Teaser Halloween Style


“Perimeter check completed Professors – BRING ON THE HALLOWEEN FUN!”


Hello Students – and happy EARLY Halloween!    Have you COMMENTED???   I hope so!     Today is the BIG DAY for starting our Halloween celebration.     We have a spooky Teaser photo for you and a spooky lunch in the cafeteria from Miss Dingleberry and her cafeteria crew……….AND of course our Halloween Contest Poll which contains photos of those of you who decided to participate this year.     So we have LOTS going on!    Let’s get to it…………….

Bring it on!

Let’s get the preliminaries out of the way shall we?   Here are the rules for the Teaser photo location guessing AND the special Halloween badges you might just win if you try!     The Teaser photo is a very lonely and maybe scary photo but you still need to see if you can figure out WHERE the photo was taken.

“Allo!  It is I – Sarge in my Vincent Van Gogh costume.   I wish you students luck too!”

We want to thank our Graphics Department for today’s photo – it looks like a very lonely (and probably haunted) place!

Here’s the photo for today’s Teaser Professors.

Where was this photo taken???????

Now as if that wasn’t plenty of fun for our Halloween Teaser post for this year – we also have our fabulous Costume Contest!      How this works is that you can vote in this poll for ONE and only ONE favorite.   We know all of the entries this year are amazing and fun but you only get to pick your absolutely favorite to vote for.    AND you can only vote ONCE!    The poll will be open for voting all day and tomorrow we will announce the WINNER!      The Winner will get a surprise package and you know we ALL love surprises right?     They will also get a special badge indicating they were the BESTEST Costume in our contest……………



Let’s see what the Cheer Team has to say to prepare all of us for Halloween!  

Our post today is spooky
Or maybe a little kooky
The photo today is a little scary
Like Casper the Ghost or your Uncle Harry!
Put on those thinking caps and get to guessing
All our entries in their Halloween dressing!
Tomorrow we’ll see who wins Teaser and the Poll
Then we’ll go to Grumpy Cat Bar and rock-n-roll !!


Now – who’s up for having lunch???    Let’s go!!

Hope all you students are having a fun time in class today – we wish you luck in figuring out the Teaser AND in the costume contest!   Just a reminder that tomorrow we will have a SPOOKY lunch for you………



Your Professors

77 responses »

  1. We had an odd weekend and I cannot believe that Dad did not send in my picture with my costume. *Sigh* I guess I will furgive him as our friends are looking soooo good. The Professors, Clowie, Sarge, Cheer Team and Ms D all look amazing. May we have the Hot dogs and Burgers please because we need a lot of energy! Thanks so much professors. See you tomorrow to see how we did


  2. Oh Teddy. Your Halloween costume are impressive – and the artist is my favorite. It seems so fitting. Now about that picture. I know exactly where it is … It’s a place I haven’t been!!!!!


  3. Great cheer ladies and you all look great. I see Joanie has a lot of competition in the costumes- everyone looks fantastic. Have a wonderful day! XO


  4. For everyone who thinks I just make up those stories about man-eating otters guarding prisons…… there’s living proof of them right there! Look at them!!!! Those spooky orange eyes…. just waiting for some foolish inmate to try and swim their moat! It looks like they even stole one of the prisoners’ soap on a rope and made a noose out of it! EEEEEEK!!!!


  5. I’m far too late to be a first commenter, or first right guesser, but I agree that it’s Bodiam Castle.

    The security trainees were worried about all the witches and ghosts entering school today! 😀

    All the costumes are amazing. It’s hard to choose.


  6. Good Morning ☀️ We love the Halloween festivities. 🎃 We think the spooky place is Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, England!!! Now we will go back and check out the costumes a little more 👻 and VOTE 🗳


  7. We came by early but not early enough to be first. Then Mom wanted to try to figure out the Teaser, which she thinks she did, but then way too late to be first on that. Here is our guess: Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, Britain. Ladies, we are wondering if “Dong Dong” school is a joke or a boo-boo. Gave us a laugh. We are so excited to see that our precious Periwinkle and Stinky are winning the costume contest. Cooper Murphy is miffed, as we voted for them, and not Tyebe, who looks fabulous. Joanie is totally adorable. Great entrants this year. We are going to graze the buffet, and we will see you tomorrow. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Uhoh on Dong Dong School – my Mom was seeing double by the time she finished working on that blog and todays blog too. She’s on the computer too much these days!!!! Your guess on the Teaser is right so you not only are one of the winners of the costume contest BUT a right guesser!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • The internet has been extra weird lately – maybe so much STUFF floating around it’s delaying things appearing in our inboxes. I know I can send emails that used to go immediately to recipients that aren’t showing up for a day! Irritating isn’t it!


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