very sassy. Sassy Skeerl is what we call him. I’m sending healing purrs to yoor Momma. Love, Dori


  4. I am so extra glad to hear from your mom today, Sammy and Teddy. Whew! Glad that’s over and I already know she is and will work hard! Can’t wait till she’s up and moving around comfortably. XXX
    Katie Isabella and Mom


  5. I am glad your mom was able to do a post today, but she should take as long as she needs to get back into blogging- her health is most important. That was a cute poem from Angel Sammy And I LOVE Lucy! I can’t wait to write a poem for next week. Hope your mom feels better every day. XO


  6. So HAPPY to see this post! HAPPY! You are missed here on the streets of Blogville.
    Teddy Boop, I am sending lots of good wishes, good thoughts and prayers that your Mom’s new hip starts behaving and her pain becomes less every ding dang day. Very, very cute poem, Angel Sammy! I have a thing for baby squirrels since we took in baby Squee a few years ago and took him to wildlife rehab. He kinda wobbled, too! You are doing a great job taking care of your Mom, Teddy!


  7. Hello, so good to see your post. Loved the poem Angel Sammy. We’ve missed you but we knew why. Hope the pain pills plus PT quickly get you going on your own. Today is a beautiful day. ☀️🥰


  8. We are so glad you are back to blogging too. This is a process and you will be walking without that walker in no time. We are thankful things went well for you as we worry about all our blog pals and parents and family and Everyone! Sammy that is a great poem and hit it out of the park. Teddy you look so dignified


  9. sam o bacon yur poemz grate !!! ♥♥

    ted o nator manee thanx for helpin dad and stayin IN trubull,:)

    best fishez two yur mom on her PT and heerz hopin bye next week
    at this time her legz knot feelin like ….hole lee $#!tz 🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥


    a three headed squirrelz
    thiz iz a horrorz moovee
    most lee tho for dawgz

    catz will think that squirrelz
    iz just az vizshuz az deer
    ask bull winkle mooze

    that mooze never got
    prop purr air time on tee vee
    neether did boris !

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It is good to hear your mom is doing well albeit wobbly, Teddy and Angel Sammy. Tell her blogging can wait. We will all still be here when she feels more comfortable to do it again. I daresay the PT is putting her through the wringer too.
    All my best to you, Pam.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. We hope those little mischievous squirrels don’t get stuck there or Mama Squirrel won’t be happy.

    And mostly we want to say we hope Mom is doing better each and every day.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  12. That was a cute poem. We’re all so thankful that the surgery went well and that you are they to help with the healing process Teddy. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  13. We think your poem is spectacular! We did not know that today is National Squirrel Day until we read it on another post. We always try to celebrate that, and I guess we did with our poem. Here’s the link:
    Mom says that is one of her favorite I Love Lucy episodes, and she hopes she can do it justice with a poem. Love and warm hugs to all, but especially Mom Pam. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  14. Glad you are okay. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. I was actually thinking about you today 😀

    Used to love I Love Lucy, my dad got me into a lot of the older shows and movies!

    Take care and see you soon x


  15. Hooray for the good news, i am praying for a swift and complete recovery.

    That’s a fun poem, i hadn’t thought about young squirrels on their first explorations.

    My poem is over here. You have amnesty from having to read it any time soon, or at all for that matter, if you simply can’t get to it. Trust me, under the circumstances, i get it.


  16. Grate poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy!
    An Teddy you are furabulss as Cheef of Cat Staff, lookin aftur Miss Pam.
    An Miss Pam mee iss endin POTP an lotss an lotss of **purrss**…
    LadyMew sendss her reegardss an lotss of pawsitive healin thottss too.
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


    • Thanks for the POTP ladies…..Mom really appreciates that so much! She feels a lot better today – still can’t put weight on the new hip but at least she can scoot around with the walker and cane. Sending you hugs!

      Love, Teddy


  17. Us and our Mom Barb are so furry haay that your Mom is recovering so well and that you dear Teddy are there to be the best cat nurse ever! We, along with many others have been purraying for a speedy recovery, and we are sending much love and strength.
    We gotta tell you that Sammy’s poem is terrific! We are hoping you all have a marvelous ply happy day!


    • Hi everyone! Mom is doing much better thanks. I’m sure my expert nursing skills have contributed to that…..I’ve been making her laugh and laughter is the BESTEST medicine right? Thanks for the well wishes – Mom appreciates them a lot and she’s going to try to get back into blogging this week.

      Sending you hugs!
      Love, Teddy


    • Thank you Layla………I’m just a bit impatient I think. I thought if I had my MIND made up that I would recover quickly (world record time…ha) that I COULD do it. Mind over matter. Problem was that my body wasn’t on board with that concept. So I’m taking my pain meds and relaxing a bit more. It’s a long process and I wanted it to be DONE so I could move on. Thank you for the encouragement!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


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