Tag Archives: let’s learn about each other!

Friendly Fill-Ins!



Happy Friday!   Ready to HOP?   I am.    This is a very fun hop co-hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs and if you’d like to have some fun filling in blanks with us, just click the badge above, and fill in the LINKY FORM!

We get two sentences from each co-host with blanks in them that we are supposed to fill.    This week Mom said I could fill in the blanks ALL BY MYSELF.    YAY for me!   My words are in RED.


1. I know spring is almost here when Mom doesn’t look like an Eskimo when she dresses to go outside with me for a walk!.

2. I find being out in the wind confusing.   (The wind blows really hard and I can’t smell danger – cats rely on their noses a lot!)

3. I have a strong opinion on how late my parents should stay up before going to bed – I will meow and meow and complain if they are up past a certain hour – I’m ready to go to bed even if THEY aren’t!

4. Wet cat food is the strangest thing I have ever eaten.   (Mom keeps trying to switch me from dry to wet food and I look at her like she’s got two heads or is nuts!)

There you have it – filling in by Teddy for a change.   I thought I could handle all the sentences by myself this week and I think I did OK don’t you?

Happy Friday!

Are you coming upstairs with me Mom?   Let’s go!!!  NAP TIME!

Hugs, Teddy