Thankful and Poetic Thursday


YAY – Thursday is here and time to share our thankfuls for the week – if you’d like to join us – click the badge above and link up…………………’s also Angel Sammy’s Poetic Thursday but that’s later…………..for now, I will repeat what I’ve been thankful for since the beginning of this roller coaster of a virus.    So far, Mom, Dad and I are healthy.   Mom and Dad are doing all the things we’ve been told they need to do to stay safe.   Hopefully they WILL stay safe and so will you!    We’ve seen people gathering in huge crowds and wondered “what are they thinking??”………….but everyone has a mind of their own and will do what they want.   My Mom and Dad are doing what seems to be the SAFEST.   They aren’t in a hurry to see Angel Sammy until “it’s TIME” to.

Speaking of Angel Sammy here’s his email which I received this morning from his laptop at the Rainbow Bridge………


Hello Poetic Friends……glad to spend a little time with you today!

We’ll share poetry – whatever you wrote with last week’s photo as inspiration – please let us know if you wrote a poem and give us your link so we can read it.    I keep hoping more of you who visit will DIVE IN the poetry pool and write a poem….might be for the first time – or not – but give it a try.   I bet you will be VERY PROUD of yourself and I know I will be proud of you too.

We angels have been keeping watch over all of you – it’s hard for us to see the confusion down there with rules and what humankind is willing to do to keep themselves safe as well as who has decided to just pretend it’s not happening and instead carry on as usual.    Our fear for you is that this virus will roar back like a lion………we hope not!    But please do take care of yourselves – the Bridge is a beautiful place but don’t be in a BIG HURRY to get here!   OK?   OK!  Now let’s do some poetry.

Here’s the photo I gave you to write a poem about last week……………followed by MY poem.  

“No Thanks!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©May 27, 2020


Some people long to touch the sky

Living like birds in trees on high

Buying a home on the 50th floor

Would certainly cause my heart rate to soar!

Cats like heights but this is a bit much

I like my paws on green grass with a gentle touch

Concrete and glass soaring high up in the air

Eye to eye with passengers in planes I’m sure they would stare!

There’s something to be said for having a view

But I just wouldn’t feel SAFE above Floor #2 !!


HAHA………….well maybe a little higher than the second floor but not that much – Mom and I talked about it and decided maybe as high as the 15th floor but no higher.    She’s been a lot higher in a hotel room with one of these see thru balconies and she thought it wouldn’t bother her to be out on it but it was (her words) “JUST TOO WEIRD”.     Well I guess we all have our limitations right?

Now here’s your photo for next week – you have a whole week to craft a poem to share based on this photo so start thinking now!    

I love this photo……… know when I’m looking for photos for our poetic fun there are SO many photos to choose from no matter what I THINK I have in mind – the “right one” always surprises me when I see it.  I know instantly it’s the one.     Well that happened today.    I hope you have fun with this one – I have tons of ideas already!

If you wrote  a poem for the photo from last week – please let us know and give us your link OR write it out in our comments – we want to know where your imagination took you……….and we’ll be anxious to see NEXT week how THIS photo inspires you.

Meanwhile please continue to stay safe………….do what the experts are telling you that you NEED to do to remain safe……………it’s not worth the risk……………….

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!


Love and Light, Angel Sammy


Thank you for visiting all of us again this week Angel Sammy.    I think everyone enjoys reading your poetry and seeing you – I know I certainly do!!!!

Hugs and love, Teddy


66 responses »

  1. Um…well, as you can see…I didn’t get to bed at 1 am…there is always something here…mostly my own trouble with being distracted!
    I would need to be distracted too, if I had to get on that balcony, MOL!

    This space so very high…
    makes me feel quite dizzy.
    My belly’s in a tizzy.
    I feel that I am nigh
    To having a spell…
    Oh well…
    I hope I won’t die.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I agree with you, Angel Sammy, that is far too high for me! I am happy with ground floor living. Next week’s photo is such a relaxing picture. I can picture myself lying back listening to the gentle lap of the water. My first thought was of the owl and the pussycat when I saw it.
    Your mom and dad are right, Teddy. Some people are being idiots ignoring social distancing etc. There is sure to be another wave so we have to look after ourselves first and follow guidelines to try and stay safe.


