Selfie Sunday Hop


TIME FOR THE HOP!    Yes indeed – Sunday we join The Cat On My Head for their Selfie Hop and spend the day admiring all the other selfies of those who join in the fun.   Want to be one of them?  Click the badge above and link up.

You know me – I’m all about FLASHBACK SELFIES – maybe because most of the photos of me aren’t good for selfies – it’s the SAME OLD SAME OLD THING – me lying on my back asleep.    Mom is FIXATED.   I can’t stop her!    So we resort to flashbacks where – in my younger days – I didn’t ALWAYS spend time flat on my back.

Now when I looked at Mom’s computer files there wasn’t a photo of me around THIS time taken so I had to cheat a little and “borrow” a photo from September – This one is from September, 2017 – so I was only living in  my new home for seven months at the time.    Yes I’m on my back – don’t say it – I know – my habit started early didn’t it.   The other thing about this photo is that the “rag” by my leg is what was left of Angel Sammy’s favorite white mouse toy.   I had pretty much destroyed it by this time and Mom had to put “bandages” on it to hold it together.   Thankfully my Dad had a whole lot of old handkerchiefs that he gave to her to whack up for “bandages” !    I really loved that mouse literally TO PIECES!    Also as you can plainly see, the perfectly good and totally solid red tent was torn into rags by yours truly by then.   Yes I was a little bit lively for an 11 month old when I first got here……and have loved every single minute since.

So having said all of that………………Mom decided NOT to “artify” this photo for my Sunday puzzle – we just loaded it up and made one from this shot!


Good Luck and Happy Sunday Hoppers!!   

Love, Teddy


61 responses »

  1. You sure loved to play and work those toys of yours, Teddy, I dont think I have destroyed any of mine, though Mrs H has when she has been too keen with the vacuum or trodden on one of my nip bananas, MOL
    Have a great week.


    • Yes I hear you ERin….my Mom has squished her share of my toys by not paying attention where she puts her big old feet! I, on the other paw, have dainty little toesies and never squish a thing!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Aw, you knew right away that you were in your furever home, didn’t you??? I remember how very happy my mom was when she found out that you’d adopted your mom and dad!
    Love, Sundae


  3. are so cute. I love photos of you on your back- I love all photos of you. Thank you for the puzzle. I am off to start it. XO


    • I have a whole basket full of toys from Angel Sammy BUT somehow I really zeroed in on his white furry mouse when I very first got here – before long it was falling apart so Mom “fixed him” for me. HAHAHA It basically is a pile of rags but I sure loved it a whole lot. We still have it but Mom put it on a shelf so it can be part of a shadow box she’s making for Angel Sammy’s “stuff”.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yep – still have that torn up red thing in my Mom’s closet…..and the bandaged up white mouse is part of the shadow box display Mom has been saying she was going to make since Angel Sammy left us!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Mew mew mew ‘angel’ Sammy wuud bee so purroud of you playin with his mousie an his tent!! Mee has started playin with ‘angel’ Aunty Nylablue’ss ‘Binky” mousie….
    Yore Selfie iss adoorabell.
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  5. Wow Teddy you sure know how to have fun!! And then nap time ahh that tummy needs some skritches… Love and purrz from the Katie Katz.

    Do stops by KFM Newz and reads on how to help your humans keep that cute tummy safe!


  6. Hiya Teddy and your cute tummy! We fixed our linkie to our name! So now WordPress bloggers can find us… purrz from the Katie Katz (we may try to cross post in WordPress and Blogger like Erin does soon as we figure out how… Purrz from the Katie Katz.


    • Hi there! Thanks for visiting to see my belly shot. I tend to have a lot of those since I practically LIVE on my back! We will check out your new linkie……I’m guessing cross posting isn’t too tough – and I ber ERin will help you…..

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, you know we love that tummy of yours. You can show it to us everyday. And, of course, we are delighted that you hop with us. Mom and all of us send lots of love to you and your mom and dad. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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