Friendly Fill-Ins


Greetings fellow cats!   Time for us to fill in the blanks…………………every week our co-hosts, 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs give us two sentences each to fill in the blanks.   When we fill in the blanks, we wind up telling a lot of stuff about ourselves and that’s what makes it so much fun!

Here are this week’s sentences from our co-hosts and this week I decided I would fill all the blanks in by myself with no help from Mom!    My own words are in BLUE.


1. Never have I ever run away from home – Mom and Dad keep a close eye on me when I’m outside.
2. I won’t eat a cricket again.  (After eating several of them this past summer and barfing, I decided there are better snacks than crickets!)
3. I believe I have good knowledge of how to get my way with my Mom AND my Dad (but don’t tell them I said that).
4. Our car is my worst enemy. (Whenever I am put into it, it takes me to the vet so I don’t trust it……I also do NOT like seeing things go whizzing by outside the windows)

Ta Da!   All done and I did them all by myself………well Mom had to use her fingers on the keys but I dictated my answers.    We are a good team………….Speaking of that, I think it might be time that I went to find her and get her to take me outside.   Earlier this morning we were out but I saw some deer in the woods and they kind of scared me.   Don’t tell anyone I said that though or they will think I’m a weeeeenie!).
Happy Friday!

Hugs, Teddy the Dirtball


49 responses »

    • Teddy looks ridiculous hopping after crickets that sneak into our basement. He’s good at “eliminating” them but I’d rather they not sneak in at all – we open the basement door and they think they own the place!!

      Hugs, Pam


  1. Teddy,

    That’s good that you’ve never tried to run away. I remember when I was a little girl I made a threat to run away and my mother asked if I needed help packing my bag. I was shocked and then I didn’t want to run away. 🙂

    Eating insects in some cultures is considered a delicacy but it makes me nauseous just thinking about such things. I’m glad you’re giving it the crickets, now Jimny won’t have to hide from you. lol

    Oh, you little stinker. So, you have the mom and dad wrapped around your little paw? I never accomplished that with my parents ever. But, my little brother had them hooked, especially with my daddy or so it seemed. I might be remembering wrong.

    I don’t like seeing things go whizzing by me when I’m in a car, either. There are so many crazies on the road and it’s unbelieve the stupid things people do. They don’t care that they are driving a death machine. These boob heads think they have the skills of a NASCAR driver when in reality they have none at all. They just do dumb things.

    Have a funtastic week!


    • You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO right about those boob heads driving cars. My Dad gets very grumpy when someone is tailgating him or cuts him off or honks their horn because they think he’s going too slow. People are in such a big fat hurry these days!! We cats have the right idea…nice and easy – lots of naps – treats just for being cute – it’s ALL good (unless we have to go to the vet).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Teddy Bean, crickets are not a good choice. Z Cat used to try to eat crickets with the same result as you. NoBODY is going to think you are a weeenie. It’s okay to be afraid of things. Sometimes life is scary. BUT, this morning it is beautiful in Floridadeedooooooooooo… humidity and dew point down and sunny with no rain today! Almost, just almost feels like fall. Well, it’s Florida’s idea of fall!


  3. We don’t get many crickets here, but lots of grasshoppers. Eric used to love them and would spend hours catching and eating them in the summer.
    Of course you are not a weenie for being afraid of the deer. All cats of a certain age remember Skeezix warning of the vishus deer who were always looking for juicy and tender young cats. Angel Sammy will tell you all about it.


  4. Great fill-in answers, Teddy I think I would change my snack habits too. It is OK to be afraid sometimes we all are. Have a good weekend to you and your pawrents.


  5. The car is a foe of urs too. It only goes to the vet so we don’t like it. Your answers are right on Teddy. I have never seen a cricket here Teddy. It has to be warm for crickets and this summer was cool and unpleasant. Last year was my first summer and it was much warmer.



    • Tyebe be glad you don’t have a lot of crickets. They usually appear here in late summer. They’re sneaky. When Mom opens the basement door to let me out for some air, they sneak in. The basement is my “territory” though so I hunt them down and eliminate the noise. HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Teddy, you did a fabulous job with those fill-ins. Don’t you take your vishus dear repellent with you when you go on your walks/yard explorations? Hope you enjoy your outside time today. It is gorgeous here. And we love your photo….you are facing the camera and your eyes are open! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know what you mean about my photos – usually I’m asleep on my back OR not looking at the camera! Once in a while I cooperate………..It’s been so nice outside but we are about to get another blast of HOT next week. It’s been nice though………!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Your fill-ins are purrfection, Teddy! Can you maybe convince our pup Astrid to stop eating crickets? She seems to have an addiction to them. Purrs!


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