Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hello!   Happy Thursday!    We are officially back from a small “take a breath” break – I had fun at the SPA (kennel) and my Mom and Dad got “refreshed” being away for a few days to York, Maine.    Every year they desert me for that place – what’s the big deal????

OK – I get it – it’s beautiful and relaxing right?   OK.    

Now on with the show.   I’m THANKFUL that Mom and Dad are home and THANKFUL that we can get back into our usual routine.    I’m a creature of habit after all AND I missed them!

I was happy to see that Angel Sammy transmitted his regular Wednesday night email to me which contained his poem for this week’s Poetic Thursday.    Are you ready to read it?   I am.


Greetings Poetry Fans!   Ready to share?

I had a busy week keeping watch over not only Teddy at his kennel but my Mom and Dad as they enjoyed their usual getaway spot for a few nights in Maine.    I remember being the one who had to stay at the kennel when they went so I kept Teddy company (secretly of course) while he was there.     

Did you write a poem this week for the photo I gave you last week?    Indian culture has always fascinated my Mom – that’s why I chose this photo for this week.    


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©October 10,2019

Tribal customs of every type

Colorful beads and peace pipes

Guidance from spirits great and small

Prideful poses – standing tall.

Deep rooted beliefs, honorable and just

Protective of the land, a “careful” trust

Then came the visitors who decided to stay

The Indians’ lives re-fashioned in a very big way

Over time things changed for the tribes of old

One thing has remained – their spirits are still bold.


Here is a little updated information about Indians in my home state of Virginia…….

For the last 18,000 years, Native Americans have lived in Virginia. The European colonists dramatically disrupted the societies they encountered, but Native Americans have lived in Virginia ever since the Ice Age.

In 2016, the Bureau of Census estimated there were 29,225 Virginia residents who identified as “American Indian and Alaska Native.”

There was a massive demographic impact to Native American populations after permanent English settlement began in 1607. The exact numbers are less clear than the impact, but there may have been 50,000 or so Native Americans in Virginia in 1607. About 15,000 Algonquians lived under Powhatan’s control in Tsenacommacah, and perhaps 10,000 others on the Coastal Plain.

As a result of the demographic changes since the Europeans arrived and legalized discrimination, including the Racial Integrity Law of 1924, the Totero, Gingaskin, and many other tribal groups have disappeared as organized communities. All Native American societies were disrupted and populations dramatically decreased. Despite the assaults, as one member of the Chickahominy tribe has noted, “Well, we’re here. We never left.”

Many died from disease and starvation, after being forced from traditional homelands by colonists seizing land for farms. Others died in direct conflicts with the English. Constant small-scale murder and skirmishes were interrupted by occasional large-scale wars, including major uprisings in 1622 and 1644 and brutal suppression during Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676.

Many original Virginians migrated as individuals or family groups to the north, west, or south, away from the encroaching English. They joined the Iroquois, Shawnee, and Cherokee, losing their distinct identity as members in traditional Virginia tribes.

Currently there are 11 state-recognized tribes. All but one are located east of the Blue Ridge. The Monacan use Natural Bridge State Park to display their culture, but most members live in the Blue Ridge rather than in the Valley and Ridge province.


Interesting huh?    Anyway, this was fun research and a FUN poem to write……………………..we hope you have written a poem today?  Please share with us that you did by putting your link in our comments.    I have another photo for you for NEXT week……… it is:

Let your imaginations take a trip into poetry land and see what you come up with to go with this photo for next week!!    Hope to see you here then.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

See you  next week from the Rainbow Bridge – Love, Angel Sammy


Thank you Angel Sammy……I love “hearing” you every week……Hugs, Teddy

48 responses »

  1. I am from the State of Virginia too. Roanoke. I thought I was well informed regarding American history but I absolutely knew none of this! I am very glad to have learned it. I had no idea!
    Katie Isabella

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am glad your folks had a good time. I sure had a wonderful time with them. Excellent poem. Indians do have such a rich culture despite all they have been through. Next week’s looks like fun- thanks to your Mom for finding such great photo prompts. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Miss Cecilia I sure missed my Mom and Dad and was very happy to see them yesterday when they rescued me from the kennel – BUT I have lots of friends there and they didn’t want me to leave either – such nice people and they all came out to say goodbye to me! Now it’s just us at home together again. NICE!!!

      Hugs, teddy


    • They could hear the waves from their room at the Inn and said the leaves were SOOOOOOOO pretty like a “real” Fall (which we don’t have here because the drought has made our leaves UGLY and brown!). They also ate lots of wonderful seafood (didn’t bring me any back though) and relaxed (while I was being pampered at the kennel). Now we’re all home and happy and together again – like it should be!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooh, Teddy, the native American ceremonial clothing was sure colorful and pretty. I imagine the tribes are very disappointed and sad about how white man has transformed the natural environment over the years.


    • I’m sure that even though their culture is alive in their words, customs and stories, they wish they could roam the land as the “kings” they once were instead of being stuffed on reservations. Sad.

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. I am glad your mum and dad had a lovely time and hope they are feeling refreshed.
    That is a lovely poem, angel Sammy, and the history is very interesting.


  5. Vacations are so much fun, i’m glad your folks got away for a bit.

    Very good poem and great information. It’s sad the way Natives were treated around the globe whenever Europeans moved in.

    Next week’s picture looks like one i will have fun with!


  6. Meow meow grate poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy! As mee LadyMew iss an Honorary Ojibway shee an mee rote our own poe-em…

    “Mother Earth’ss Heartbeat”

    “Listen to THE drum…
    it callss you to dance.
    Listen to the Spiritss
    they don’t call by chance!
    With efurry drumbeat
    Dancerss dance on
    With every song
    dusk ternss to dawn.
    Wee dance fore THE Earth,
    We dance fore THE Sky.
    We dance for the Water,
    please do not run dry.
    As THE drummer’ss drum an sing
    Wee hear only one sound,
    Wee here Mother Earth’ss heartbeat
    Her heartbeat makess our werld go ’round!”

    bye BellaDharma an LadyMew

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Sammy, that is one of your best poems ever, and all your poems are wonderful. And Mom and all of us really appreciate your thorough research and sharing about Native Americans in his area, especially as we live in Virginia. Mom wrote a tiny haiku.

    colorful costumes
    each is wearing a number
    a competition?

    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We wondered a bit about the numbers too but thought maybe it WAS a competition – probably for “best” native dance maybe? Beautiful costumes though and Indian culture is super interesting! Thanks for pawticipating in our Poetry Thursday every week!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Teddy, we are so glad you had a nice time at the spa, and that your mom and dad had a lovely vacation. Angel Sammy, what a purrfect poem! I have always been so intrigued by Native American history and culture. I remember really enjoying learning about them in school, and luckily my teachers spent a lot of time on the topic. And the new prompt is going to lead to such fun poems! Purrs!


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