Sunday Selfies


Sunday!    Time to share our selfies.    Our hosts at The Cat On My Head want us to strut our stuff and celebrate Sunday together.  If you’d like to join in, click on their badge and fill in the linky form and you too will be a star selfie.

I’m doing another flashback today – Mom took a few photos of me this week but it seems the only time she has even HALF a chance of capturing me on film it’s when I’m asleep – and let’s face it – just how interesting can endless photos of a BIG GINGER CAT SLEEPING be?    As I look back in our photo files I’m looking for a photo of me taken about this same day of the month….and with my luck it will be yet another photo of me sleeping…………let’s see:

This is as close to today’s date as I could get and it’s an artified selfie Mom did of me on May 21, 2017 – that means I was 14 months old and had lived with them for two months then.   Gosh – was I really THAT LITTLE?     EVER?     Since it’s already artsy, we don’t have to do that – in fact I don’t know what Lunapic effect Mom used on this but I quite like the textures.

I did a puzzle of it for you as it seems back then Mom wasn’t yet doing jigsaws:

Click this MINI-ME picture to go directly to the JIGSAW and good luck!

Mom says we should take a minute to say we hope you are all in good health and being safe……stay that way OK???   Just remember this though:

Love, Teddy (and Mom too)


49 responses »

  1. That is a sweet selfie, Teddy, and you were little weren’t you! I like that artsy effect, and thanks for the puzzle.


    • Mom says she can’t believe how little I looked in those photos but at the time when they adopted me I was a BIG BOY at 11 months compared to the other kitties…….LOOOK AT ME NOWWWW! Holy cow!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just had to go back and look at that post. I remembered it and it is just as gingery good a second time! Love the toe beans! Love, love, love the good words today about how worrying stops you from enjoying the good. Enjoy your Sunday Teddy Boop and Family!


  3. Teddy, I really really like this effect. It accentuates you so well. And your thought about worry…it is very true. And we all need to remember that saying. XOX


    • Not so easy to remember when you’re already worried though!! Once things begin to settle down a little more, I think people will continue to worry but that will keep ALL OF US on our toes!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


  4. I love this one. We didn’t have internet or phone this morning. Internet was slow and then poof. Seems fixed now. Had an outage. Rainy day and 50’s. Enjoy your day.


  5. Of course you are gorgeous staring down the camera, T, but don’t kid yourself. The ginger-cat-sleeping-pictures make us feel serene and peaceful every time. Keep ’em coming!

    Love and licks,


  6. Teddy…you were still a kitten, and about the age Cooper was when he joined our family. Both of you were little elbows (autocorrect from who knows what – thought it was so funny, I left it) fellas back then. Cute…cute…super cute. Purrfect quote from Charlie Brown and Linus. Worry never accomplished anything. Thanks for always hopping with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Cooper and I were lucky gingers – Cooper had it a lot more tough than I did but he was smart enough to know where to go for help…….I just waited at the shelter for someone to take me home……both of us HIT THE JACKPOT!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Furabuluss artsy Selfie Teddy an Miss Pam!! LadyMew was doin a bit of this on Luanpick butt it was not as kewl as yoress!
    Wee stayin innside xcept fore beein on patio! LadyMew went out with Aunty Sheila an shee iss goin to stay home fore another 2 weekss. Shee beein furry carefull….
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  8. Pam, if you haven’t framed that photo/artwork of Teddy you sure need to!! I LOVE IT!!! He has the most precious face, he has a storybook kitty face! xoxo


    • Caren I’ve always thought that photo was a perfect “I’ve found my forever” kind of kitty face. It was just after we adopted him and a dear friend was here with a fabulous camera and a great eye for capturing PERFECT photos who took that. I wish I could do as well but I do love that photo of him and probably will do a canvas print to hang right next to Angel Sammy. HUGS HUGS and more HUGS!

      Love, Pam


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