Friendly Fill-Ins!



Happy Friday!   Ready to HOP?   I am.    This is a very fun hop co-hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs and if you’d like to have some fun filling in blanks with us, just click the badge above, and fill in the LINKY FORM!

We get two sentences from each co-host with blanks in them that we are supposed to fill.    This week Mom said I could fill in the blanks ALL BY MYSELF.    YAY for me!   My words are in RED.


1. I know spring is almost here when Mom doesn’t look like an Eskimo when she dresses to go outside with me for a walk!.

2. I find being out in the wind confusing.   (The wind blows really hard and I can’t smell danger – cats rely on their noses a lot!)

3. I have a strong opinion on how late my parents should stay up before going to bed – I will meow and meow and complain if they are up past a certain hour – I’m ready to go to bed even if THEY aren’t!

4. Wet cat food is the strangest thing I have ever eaten.   (Mom keeps trying to switch me from dry to wet food and I look at her like she’s got two heads or is nuts!)

There you have it – filling in by Teddy for a change.   I thought I could handle all the sentences by myself this week and I think I did OK don’t you?

Happy Friday!

Are you coming upstairs with me Mom?   Let’s go!!!  NAP TIME!

Hugs, Teddy

50 responses »

  1. You’re not alone in finding the wind confusing. It confuses our noses and our ears! I always increase the level of security when it’s very windy. My biped used to have a horse and she says they get more nervous than usual when it’s windy.


  2. I know that Eskimo look, Teddy. When I used to look after all the horses on full livery, I used to live in just Tshirts throughout the winter. Now I look more like the Michelin man when I go outdoors.


  3. You did a great job, Teddy!!! (And by the way, tell your mom not to push the wet food….. that’s ALL Sundae wants to eat these days…And dry food is much more convenient for us hoomans!)


  4. Teddy , thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You sound like my mom’s cat, she starts meowing at 7 PM for her to go to bed 🙂 Have a nice weekend! XO


    • Teddy comes into the living room where we are usually watching something on TV before bed and begins pestering us and if we ignore him he disappears for two minutes then comes back……and back……….and back until we follow him upstairs to bed! It’s not like he wants to sleep with us – he NEVER has…..he just thinks it’s OUR bedtime!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Teddy great fill ins…#1 was funny.
    I expect the texture to can food sends your taste buds into a tail spin. Sister of Angel Madi would never eat strawberries because she said they look like they had hair on them
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Not sure what the deal is with canned food but I really don’t like the smell – at least that’s how I act – like Mom has put something really YUCKY down in front of my sensitive nose!!!! Know what? Sister of Angel Madi was right because I’ve seen little hairs on strawberries too! 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Mew mew mew Teddy wee back to THE Eskimo/Inuit look here! Wee have had snow fore 2 dayss an nitess an now 3 feet of THE stuff! Mee not goin anywhere! FISHCAKESS!! It was sunny an 45 deegreess onlee on Monday….
    An yore so guud to make sure Miss Pam an THE Mistur go to bed at propurr time! They are like kittss an need boundariess rite? You look furry hansum inn yore stair foto too…..
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  7. MOL…you’re just like me, Teddy, when it’s time to go to bed they have to come with me, no matter what…I also tell them when it’s time to wake up…on my time…MOL😸You did excellent on your fill inns! Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞


    • Ted refuses wet and I’ve tried EVERYTHING. I used to feed Sammy twice a day and he didn’t really care much for dry food other than “treats” ! Cats…….they do have some stubborn moments! 🙂


  8. We are in Eskimo mode here right now, its only 24F at 330pm…and the sun IS shining…snd the wind is 20-30MPH….Brrr!

    Pipo used to only eat dry noms until he stopped eating, then he went to wet food, go figure. He does get meds to help him not throw up all over and another to get his appetite whetted about every 2 – 3 days. Sometimes now he eats both wet and dry. Kitties, you just never know, and his fave food today will be the disdained one tomorrow…sigh…At least he does well for the IBD and possible lymphoma diagnosed last year…we still are not using steroids…though I do get tempted to start them when he has barfing festivals like last week…then he’ll go days with none of that!

    Pipo’s strong opinion is that he despises those pups that co-habit the den with him…MOL!


    • I think we all kind of find our preference and if you humans try to take us off that path then we let you know it’s not working for us…..with a barfing festival or refusing to eat or whatever it takes to have things like we want them. On the other paw, if we have a medical thing happening all bets are off – we know our humans are trying to help us and we try to cooperate with whatever they are trying out on us. It’s a delicate balance!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Well kids one of these days – since your Mom is healing up so well – you might just be surprised to be tagging along with Mom again on a nice long walk. Just keep hoping…………! 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Good job with the Fill-Ins, T. I agree about the bad wind. Today, I was walking sideways like a crab because the wind was blowing me. I give Mom dirty looks on windy days because I think she is giving me a spanking when the wind hits my behiny.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake that’s so funny – but when you’re light as a feather like you and I are (well – maybe not ME but you are!) then the wind really gets us wobbling! You keep that behiny warm and just know that even if you’re walking like a crab, you still look like a pretty little girl pup!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. So you’re one of those kitties that goes to bed at the same time as the humans? Me too, and I hear we are a rarity. My human keeps late hours, so I usually nap for a while before she decides to head off to bed. But I’m right there in the morning, waking up when she does.


    • Mom says she’s always wondered if WE are adapting to our humans or if our humans are adapting to US….maybe it’s both things at the same time?? I like being up early in the morning with my Mom before my Dad even gets up……it’s “my” time with her!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • My Mom gets up super duper early – when I do – and goes to bed super duper early but that’s the schedule that I WANTED her to be on – nice that she cooperated isn’t it???!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Hi Kosmo – I really just don’t like wet food and poor Mom has tried every kind with no luck. We are thinking that that first 11 months wherever I was before winding up at the shelter where they adopted me, I probably only had dry stuff to eat so I got USED to eating it. I do sleep a lot every day – I have three or four fabulous nap spots and I rotate around each of them all day long. Now that Spring is coming I’ll spend more time on walks with my Mom and Dad and I do love that too!

      Hugs, Teddy

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