Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thankful and Poetic Thursday!    First, let’s talk thankful…….because I am – as always.   My Mom and Dad decided NOT to do any fireworks in our front yard for July 4th – now that’s something to be thankful for.   There are neighbors who do them every year but if they’re not in my front yard, I’m happy.    Mom and I will BOTH be thankful when we hear that Brian’s Dad has had a successful melanoma surgery yesterday too.    My Mom has had two melanomas so we know how important it is to have that taken care of.   We’re sending Mr. Terry a healing hug.    If you’d like to tell the world what you’re thankful for – just click Brian’s badge and fill out the linky form.   Easy right?

We got an email from Angel Sammy too – with his usual Thursday poem AND a new photo for NEXT week!


Ready for Poetry?  I hope so!

Hello friends…………I hope you will hop on the poetic bandwagon and share the poem you wrote to go with last week’s photo I gave you.    I wrote one……..and if you did, let us know in comments so we can come visit your blog and read it!    So much fun letting our imaginations run wild when we see a photo isn’t it?   

Here’s the photo I gave you last week followed by my poem based on the “vibe” I got from the photo…………ready?

“Magical Night”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell     ©July 3, 2019


A chill in the air on this foggy night

A light snow falling – a magical sight

As I walk ‘neath the bows of the trees all around

I realize the snow has muffled all other sound

Street lights cause shadows but still light my way

The quiet is refreshing after a noisy day

This estate is a beauty – what a venue for a wedding

As I walk down this road that’s where I am heading

This walk that I took is just what I needed

I’ve made up my mind and heart warnings I’ve heeded

When I get to the parking lot I will jump in my car

I won’t stop again until I’ve gone quite far

You see I heard laughing in the barn as I walked by today

As I walked through the door I heard my Fiancé say

“Don’t worry about her, it’s YOU that I adore!”

Then my Maid of Honor said, “please kiss me once more!”……

Before my walk I left him a letter

Said I was glad I found out and that I deserved so much better…..

Magical night this has been – my head clear from worry

Driving back down this driveway in my car…..and home I will hurry.


OK – I know this is not what you expected especially from me because most of my poems are fun or funny but this one is DEEP and I saw that lonely figure in the distance in the photo and thought this COULD be a scary photo but also COULD be magical in some way.    It also is not what I started out writing – poetry has a way of taking you places you might not have though of.    Gathering your strength to do something needs deep thought and what better place than on a quiet road and what better timing than before you’ve taken THE BIG STEP to marry someone????!!!!!     Anyway, I hope you like it.

Here’s your photo challenge for NEXT Thursday and I hope that you can find something in it that speaks to your creative side and you’ll write a poem to go with the photo!

This one ought to be fun for poetry don’t you think?    Nothing quite as exciting as that first kite…………so I hear anyway!    Give writing a poem a chance………I think you will like it.   

Today is July 4th back there on Earth…….we don’t really celebrate it up at the Rainbow Bridge but we all share memories around the Rainbow Bridge campfire every day – nobody here liked all the noise and fireworks but we still miss being around our humans and all those great big smiles and picnics (there was always some little morsel or two for us!).    Here’s a photo of ME all dressed up for a 4th of July long ago……………

Happy 4th to those who are celebrating and to those who aren’t – HAPPY THURSDAY!  See you next week!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Sammy


Thank you Angel Sammy………..another great poem.    I will be sure and look for picnic morsels when Mom and Dad have their hot dogs today for the 4th……I’ll get a bite for YOU and for ME!    We miss you………….

Hugs, Teddy


41 responses »

  1. Bravo! You sure surprised me at the end. Here is my poem:
    While many are out on a warm summer night ,
    I prefer to stay inside and avoid a mosquito bite.
    Enjoy those fireworks,
    I will be dreaming of winter’s perks.
    Warm weather may make plants grow,
    but I much prefer the cold and snow.

    I love next week’s photo and hope to have a similar one of The Great One next week. Happy 4th to you and your folks! XO

    Liked by 2 people

    • Love love love your poem!! Well done and I prefer to stay inside too (for the same reason!). I don’t think they will be able to have any fireworks around here – Trump says he’s going to have fireworks even if it rains so I wonder how THAT will work out but out here it will be QUIET!!!!!!

      Love, Pam


  2. Mee-yow wow ‘angel’ Sammy this iss a speck-tackular poe-em!! LadyMew an mee are so amazed!! Yore a grate poe-et an wee think thiss iss one of yore bestest EFURR!!!
    Happy 4th of July to you an yore Pawentss too. **purrsss** BellaDharma

    Mee goin to try mee paw at this photoe!

    “Walkin Alone”
    “Inn THE kewl of this nite,
    Not a purrson inn site
    mee walkss THE path alone…
    lookin fore a furr efurr home.
    THE treess purrtect an comfert mee
    THE litess well come an help mee see…..
    One day mee will find mee place,
    One day mee will have mee own space;
    butt fore now mee walkss alone,
    lookin fore a furr efurr home.”

    bye BellaDharma July 4th, 2019

    Liked by 3 people

  3. We were so happy when we read that Brian’s dad, Terry’s, melanoma had been removed successfully. We are saving our poem for tomorrow. Sammy’s poem really did surprise us. It is thundering her…almost as loud as fireworks. Happy 4th. Hope you get some morsels today, Teddy. Love to all, XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That WAS a unique twist on the photo, but we have to say you did it very well. You have a great way with words – there is a fantastic muse in your soul.

    Happy Fourth of July!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    Liked by 1 person

    • So wonderful to hear from the Woos! I hope everyone is well and happy for the 4th. Glad you liked the poem – it sort of just “happened” and wasn’t the direction I thought it would take either – sometimes when you write surprises happen!

      Love, Pam


    • We had a nice one – hot but rainy and humid – but mostly the rain stopped a lot of the fireworks in our neighborhood! YAY!

      Hope yours was good too…………
      Love, Teddy and Mom


  5. sam oh bacon…..yur poem total lee rox N we hope de… fee onz say… getz mare reed ta….. mizz ree ….N we hope de gal finded her troo lovez ♥♥♥

    ted oh nator we hope ya hada quiet nite; gettted sum hot dawgs; cuzin daiz lovez em & heerz two a grate week oh end ~~~~ ♥♥♥


    R storee startz heer
    waz a dark N stormee nite
    wait, itz knot rain

    oh, well, & we wunder if that purrson is comin thiz way; goin that way
    or just standin still…..


    • That’s a great haiku and we hadn’t thought about that SHADOW in the photo – coming? Going? Mirage? Who knows but then that’s the fun of POE-AT-TREEE right? ANYTHING can be right because it’s all in the eye of the beholder/writer!!!!! I took a sniff at the hot dog Mom offered me from the picnic they had and gave her the “ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME???” look. So she gave me a treat instead. Hope you all got plenty of FUNZIES and FOOD!

      Love, Ted-o-nator


  6. Hah! That poem of yours reminded petcretary of the boyfriend almost fiancée that she ‘dumped’, after three years, but…well never mind, but at least it wasn’t for any reason like that barn maiden…

    PTL for Brian, and we send pawyers and POTP for him to heal well, and to not ever have a recurrence


    • I think a lot of us have a story similar to the “barn maiden”……I’ve always said “things turn out the way they’re supposed to”…….!! We hear Brian’s Dad Terry is doing well post-surgery and we too hope he doesn’t have to go through that again.

      Hugs, Pam


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