    • Funny you should say that about the Owl and the Pussycat -EXACTLY what my Mom thought……and what a lovely spot that would be for a quiet ride – hearing the lap of waves on the side of the boat….snuggling with a kitty or two or three………drifting along in a dream.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • My Mom was dizzy just looking at the photo too and we thought it might make an INTERESTING poetic opportunity! So far all humans think the same – UP THERE is for birds……DOWN HERE is for cats and people!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Cute poem today, Angel Sammy! I don’t think living up that high would suit me well, either! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the magical photo for next week’s inspiration! That will be a fun one to write.
    Enjoy your naps and hope you don’t have too much rain to keep you from outside today, Teddy!
    Here’s my poem for today:

    Poetic Thursday: Not As It Seems


    • Thank you for joining us for poetic fun – we loved your poem – we feel the SAME WAY………….we think the birds belong “up there” and we belong with our feet firmly on the ground!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


    • You are RIGHT! The higher up – the more time it would take to rescue you for ANY reason….no thanks……I like being FIRMLY on the ground !! I loved this photo when I saw it…………I also think next week’s is perfectly magical!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Looking at that picture again yesterday of the man leaning over and holding with one hand was another “NO” moment. Never…ever. He didn’t have any safety equipment did he? Whew. Mom and I are keeping our paws right here in earth.
    Katie Isabella


  5. That was a great poem. I will stick with only going up to the 2nd floor too. 🙂 Thanks to your mom for finding us great inspiration. I agree with her about sticking close to home for now. Have a great day! XO


    • Glad you liked the poem! Yeah it’s best to not take chances these days – time will come eventually when it will really be OK to mingle……….until then – we’ll just keep ourselves to ourselves!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. We totally agree with your thankful Teddy and the Angel Sammy poem was right on, that’s way too high. Love next weeks beautiful photo. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  7. MOL MOL MOL Angel Sammy floor # 2 is my preference too especially in hotels…LOL…not that I’ve been in one lately.
    Next week’s photo oh my…is quite whimsical. I will have to search into my mind’s eye.
    Hugs Cecilia


  8. Love the high-rise view and your poetry is always done so very well. Love next weeks photograph too. Romantic if you ask me.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥


  9. sam o bacon; if ya dinna hit de nail on de head with de hole burd reezon…….oh kay sure they bee at ground level on floorz one….. N in shrubree on floorz 3…. but ta hafta see fly byez all de time….NOE THANX !!!

    ted o nator; we iz glad ewe all iz still healtheez; itz de same heer; bee a lone ranger, ore knot…tho sum storez say, noe mask, noe servizz !!!! 😉

    N joy de week oh end N eat bacon a plentee ♥♥♥

    we saw a burd… up in de sky
    then 10,000 mor…. flew rite bye
    thiz kinda veew….. iz knot R groove
    ewe can bet….. itz time ta… moooove

    🙂 ♥♥


    • GREAT POEM!!!!! Yeah – I’m with ya there – and the little boogers would want to build nests on that balcony you can betcha……and poop all over everything……FORGEDDABOUDIT!

      Hugs and endless fish, Ted O Nator


  10. Mee-yow wow what a grate poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy!! Miss Pam LadyMew agreess with you above Floor 3 iss too much fore her….mew mew mew…
    Funny thing: LadyMew iss terryfied to fly inn an airplane butt shee LOVESS Hellycoprut ridess?!?!?! Weerd rite Miss Pam an Teddy?
    **purrss** BellaDharma

    Liked by 1 person

  11. We are thankful to have spent 12+ years with our little Sammy. We adopted him from our local shelter and he’s been a fit in our family. He liked snuggling with me on the couch and I am missing that. He left for the Rainbow Bridge yesterday morning about four am. So we now have an Angel Sammy too.
    We liked your poem. Heights aren’t for us either.


    • Oh Carol I’m so very sorry you lost your Sammy…..twelve years is a long time and the bonds that grow in that time are tight, strong and forever. Sending you a big hug – we know the pain – I hope he lets you know soon that he’s OK – they like to do that for their “special people” !!

      Love, Pam (and Teddy)

      Liked by 1 person

    • We loved your poem – just about everyone had the same “feeling” from this poem – “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!” I am adventurous for the most part but out on that balcony I’m afraid I just wouldn’t like it AT ALL. Thanks for playing poetry with us!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. I love your poem sweet Angel Sammy and we agree with you, second floor is high enough. It took Granny quite some time to visit her sister who lived six high. She also had a problem with height in this house, but she found a way to get over it as she has to clean the windows, right 😉 Pawkisses for a Happy Evening to all of you🐾😽💞 Oh, and here is our contribution for your wonderful blog


  13. No sickies here either, and for that we are all so very thankful.

    No way would you ever find any of us even visiting that sky high place – way too scary!!!

    Woos, Lightning and Timber


    • Hi Alberto…….you all please stay safe too – it’s kind of scary times. We’re spending more time outside than ever before (which I like!) and being THANKFUL for staying healthy so far.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

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